NoFap - Should I Reset? (This is When You Reset On NoFap)

nofap relapse porn relapse

Are you wondering when to reset on NoFap?

Did you just do something that you're not entirely sure if it counts as a relapse or not?

And now you are wondering, should I reset or not?

Well, if so, you are in the right place, because today we are going to talk about when to reset on NoFap.

NoFap - Should I reset?

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

For those of you who like counting days on NoFap, let’s talk a bit about when you should reset your counter and when you should just keep going.

Yeah so the first obvious answer is, of course, it depends on what you are using your counter for.

If you are using your counter to keep track of how long ago your last relapse was...

If you are using your counter as a tool to keep track of how long ago your last relapse was then obviously you should reset if you relapse, I mean otherwise you are just fooling yourself. 

Now, a more interesting question is of course what counts as a relapse?

What counts as a NoFap relapse?

And that again depends on your rules, because a relapse is when you intentionally break your own rules.

So, if your goal is no masturbation and no porn, then, yes, you should reset your counter if you do any of those. 

What about if I have a wet dream?

A wet dream is not something you do intentionally, so I would never consider that as a relapse.

What about if I unintentionally happen to see porn?

The same goes if you unintentionally happen to see some adult content.

You know, if you are surfing on the net and you click on something that takes you to an adult site, without you knowing it, and you then happen to be exposed for 5 seconds and you shut down the page, then no, that’s not a relapse.

If you intentionally seek out porn or porn substitutes...

However, if you intentionally seek it out, and even if you just consume it for 4 or 5 minutes, then yes, in my book that is a relapse and you should reset your counter. 

Now, I have to address one more thing because I get questions about it, and it does not make any sense to me.

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What's done is done, and what you do with your counter after that doesn't make a difference to your brain...

Believe it or not, but I often get questions like, for example, "Oh no! I just relapsed. Can I just keep going or do I have to start over? I have an important exam on Wednesday and I want to be sharp so can I just keep going?"

Ok guys, so, I honestly have to say that if you are asking me questions like that you are not really using clear thinking.

What do you mean by “start over”? 

Do you mean, forgetting everything you have learned about rebooting so far and pretending you just found out about NoFap?

If so, then no! 

Do you mean, bingeing for a few days so that you can start from zero on Monday?

If so, then no!  

And, if you are strictly talking about the counter I still do not understand your thought process,because as far as the exam goes, what difference does it make if you reset or not, because the relapse already happened - and you can’t change the past !?!

Resetting on NoFap doesn't change the past, nor does NOT resetting.

Look, this line here is the time-span and let’s say here is the relapse that you told me about.

Now, that relapse already happened and that post relapse brain will look the same no matter what number you put on your counter.

Let’s say your relapse was a nasty 7 hour binge on Monday.

And let’s just say as an example that the nasty binge knocked out 3% of your dopamine receptors (this is just an example). Well, since the relapse already happened, your brain is going to have about 3% less dopamine receptors on during your exam no matter what you decide to do with your counter.

So, why are you even asking me that question?

Because, as far as the exam goes, the question doesn’t make any sense - because you can’t change the past. 

This is what you should do after a NoFap reset...

Now, aside from the example, what you can and should do is to write down how the relapse happened.

You know, all the steps leading up to it, in order to help you avoid it in the future. And then just do your best during the exam. 

Eat healthy, do physical exercise and meditate in order to help your brain the two days leading up to your exam.

That's pretty much all you can do here because, again, you can’t change the past, no matter what number you decide to put on your counter. 

If you need help with NoFap relapses...

Alright I hope this made sense to you all and, if you need my help with relapses you can always reach out to me for a 1 on 1 coaching call.

I have a 4 step porn crushing system that I share with my coaching clients and it has already helped a lot of guys quit relapsing. 

This is a system that I have been modifying for a while now and I have to say the results are impressive, guys are really getting good results with it.

And if some of you now are wondering why I don’t share my system in my YouTube videos, then you need to understand that a coaching session with me takes anywhere from 50-90 minutes - depending on the person, because this is a system that I tailor specifically to the individual during my coaching session.

And that’s why it’s working so well and this is obviously not something I can do in an 8 minute video here on YouTube.

 Anyway, if you want to stop relapsing you can find the link to my coaching page right here.

Alright, consider subscribing for more helpful videos and as always I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself. 

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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