Quitting Porn & Dopamine Cravings (Staying Stuck in Relapses)

dopamine nofap nofap relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Trying to quit watching porn?

And now you're curious about dopamine cravings when quitting porn?

Perhaps you're stuck in a nasty porn relapse cycle and you are wondering how to tweak your mindset to get out of it. 

Well, let's take a look...

Quitting Porn & Dopamine Cravings - Straying Stuck in Relapses

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Listen guys, there is nothing that the dopamine monster loves more than excuses and instant gratification.

For example, by now, I think every one of you has heard that if you're trying to overcome an addiction or just a bad habit in general and you happen to sleep, then you need to be careful so you don't go into ‘addict think’ and go, "Oh man, I blew it. I might as well keep binging now."

 I mean, you all know that by now, right?

The Dopamine Monster is Going To Try To Fool You...

But listen, guys, this is just the dopamine monster fooling you because it wants more instant dopamine.

Now, we really need to be on top of our game here because the dopamine monster can really try to double fool you.

For example, if you are doing NoFap and you're trying to quit using porn and, well, let's say you're on day 35.

Well, I have said in my videos before that if you happen to have a slip, you are not back to zero. 

And double fool you...

So, you should avoid binging at all costs because let's say you give in and you keep binging for seven days straight, well, then you're probably putting yourself all the way back to zero.

But now, here comes the problem...

Then we're going to have a few guys who still fell into the trap of binging for seven days, let's say in the first week of the month. 

And now, some of those are going to go, "Oh no, now I'm really back to zero because all the NoFap YouTubers say that if you keep binging, then you have pretty much set yourself all the way back. So why not keep enjoying myself for the rest of the month here, and then I'll start fresh next month? I mean, I've destroyed all my progress anyway, so what the hell?"

Well, there it is, the dopamine monster double fooling you.

No, guys, this is why I don't really like when you use the phrase "back to zero" because, well, let's put it your way then. Let's say you really are back to zero after those seven days of relapsing here. 

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Now, listen up here, just because zero was the day when you started your last streak, why on earth would you think that zero is the bottom in terms of your brain health?

It just means that it was then when you started counting. 

And let's say your overall brain health was here that day *see video*.

Well, if you now keep binging on hardcore adult sites for a full month, then when that month is over, your overall brain health will most likely be a bit lower than before you "started your day zero" last time.

The counter is just a tool that is there to keep track of your last relapse...

Listen, I said this so many times before, and I'll say it again. If you want to count days, then that's fine. But you should know that the counter is just a tool that is there to keep track of your last relapse. 

That's it.

And if you want to measure the success of your reboot, then you need to always take your overall brain health into account. And since relapsing is bad for your brain, get rid of that "I might as well" mindset because if something is bad for you, then more of it won't make it any better or just equally bad.

There is never, ever, a day zero - even if you think you're back to day zero...

I mean, if you're driving your car and you suddenly get a flat tire, would you then go, "Oh man, oh no, well, since it's impossible to keep driving a car with one flat tire, I might as well destroy the rest of them as well?" 

No, I think everyone can agree that that would be stupid, right?

Well, the permission we give ourselves to keep binging is equally stupid, but just because there's dopamine involved in it, we become blind to it.

So, do not let the dopamine monster fool you.

Yeah, I hope that made sense to you all, and if you need help with this, then take a look at this blog post here ==> A good online course to overcome porn addiction


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