How Bad is A Relapse When You're on NoFap Or Trying To Quit Porn?

no pmo nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering just exactly how bad it is to relapse when you're doing NoFap or trying to quit porn?

If relapsing back to porn is really bad if it happen, say once or twice a month?

Just exactly how bad is relapsing on NoFap?

Well, this is what we are going to talk about today...

How Bad is A Relapse When You're on NoFap Or Trying To Quit Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

So, how bad is a relapse when you’re doing NoFap?

Well, it depends on your goals and from which way we look at it.

And of course it also depends on the relapse.

I mean, you all know that there is a big difference between a 3 minute and a 4 hour relapse.

How bad is relapsing to porn if you're addicted to it?

Let’s say that you are addicted to porn and you are trying to overcome that addiction, which in fact, many of my subscribers are.

Ok, so you are trying to fix your desensitized dopamine system and you are trying to rewire your sexual responses so that you get more turned on by real life people than pixels on a screen.

Alright, and let’s just say for the sake of argument that you have a 15 minute relapse every 12 days.

And the relapse included the use of online porn.

If you have a 15 minute porn relapse every 12th day...

Well, if this is the case I’m willing to argue that for many guys the dopamine system actually heals faster than you tear it down.

And so, in theory, you could actually reverse your desensitization even with these frequent porn relapses.

So in terms of the numbness of your dopamine system, relapsing to porn every 12th day or so, is not that bad. 

But you have to understand that it would severely slow down your progress.

But in theory, as long as you don’t put yourself all the way back to zero, then the healing of your reward system is cumulative.

It would be like taking 3 steps forward and one step back...

It would be kind of like 3 steps forward and two steps back, but keep going long enough like that and you actually move forward.

Now, a relapse every 12th day would still be very bad because in regards to overcoming the addiction in itself, because every time you give in you are feeding it.

The sensitized pathways in your brain never become weaker and thus you are making it harder for future you.

Relapsing like this would still be bad in terms of overcoming your addiction...

You see, a sensitized pathway is kind of like a super memory of pleasure.

It’s a super memory with your addiction telling you how good it would feel to act out.

And if you give in and relapse every 12th day, then the pathways never become weaker. In fact you keep reinforcing them.

Even infrequent NoFap / porn relapses can be bad because you keep feeding the addiction...

So, with a 15 minute relapse every 12th day you would never truly overcome your addiction itself.

But as far as your desensitization goes, you could potentially heal that. But you’d have to keep going for many many months in order to do so, because you constantly put yourself back a bit.

And also, if you are having a bad lifestyle with other super stimulating stuff, like alcohol, junk food, a lot of video games and so on, then it would take even longer, and perhaps not happen at all.

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How bad is a 5 hour NoFap / porn relapse then?

Now, if you were to have a 5 hour relapse then it’s a whole different matter, because that really fries your dopamine receptors, and puts you so much further back.

So in that case those 12 day streaks would not be enough to fix your desensitization, at the very least you would never get it fully restored if you keep going like that, no matter how many months you go.

Also, one important thing to note is that for guys struggling with porn induced ED (PIED) then relapsing every 12th day would almost certainly prevent most of them from ever overcoming their PIED.

I mean, we are all different, and I guess it could happen for some guys with very mild PIED, but for the vast majority of guys, relapsing every 12th day would certainly not be good enough to fix their PIED.

But what if you're not addicted to porn - How bad is a NoFap relapse then?

But what if you don’t really have any problems with porn and you’re just doing NoFap for the benefits of retention itself? 

Well, for you, then busting a nut even without the use of adult sites would count as a relapse, but on the other hand you would bounce back pretty quickly.

You see, many guys notice a drop in for example energy and drive after busting. But if there is no porn addiction  involved, some guys see a return of that energy as soon as 3 or 4 days.

Many see a full return of energy within a week, and for almost all of them most of the benefits have returned somewhere in the second week.

What about if you don't have a porn addiction and you're not even that serious with NoFap - How bad is relapsing to porn then?

Now, what about if you are not addicted to porn, and you are not even really doing NoFap fully out?

Let’s say you’re sort of interested in it, but you still pleasure yourself to adult sites for about 15 minutes every 12th day...

How bad is relapsing to porn then?

Well, I honestly think that many guys who are not addicted to porn could get away with that without that much harm.

But, since I’m speaking from a position of someone who has been almost 10 years in the pmo rebooting community, I would still advise against it. Since we have indeed seen guys developing problems like for example PIED even with moderate use.

And also, online porn is indeed like a drug.

A digital drug.

So, even if you’re not addicted right now, you could still develop an addiction later on. 

It's your life and your rules...

Now, of course it’s your life and your rules, and if you can manage it in moderation and you notice no negative consequences then I guess it’s alright.

But since you are a bit interested in NoFap, why not go 'all in' and give it a decent chance?

Try it out for at least 90 days and see what happens.

Maybe you could start feeling even better?

I think you could!

So, try it out. Try NoFap man!

And for those of you who are addicted I recommend you watch a video I did a while back where I share a detailed review on one something that could be incredibly helpful for you.

You can see that video right here >> Dopamine Discipline Review

Alright this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, thanks for reading the article NoFap - How Bad is A Relapse? I hope you got some clarification.

Much Love!

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