Quitting Porn is Hard (Embrace The Struggle)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Do you think quitting porn is hard?

Or do you think NoFap is too hard?

Take a look at today's video as I'm going to talk about something that, well, just take a look and you'll see what I mean...

Quitting Porn is Hard (Embrace The Struggle)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

As many of you realized by now, NoFap isn't easy and quitting porn is hard.

Even if you’re not addicted to adult sites and you are just trying to do retention, you’ll quickly notice that mastering yourself and your urges takes some serious skill.

But you know what?

That’s actually the beauty of it.  

Embrace the struggle. It'll make you stronger...

Now, I know that some guys get offended when I talk like that. When I say things like, embrace the suffering or find glory in the pain.

And hey, I understand how that may sound annoying, especially if you keep struggling, but listen…

It’s not that I think suffering is good in and of itself.

No, suffering in and of itself sucks. But the suffering you run into when trying to reach your goals gives you the best opportunity to grow stronger that you can ever get.

And I'm talking seriously strong here.

Why be strong?

And why be strong then?

Well, because then you can take it when life keeps loading burdens on you.

And, believe me, it will.

You can not escape burdens in life. It’s like the saying, "Ask not for lighter burdens, but for broader shoulders."

Quitting porn - Social anxiety - and my experience...

Many years ago I suffered from really bad social anxiety, and in order to try to reduce it I forced myself to go out and face my fears.

And almost every time I really suffered because, well, severe anxiety is painful. 

In fact, it was so painful that I often got depressed because after the exposure I got thoughts like, "Why does it have to bi like this. I’m a mentally broken man, why can’t I just be normal like everyone else. This is so unfair."

Well, you know what?

Those thoughts were actually right.

It was unfair.

Feeling sorry for yourself makes you fragile and weak...

Fate had given me a bad hand and boy did I use it as an excuse to feel sorry for myself.

But here’s the deal, feeling sorry for yourself makes you fragile and weak.

Sure, I was right, it was unfair, but thinking like that didn’t help.

And it wasn’t until I started to flip everything around that I started to make progress. 

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Shift your focus when it comes to what makes you value yourself...

Instead of valuing myself for going out and doing things without feeling anxiety, I started valuing myself for my willingness to be able to feel anxiety. 

As a lifelong gym trainer I obviously knew that pain and suffering in the gym = stronger muscles.

So, I started to draw parallels to that when I went out and exposed myself.

Yes, I stopped trying to go out and master the anxiety. Instead I started to go out to deliberately feel the pain.

The irony is that by flipping it around - then things can start to happen...

Now, this flips everything around, because, now I didn’t get disappointed when it was painful, because hey, my intention was to actually feel pain.

And, instead of getting depressed after the exposure, I now actually started to gain a bit of pride.

I didn’t mentally disqualify my exposure - and that led me to slowly but surely start becoming mentally tougher.

By changing my mindset I had flipped everything around and as a result, my anxiety started to go away. 

Deliberately embracing the struggle makes you better at whatever you want to do...

Deliberately facing the struggle makes you stronger and it’s the same thing with your NoFap urges, because it makes you antifragile.

Check this out…

You can be fragile or resilient or antifragile *see video*

Fragile vs antifragile...

If you're fragile, it means you break easily when life is testing you.

If you’re resilient, it means you can withstand quite a lot, so that’s good.

But being antifragile is the best of all because that means that you become stronger when faced with struggle. 

And if you’re quitting porn / doing Nofap and you’re one of those guys going “Oh man, I hate my urges so much because they always make me relapse”, then you have not yet adapted the antifragile mindset.

Flip the coin brother!

Just like I did with my social anxiety.

Flip it around, brother...

Instead of hating your urges, start embracing them because every single time you get hit by cravings and you choose to not act out, it is literally building your PFC a bit stronger (PFC is short for prefrontal cortex).

And if you didn’t know it, your PFC is the part of your brain that is responsible for self-control.

Don’t you get it?

It’s not so much giving up pleasuring yourself that’s making you the strongest. It is noticing urges, and still not pleasuring yourself, that makes you the strongest.

So, stop hating your urges because why hate something that brings you the biggest gift of all. The opportunity to grow strong beyond belief.  

Now, if you’re addicted to porn then the addiction cravings do get weaker with time and I have made a specific video where I share some difficult timelines that you might be interested in.

You can see that video right here: NoFap - When does it get easier?

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob-

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