Quitting PMO is So Hard (Here's Why You Wan't To Embrace it)

no pmo quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi, 

Everyone will have to go through some hard times during their quitting pmo journey. 

Well, maybe I shouldn’t say everyone as there are always some lucky son of a bitch that seem to have smooth sailing all the way, but at least 99% of guys will have to fight through a really tough storm.

Often several storms.

Whether it be relapses, the flatline, anxiety, depression, doubt and worry about the process or just feeling overwhelmed in general, but most guys will have to suffer…

Quitting PMO is hard - But it's so worth doing...

Now, even though there will be a lot of suffering, it’s still an amazing journey that is so worth doing.

You see, I strongly believe that it is almost impossible to quit pmo without growing stronger as a result and you know what, one big reason for that is exactly because you will have to go through some tough battles. 

There is this saying that goes something like...

“It was the great North wind that made the vikings” 

Meaning that the vikings were considered big and strong and it was the cold and harsh north wind made them tough - which they also had to be in order to survive.

And while those words may sound, you know, too macho for some people there is still a lot of wisdom in them because...well, I have never met a really strong person with an easy past, mentally or physically.

Put some fire in your eyes - this is the good part ;)

So, when you trudge forward on your quitting porn journey, sometimes feeling you have to carry an unfairly burdensome load, just hold your head up high, smile and put some fire in your eyes and be grateful, because believe it or not, this is the good part. 

Oh yes it is, because this is when you grow. Yes, this is how you grow stronger than you ever thought possible. 

I remember back when I was a kid, me and my friends used to say…

… “It would be great if candy wouldn’t cost anything, we think all the candy should be free”...

Well, now as a grown man I know that would be the absolute fastest way into weakness and self destruction. 

Free dopamine will destroy you...

Kind of like online porn sites are today, you get an enormous amount of dopamine for free and all that pleasure without having to work for is soul deadening. 

Imagine if you could get everything you wanted just by pointing your finger at it all the time.

How long do you think you would be happy?

Maybe 1 or 2 weeks at the very max, but after that you would sink down into the deepest depression you ever had.


Well, because; now what? 

Now, there is no point in having goals any longer since everything you could possibly want is already yours. No point in achieving anything any longer, well doesn’t that mean that game is over? 

Yes it does.

It would be game over. 

Check mate.

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Nothing worth having comes easy...

Sure, quitting pmo is hard, but nothing in life is worth having or worth doing unless some effort is involved.

 Heck, most men do not even want to quit pmo in the first place, but you want to, my friend. 

Think about that because that means that even if you keep relapsing you are further along on the road then the average man. 

Yes, so again I want to remind you to hold your head up and keep that fire burning inside of you and start acting like the warrior I know you are. 

Give yourself 5 minutes to feel sorry for yourself - no more!

When you feel like you just want to sit down and feel sorry for yourself then take 5 minutes to sit down and do so.

During those 5 minutes really try to feel as sorry for yourself as possible, but after those 5 minutes are up You STOP and don’t you feel sorry for yourself for one more minute.

Yes, after those 5 minutes are up you need to stop having a victim mentality. 

You have a lot of reasons for it, but it doesn't help...

Not because you don’t have reasons for it, hell I’m sure you have plenty of reasons, we all do, but because feeling sorry for yourself just does not help.

It actually takes away all your power. It really does. 

So, to those of you who think the quitting pmo road seems dark and scary right now and to those of you who are asking questions like “Why am I having to fight this battle?”

To you I say, If you saw the size of the blessing coming to you further along the way, then you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting.

And always remember, growth is painful.

Change is painful.

But nothing, and I really do mean nothing is a s painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong. 

Alright, I hope you found this video helpful and inspiring in some way, and as always if you want to help support my channel, you can buy me a cup of coffee through the donation system “Buy me a coffee”.

It’s a secure system integrated with PayPal so if you’d like to support my work you can find a link to it right here...

… and if you choose to buy me a cup of coffee, thank you so much.  :)

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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