NoFap / Not Watching Porn - When You Can't Even Go One Week

nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the text.

Are you trying to quit porn, but you can't even go one week without relapsing?

Are you having problems reaching 7 days on NoFap.

You're really trying, but you can't even go one week...

If, so this is the blog post for you. Let's get to it...

NoFap / Not Watching Porn - When You Can't Even Go One Week

Scandinavian Bob here, Hi!

Are your streaks looking something like this...

You go three days and then you relapse. But then you get up again, and now you go four days, only to relapse again. 

And so, now you keep relapsing for three days in a row before you get up again and go two days this time.

And again, you relapse. 

Oh man! 

But after that, you get up, and this time you reach six days. 

And you start thinking, 'Hey, now I got my act together here!'

Only to relapse later that day again.

Does this sound familiar to you?

If you can't even go one week without a porn relapse, know that you are not alone...

Well, if it does, the first thing I want you to know is that you are not alone, because this is actually the case for a lot of guys out there.

So, what do you do about it?

Well, I'm not going to lie, this relapsing cycle can be a bit tricky to get out of, but it can be done.

You can do it.

And hey, by the way, I have been there myself, so it's not like I'm pointing any fingers here, I'm just going to tell you guys how it works and how to get out of it.

You get stuck in the relapse loop because you lose trust in yourself...

Listen, the reason why it's tricky to get out of a relapse cycle is because each time you relapse, you break your own intentions. 

And if you do that enough times, you stop trusting yourself.

You have now created an identity of that of a person who can't keep his intentions. 

And listen very carefully now because here's the thing: the strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves. 

Your identity is the key driver of your actions...

That's right, your identity is the key driver of your actions.

And since you now view yourself as a person who can't keep his word, you are automatically going to take actions that are in line with that because hey, that's just who you are.

And so you keep relapsing.

So, what do you do?

You need to start stacking up small 'wins'...

Well, you have to change your identity by stacking up small wins.

You need to stop breaking your intentions if you're ever going to trust yourself again. And you do this by setting very small goals in the beginning.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Go smaller...

For example, if you can't even go a week, well, you could then set a goal for yourself to only do three days of NoFap, and then after you reach day three, you can go ahead and fap to porn or whatever you want. 

And so now, some of you say, 'No way! Adult sites are unhealthy, and three days is not going to do me any good at all. How can you even say that? God damn it, my goal is 90 days, and I'm sticking to that.'

Well, how's that working out for you if you can't even go one week without porn?

It's obviously not working very well.

Small wins are stepping stones...

Look, a three-day goal is not your end game; it's your first small win. And remember, in order to change your identity, you need to be stacking up those wins.

If you set your goal to three days, you have a decent chance of reaching that even if you have a weak identity right now.

And if you then use porn the day after that, you didn't break your intentions, because your goal was to reach three days. 

You start building trust in yourself again...

And that's how you start trusting yourself again.

So, maybe then, after you have fapped for a day or two, you now set a new goal of reaching five days...and managed to do that too.

Well, now you have two wins under your belt!

If you have been stuck in a relapse cycle for a long time, you need to start stacking up those small wins in order to start trusting yourself again.

And you do that by setting microscopic goals like this, and then you build from there.

Aim - win - identity reinforced!

Aim, win, identity reinforced. Aim, win, identity, reinforce. That's going to be your recipe from now on.

You have to understand that you need to stop breaking your intentions because losing enough times creates a vicious cycle that leads to even more losses.

And then you get stuck in that losing cycle. And if you're one of those guys who are stuck, I'm sure you know how that feels.

Cut out social media until you get the ball rolling...

In addition to starting to stack up those small wins, I highly recommend you cut out social media and any dating apps you might be using for at least one month or until you get the ball rolling.

The same goes for aimless internet browsing. If you're stuck right now, you really need to give yourself a break from that. 

Limit your phone and internet use as much as possible. And if you now freak out about that, hey, it's not going to be for the rest of your life, but at least do it until you get out of the relapse cycle so you can get the momentum going again.

If you need help, check this out...

Now, if you still feel you can't do this and you need someone to hold your hand and walk you through your reboot, then hey, I do understand.

And if so, please listen to this... 

If you need help with this, I recommend you check out Dopamine Discipline, an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites. The course is created by a licensed therapist using a new revolutionary HCT method. Now, this stands for Habit Construction Therapy, and it produces absolutely phenomenal results.

I have literally seen guys who have been addicted for decades manage to quit in just seven days after signing up for this course. 

You can read full reviews of the course I'm talking about in the following articles here...


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