What Part Of NoFap is Hardest? (The Average NoFapper is On Day...)


Wondering what part of NoFap is hardest?

As in, what day or what week, in terms of when most people relapse?

Well this blog post / video will show you where the average NoFapper is currently at.

Check this out...

What Part Of NoFap is Hardest?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

A couple of days ago I asked my subscribers this question.

What part of NoFap is hardest, where are you currently at on your journey?

 As you can see, more than 2400 thousand people responded

  • 65% say that they are between the days 0-10
  • 10% between the days 11-20
  • 6% between days 21-30
  • 4% between the days 31-40
  • 15% are currently over 40 days in…

The first two weeks are the hardest part of NoFap and quitting porn...

So, as you can see and as I have been telling you many times before, the first two to three weeks are the absolute hardest part of NoFap.

In fact, let’s zoom in on the 3 first weeks here...

65 +10 = 75

75% of people doing NoFap is currently somewhere in their first 3 weeks...

Yeah, so if you keep relapsing, now you can clearly see black on white evidence that you are not alone. And once you realize that I want you to, instead of feeling bad about yourself, try to get inspired by the guys who are further along the way here - and promise yourself to start leveling up these 5 levels here.

What guys are finding to be their hardest part of NoFap...

Let’s take a look at a few comments you guys have shared…

So, N van H says:

"Hardest part of NoFap is when you feel down and want a quick fix. That's basically the problem in a nutshell, I guess for everybody."

Yes, that is very true and I definitely remember that from my own rebooting. Those low points were my biggest weakness and it’s indeed the same for a lot of guys out there.

But after years of relapsing I finally started really grasping the idea that, holding yourself accountable when things are hard IS the very thing accountability is all about.

It's pretty easy when everything is going well...

It's pretty easy to keep going when things go well, that doesn’t take any strength, but it is in his darkest moments when the fighter really gets to show what he’s made of.

And once I started to form an identity out of those words, I slowly but surely started doing better and better.

But yes, it’s easier said than done, for sure.

MBX music says:

"First 2 or 3 weeks are usually the hardest ones for me. After that it usually gets a bit easier, in terms of urges. Currently about half way of 30 days and the hardest parts are behind me, hopefully." 

And then, Zanzao replies:

"It's because of the pathways that get stronger after 2 weeks"

Yes, once again, for most people the first 3 weeks are hardest, just like you could see from the poll. And again, I too remember this from my own rebooting. Just like our brother MBX music says, I too relapsed most during my second or week in. 

The sensitized porn pathways grow stronger a few days after quitting...

And yes, it is true that the sensitized pathways actually grow a bit stronger in the second or third week in.

If you didn’t know it, those pathways are what can suddenly hit you with very powerful cravings to act out. 

Now, it’s also because the dopamine is so low in the second week that you get those periods of feeling low, like the first guy talked about.

So, it’s not only the sensitized pathways that makes the second and third week difficult. By the way, the sensitized pathways do become weaker, and it’s probably in the second and third week they are at their peak strength, so once you get past week 4 or so, it does get a lot easier for most guys. 

blue eye ten said

"The sticking part in my journey is I'm feeling overconfident when I reach 70 days and relapsing at that moment and leads to binge watching"

Yes, he really raises a good point here.

Becoming too confident can make you relapse...

I’m sure a lot of guys are familiar with the feeling of getting more and more confident during their streak, which is an awesome feeling by the way, the only downside of that is that the confident feeling tend to make us forget how easy it can be to relapse.

You become bit more careless when surfing the internet and them BAM!...

...there it is, the horrible relapse get you again.

 The trick is to remember your 'why'...

The trick to avoid this is to keep reminding yourself of why you are doing nofap in the first place.

Heck I still keep reminding myself on a daily basis why I need to stay away from porn, even though I have been free from it for a couple of years now. So, every single day, at least once a day you’ve  got to revisit your “why”.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

david dewaal said:

"I’m over 90+ now and I feel like an animal, but it’s controlled."

I like that.

Keep it going brother, and hey for you guys who belong to those 75% who are in the first 3 weeks, the right way to react to comments like this is to get inspired by them. Let it fuel your desire to do well on your own journey.

Alright, next one…

Ricardo says:

"I messed up real big had a 150 day streak and relapsed 3 days straight. I’m so confused that I failed so badly after been clean for so long.. this shit just as you think you finally free it creeps back into your life like a thief!"


Yes, things like this can happen.

Try to get back on track buddy.

Those 150 days will not be lost if you can stay away from further relapses now. 

No matter how far you get you're always just a couple of meters from the ditch...

Yeah there’s this saying in the addiction literature that goes something like, "No matter how far you get on the road you're always just a step or two away from the ditch."

Now, that is a little bit exaggerated, because it does get easier, however, there is also quite a bit of truth to it.

Even literally if you think about it. There is always a ditch along the side of the road and no matter how far you walk that ditch is there.

Now, instead of letting us feel defeated about that metaphor, let us instead use it to learn that we need to keep on top of our game and watch our steps as we trudge forward on our journey.

Alright, I actually liked responding to your comments this way so I will do this again real soon but only of course if you liked watching it, so please let me know in the comment section below what you think about this format. 

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