Quitting Porn is Not Easy (Like Being Lost At Sea)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Have you ever thought, "Oh man, quitting porn is NOT easy"?

Well, if so you're not alone.

This is especially if you're doing a PMO reboot or have an addiction to porn.

Let's talk about it...

Quitting Porn is Not Easy

Being stuck in porn addiction is kind of like being stranded on a desert island. 

Just imagine yourself being stuck on this island somewhere in the Pacific ocean. Let’s say it’s a pretty big island so it is actually possible to live here.

But the weather is often brutal, with thunderstorms, rain and in between that a merciless sun is cooking you. And the worst of all, you’re alone.

Now, even though it would be possible to live here, obviously you want to escape and reach the mainland so that you can have a normal life among other people again.

So, you decide to build yourself a raft.

It's like trying to escape a desert island...

Now, the problem with some islands is that since the water becomes shallow close to the island the waves can rise up very high forming a barrier that is very difficult to get past.  

You are very aware of this, but you are determined to leave this hellhole so you load your raft with some food and some extra oars.

You gather all your strength and you go for it...

But over and over those brutal waves just come roaring down over you washing you back up on the island. And every time this happens you run the risk of hurting yourself a bit on the sharp corals and of course, every time you fail you lose a bit of confidence and hope of ever being able to make it.

This obviously represents you relapsing...

You try to escape your porn addiction island, and every time you relapse, your self esteem takes a bit of a hit.

Now, this is a good analogy because it is actually the first 1-4 weeks that are the hardest, in particular the two first weeks.

The first 4 weeks after quitting porn are the hardest (especially the first 2 weeks)

So, they represent the big waves here close to the island, but if you can just get past those nasty waves it all calms down and you can now start drifting towards the mainland.

Sure there will be storms and challenges later on as well, but at least now you’ve passed that critical point where people so often get washed back up on shore.

After a month it's easier to not get sucked back in...

So, let’s say you’ve managed to pass that initial critical point and you’re now out on the ocean here, let’s say you’re on day 32.

Well, the analogy doesn’t end here, because when you were spending time on your island over here, then your libido was hijacked by porn, but at least then you had some kind of a libido. 

Now that you’ve left your porn island and you have not yet reached the mainland your brain doesn’t really have anything to tie its sexuality to, so this period here when being out on sea represents the flatline. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Then you get lost at sea with no land in sight...

And as most people who are trying to quit using porn know, this can be a very scary period because, well, since your libido is completely dead it kind of feels like you’re broken. 

So, quitting porn can be like being lost at sea for some time.

Once you’ve managed to leave your island and you reached a place where there is no land in sight whatsoever.

The porn flatline can be really scary...

And this is the point of my video here, since this no man's land, or in this case no man's water, can be such a scary place a lot of guys become so scared that they turn around and deliberately go back to that island.

Because remember, even though it was a hellish place, at least they had some form of libido there. 

Please guys, do not do that.

If you remember only one thing from this video, it should be the following words...

Once you’ve passed that critical point and you lose sight of any land, prepare yourself for a potentially scary period, tie yourself to the mast because there will be stormy waters ahead. Some days the seas is going to be calm and nice and other days it’ll be complete hell, but regardless of the weather you must trust the process!

You need to keep going...

Just keep going and keep trusting the process, because sooner or later you will reach the mainland and over there you can spend the rest of your life in a place with a much better climate, having friends and people around you.

And you now have a healthy function libido that is now responding to real life people. 

If you need help with quitting porn...

Now, if your problem isn’t so much this scary flatline period, but you’re instead having difficulties breaking free from that critical 1-4 week point then I highly recommend you check out Josh Hudson's HCT method for overcoming porn addiction

You can read full reviews of that course in any of the following articles here...

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