3 Mistakes Making Quitting Porn Addiction Extra Hard (Stop Now)

no pmo porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to take a look at 3 things you should never do on NoFap or your quitting porn journey.

These are mistakes that will make quitting porn addiction hard.

Let's jump in...

Never get too confident when trying to overcome a porn addiction...

Now, don’t get me wrong, having confidence in life is great and is generally a good thing. But when it comes to overcoming a porn addiction many guys develop confidence too quickly.

As soon as they manage to avoid a few urges, the confidence in combination with the determination to never relapse again can make them underestimate the strength of the porn addiction.

Then one Thursday afternoon, when they have low blood sugar levels and when they are more tired than usual, they accidentally run into a popup video with a very hot girl and BAM...

...there it is, the relapse. 

Don't underestimate the power of your porn addiction...

Again, confidence is great, but we should never underestimate the power of an addiction.

Back when I was struggling, I had to start realizing that the autopilot part of my brain, you know that part that takes over after you see a trigger, was stronger than me.

And this was not easy to admit, but if it is a real addiction then I’d say the autopilot sits on about 80% of the power and your conscious mind sits on the remaining 20%.

In the beginning of your PMO reboot, the autopilot is very strong...

This is especially true in the beginning of your streaks, as in your first 2-3 weeks.

Sure we can beat it a few times, but if we are tired, irritable, have low blood sugar levels -and we don’t get away from the computer after having been presented with different urges for several minutes- the odds are in favor of the autopilot.

Plan in advance...

This is why we have to strategize and be smart about how we plan our days in the beginning of a reboot.

And this is why being too confident will do more harm than good during your first  couple of weeks. 

Again, don’t underestimate the power of the autopilot because you have been programming your brain for years - and those sensitized pathways are deeply ingrained in your brain...

...and once your prefrontal cortex shuts off the autopilot takes over. 

Expecting too much of the so-called "NoFap benefits"...

NoFap is great, in fact it can be life changing, but still, a lot of guys make the mistake of expecting too much from NoFap.

Listen, we can't sit around expecting something, or someone outside of us, start bringing us wonderful things in life.

First, because it does not work like that!

Second, by doing so you are giving away all your power.

Sure, there are a lot of  NoFap benefits, but you must understand that not everyone will experience NoFap benefits the same.

Some guys are lucky enough to get very powerful benefits while others notice only mild benefits. 

Guys experience NoFap benefits differently...

Let’s use a scale from 1-100 and come up with a unit just for the sake of this example.

Let's call the unit "NP", for NoFap powers.

Ok, so let’s say person “A” here is doing NoFap and he is lucky because he gets 92 NP...

...more than most guys.

Then we have person “B” here who only experienced 25 NP during his NoFap journey. 

Ok, now let’s say person "A" is enjoying his benefits very much so he’s out partying a lot. He drinks a bit, and likes to sleep in. He doesn't really have any goals he’s working on, but again he is one of the lucky guys that get a whole lot of NoFap benefits. 

When you put in a lot of work into your journey...

Now, person "B" puts is the work.

You know, he is going to the gym, he is meditating, he is reading books in order to learn and grow, he is setting smart goals and really trying his best to accomplish them.

Well guess what, person "B" will get so much further in life, than person "A"...

...not with just a few things, but in most areas of life.

Don't just sit and wait...

My point is, don’t just sit and wait. 

A couple of weeks ago I got a question in the comment section from a guy who asked me, "How long does it take until I get a girlfriend on NoFap?", and he actually expected me to answer with a specific number of days. 

No, no, no please...I don’t mean to sound mean, but that there could not be a mindset that is more wrong than that.

Sure, for a lot of guys, NoFap does indeed make it easier to get a girlfriend, but you can not just sit around hoping that, once I get to day 67 I will get a girlfriend. No, you have to be proactive. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Keep working on yourself and keep improving yourself, all while spending a lot of time around women and then let NoFap help enhance all the work you’ve done - because it can really do that...

...but if you sit around and wait, you are giving away all your power.

If you haven’t realized it by now, as a middle aged man, I have to let you know, life is a competition for resources and no one is coming to your rescue.

Not your mom, not your friends and not even Nofap.

You have to have the mindset: "if it is to be, it’s up to me!”

Being afraid of discomfort...

NoFap is not easy and if you are afraid of being uncomfortable then that is something you have to start working on as well.

Think about it; it is so easy to escape into instant gratification nowadays.

If we are bored for just 5 seconds then we check our phone, if we feel lonely or stressed we escape into adult sites and so on. 

Train yourself to be comfortable being uncomfortable...

If you don’t train yourself to be able to be uncomfortable every now and then, then you will never get far on your NoFap streaks.

Why do you think I so often recommend cold showers?

It’s not because they have a lot of biological benefits, which they do, but more so because by taking cold showers you will train yourself to be able to be uncomfortable for a while, without escaping. 

Meditation can also help with this, because if we are used to going for highly stimulating things, as soon as we feel the slightest discomfort, then meditation will actually be pretty hard to do in the beginning...

...and that’s exactly why we should do it. 

Or how about just sitting down for 15 minutes without touching your phone and without doing anything at all?

If you are not able to do that, then you should start thinking about why that is. 

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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