Let Serotonin Help Reset Your Dopamine (Try This Out)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits

Did you know that serotonin helps reset your dopamine?

This is why it would be smart to divide your day into being more dopamine driven during the first part of your day while making the second half be more serotonin focused.

Check this out...

Let Serotonin Help Reset Your Dopamine 

When I started dividing my day into a dopamine part and a serotonin part, my life instantly took a turn for the better.

So, stay with me here because I'm going to show you something that might perhaps do the same for you.

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

This channel is about discovering interesting bio hacks and smart self-improvement tricks in order to build a stronger self. So consider subscribing, click on the bell icon, and let's get going.

Dopamine helps you achieve your goals...

Alright, so most of you already know that dopamine is highly responsible for giving you motivation and drive to go for things in life.

It puts you in "go-go" mode and thus helps you work on your goals, go out and socialize, and just improve your life in general.

Yeah, so dopamine is amazing, and we really want it to be working for us in an optimal way.

And just for the sake of driving home a point later on, let's look at dopamine as your brain's currency for a while here, okay?

So now, I personally like to view my days as having the first half of the day be dopamine-driven. And then the second half of the day, I want to be more geared towards serotonin.

Because check this out...

Did you know that we have something called the readily available pool of dopamine?

Dopamine can start running low...

You see, whenever we do things that are dopamine-driven, it is like we are spending a bit of that dopamine currency. And by doing so, we can actually start to run low for a while.

Now, this is not the same as desensitization, as I've been talking about in some of my videos. But it's actually dopamine itself that needs some time to refill after we've been using it.

And here's the deal...

Serotonin helps reset your dopamine...

Serotonin actually helps to refill dopamine.


So, if during the second half of the day, you do things that are more serotonin-driven, then you will actually help refill your dopamine piggy bank.

Now obviously, this is very simplified, but the core message works.

Be focused and driven during your first half of the day, be in that dopamine "go-go" mode while you're working on your goals. But then when the evening comes, slow it all down and enter into serotonin mode.

How to enter serotonin mode...

And here are some things that will put you into serotonin mode...

  • Go for a walk
  • Spend some time in nature
  • Write a gratitude journal
  • Talk to a friend and try to see if you can help him or her in some way
  • Use an acupressure mat
  • Get a massage
  • Let the sun shine on you
  • Be mindful with everything you do for the rest of the day
  • Make a good dinner while being mindful and without listening to or watching your phone
  • Turn off your phone and internet for two to three hours at the end of your day.

Yeah, so all these will help to ramp up your serotonin.

And remember, serotonin will then help reset your dopamine and refill the readily available pool of dopamine, so that you feel full of energy and drive again the next morning.

And then you once more go into that "go-go" mode and completely attack all your goals.

Don't use social media all night long...

However, if you keep using social media, which is dopamine-driven by the way, all the way to the very last second of your day, well then the readily available pool of dopamine might not be fully restored the following day.

I'm telling you guys, once I started looking at my days like this, I started to see vast improvements in my ability to work and get stuff done.

And hey, what do you think it'll do to your sleep quality?

Well, I'm pretty sure every one of you understands that the serotonin evening will help you sleep so much better. And high-quality sleep is perhaps the best thing you can give yourself if you want to be firing on all cylinders the following day.

Alright, I hope you found this informative. And as always, if you need my help with your PMO reboot, then there's a link to my coaching page right here.

And also, consider subscribing for more informative videos. 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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