NoFap When Does it Get Easier? (Good And Bad News For You)

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So, when does it get easier on NoFap?

The NoFap difficulty levels I share in this video will show you when NoFap got easier for me. Just remember...

...your mileage may vary!

When does NoFap get easier?

Well, let’s take a look at some different NoFap levels in terms of danger zones and levels of difficulty. 


The levels you are about to see are mostly created from my own experiences with all the streaks I had back when I was rebooting. However, friends of mine have also said that these levels seem to be pretty accurate for them as well. but you should always remember that the NoFap journey is different for everyone, and since we are all unique, your mileage may vary. So you need to take this video with a grain of salt. 

Alright, if you understand that, then let’s jump in and have some fun…

LEVEL 1:  Days 1-5

Now, day 1 was never the hardest day for me.

The withdrawals had not yet kicked in and besides the self blame of relapsing, day 1 was never that problematic for me.

Then I usually started to feel bad on day two, and during my first year of trying NoFap day 3 - 4 - 5 were really nasty.

During this phase I also used to have really strong cravings for...

  • Junk food
  • Alcohol
  • Some other form of instant gratification

And this is  typical when your brain is screaming for a dopamin fix.

However, If I managed to not relapse during these 5 days I had passed the first danger point.

Level 2: Days 6-8

Alright, so the next level was already a little bit easier, but don’t get me wrong. It was still very hard and most of you know by now that there is a big spike in testosterone around day 7, which is also why this is the next danger zone.

But if I managed to stay strong during this phase, I could climb up to the next level.

Level 3: Days 9-14

If you made it past 14 days, you should congratulate yourself, because the first two weeks of a no PMO journey is the absolute hardest part.

That said it is common to descend into a flatline sometime during the second week. However, the flatline does not necessarily make it more difficult, in terms of relapse risk, it’s just that the flatline sucks.

Level 4: Days 15-30

Now my cravings for junk food and short term gratification were already a bit lower. And the cravings to watch adult sites became less aggressive.

That makes it a bit easier, but it was still very difficult for me because Instead of urges being very aggressive and sharp during this phase they become more dark instead.

I used to call this phase the void, and yes, most of the time I descended into a deep flatline here as well. 

So, NoFap, when does it get easier?  Well, a damn good question...l

...let's move on and have a look.

It gets a bit complicated.

Level 1 changed in difficulty depending on how many years I've been at it...

Another interesting thing to note is that, in the first years of me trying to overcome my addiction, level 1 was actually the hardest part for me.

But during the last year of my reboot when I was really close to overcoming this whole mess, then level 3 was actually the hardest period for me.

So, It just goes to show that it also depends on how much your brain has healed between relapses during your streaks and that these levels may be more accurate if you are starting from the bottom, or close to it.

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Level 5: Days 31-60 

Now if I made it past day 30 then it always started to get easier for me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it was still hard especially some of the time, but the difference in difficulty was always really noticeable once I got past 30 days.

Yes, it was like someone had lifted at least a few of the burdens of my shoulders.

Level 6: Days 60-90

If I made it past day 60, then I reached another level in terms of how easy it felt.

I remember the first time I reached 60+ days...

There was a specific day, I think it could have been day 74, (don’t quote me on that, my memory could deceive me) when I remember thinking how the thought of fapping to adult sites just didn’t really do anything for me.

I almost found it difficult to understand why I had been so drawn to it before. I had clearly reached another level in terms of how easy I found it.

Relapses can still happen...

Now a word of warning here, if you make it this far, don’t think you’re out of the woods yet because relapses can still happen. 

I certainly did relapse here myself.

In fact, just a few days after me thinking those thoughts, I remember having a really really stressful day and at the end of that day when I was laying in my sofa, flipping between the TV channels

The TV got me :(

On one channel there as an R rated movie, which I didn’t know would be playing, and even though it was not fully explicit, something snapped in my brain and all those old addiction pathways lit up and I just relapsed...

...when those sensitized addiction pathways snapped, I just went right for PornHub.

Stress is a killer...

And once again I have to remind you of the dangers of stress when rebooting.

I would probably have managed to shut it down if I hadn’t had such a stressful day. So a part of me wanted to escape and get some form of relief and that in combination with the addiction pathways firing up, damn, it was just too much. 

Luckily I did overcome my addiction in the end, but only after years of trial and error and I really recommend you download my FREE quit porn guide, so that you don't have to struggle so much, like did.

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