Should You Punish Yourself When Relapsing? (Porn Addiction / NoFap)

nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if you should punish yourself when relapsing on your NoFap journey?

Or if you should punish yourself if you happen to relapse when you're trying to quit porn?

Well, this is what I'm talking about in today's video, so stay with me to the end here...

Should You Punish Yourself When Relapsing (Porn Addiction / NoFap)

There are many things I did wrong in the beginning of my NOFAP journey. For example, one thing I regret is that I didn't seek any kind of support in the beginning. 

Anyway, eventually, I got the courage to tell my best friend that, "Hey, it looks like I'm a bit addicted to adult sites because, well, I have been trying to stop using them for quite some time now, but I always end up going back to them." This was a big relief as she was very understanding of my issue.

Now, even though telling someone was a relief and a good step forward in my recovery journey, I didn't stop relapsing.

That time when I tried to come up with a system to punish myself for relapsing...

And speaking of my friend and relapses, I remember one time after a nasty relapse, I was so tired of everything that I thought to myself, "I need to punish myself for relapsing somehow so that I can really teach my brain that there will be big consequences if I do this."

So, I contacted my friend and I told her, "I would like to make an agreement with you that every time I relapse, I have to pay you money as a punishment for my brain."

Now, I do not remember the exact amount I suggested; it was something ridiculous. But I clearly remember her response. She said, "Isn't the pain of relapsing punishment enough?" 

The pain of relapsing is punishment enough...

Oh man, I have to tell you guys, this is why she has always been my best friend and still is to this day. 

And she was right, the negative effects adult sites can bring is definitely punishment enough in and of itself. And stacking more pain on top of pain is just not a humane way to go about this. And what's more, for most people, it doesn't even work.

You see, as I started to read more about addiction and recovery, sure enough, I could see that my friend was right from the very beginning. One of the biggest causes of suffering in life is already negative thoughts we have about ourselves.

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If you're being too hard on yourself you're just going to want to escape even more...

And if you start being too hard on yourself after a relapse, you're going to want to escape that pain even more.

And how do you escape?

That's right, into more low-value dopamine activities, such as binging on adult sites.

Yeah, I just wanted to share this short story today as it's Sunday, and I know both from experience and doing coaching that most relapses happen on weekends. So, my point is, if you just relapsed this weekend, don't punish yourself.

If you relapse, do something constructive instead...

Do something constructive instead, like modifying your rebooting plan or something like that, but in a smart and kind way, of course.

Alright, I want to publish more videos as I know many guys on this journey want to have some kind of daily reassurance, like a rock of security to hang on to and help them keep on track. 

So, I will do my best to provide that for you. So, if you feel that would be helpful to you, consider subscribing.

But I also need to let you know that if I'm going to be publishing very often, many of my videos probably will be a bit shorter.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and as always, keep being dopamine-focused warriors, and good things will come for sure.

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