You Can't Overcome A Porn Addiction Being Afraid Of Urges

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Are you worrying a lot about overcoming a porn addiction?

Are you afraid of your cravings and urges?

Well, if so, this blog post is for you because it's about how to overcome a porn addiction while letting yourself become scared by urges. 

Let's begin...

You Can't Overcome A Porn Addiction Being Afraid Of Urges

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

There is something important about urges that almost no one talks about and in order to do a good job with NoFap you need to know this so make sure to stay focused for the whole video now.

A lot of guys are literally afraid of having urges on NoFap and, hey, that’s very understandable because, well they can make us relapse, so no wonder we can start to see them as problematic.

But here’s the thing, you can’t walk around in your day to day life being afraid of urges.

And you say, "Why’s that so bad?"

Two reasons you shouldn't be afraid of urges when trying to quit porn...

First, because being afraid will just make your journey more miserable simply because anxiety is a horrible feeling.

And second, being afraid will make you resist the urges, and paradoxically that will actually increase your risk of relapsing instead of helping you.

Yes, if you are afraid of your urges it is like the urges become the hunter and you become the prey animal. This is a horrible way to live so why not turn the table and make you the hunter instead?

If you're scared and you start resisting, you're more likely to relapse...

You see, there’s this psychological phenomenon called the ironic rebound effect which means that if you try to resist a strong emotion it will actually just grow stronger. 

And what are you doing if you’re afraid, well then you mentally go, "Oh no no no no, please go away!"

In other words, you’re resisting them and thus you’re playing a losing game.

Here’s a trick for you...

Take a piece of squared paper, like this *see video* and then every time you get an urge to fapp to porn, but you manage to just notice the urge without following it or without being afraid of it, you put a big fat 'X' in the first square, like this *see video*.

And then once you successfully completed for example 15 square you reward yourself with a good meal, a new t-shirt, or whatever you like.

But don’t make fapping to porn your reward, obviously, your understand that right?

Now, this is a great game because it accomplishes several things.

How 'X' t rick can help you...

Since you now want to start collecting those X marks it will help you become much more aware of that exact moment when you’re hit by a trigger.

This is great because being mindful is literally the opposite of being in the autopilot mode that so many of you are going into when you’re relapsing.

You are probably all familiar with that feeling of just getting dragged along, after you’ve been hit with a trigger, well that’s the autopilot taking over.

You are now the hunter and your urges are the prey animal...

And second, again since you now want to stack up those x’es, now you are the hunter and your urges are the prey animal.

Yes, you have turned the table on it.

This is so good because now you’re actually operating from a position of strength rather than from a position of weakness.

You could even call this something powerful like, the path of the warrior and underneath you might perhaps write something like "battles along the way".

Now, if you do that, keep in mind that during the moment when you actually feel an urge you shouldn’t fight the urge, because that’s actually the same as reciting.

What works best is surfing the urge, which basically means that you just notice the urge, without judging it, without resetting it and without feeding or following it.

Just notice how it washes over you until it’s gone. You surf on it like a surfer surfs on a wave in the sea.

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Be creative and playful...

Yeah so, if you choose to call it something like this, then remember those are just playful words you use when  looking at your big NoFap mission as a whole and NOT something that reflects how you tackle urge surfing.

OR then recognize that if you use the word battles, then during the battle you actually fight by not fighting or not resisting, if that makes sense. 

If you want more help with this, then consider checking out my rebooting guide below...

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