The Mindset Making it Hard To Overcome Your Porn Addiction

porn-addiction quitting porn

If you are struggling to overcome your porn addiction then it's crucial that you read this blog post.

You see, most often, you mindset will play tricks on you. 

An not just small, innocent, tricks either.

But big tricks, that will seriously hold you back on your journey.

So, let the video / blog post begin...

The Mindset Making it Hard To Overcome Your Porn Addiction

Scandinavian Bob here hi!

About two weeks into January I posted a poll to you guys asking those of you who reset and started your No PMO journey on the first of January... 

How many of you are still in the game?

And almost 60% of you answered that you have already failed. 

60% and this is already after 14 Days.

I don’t know if you remember, but I sent a couple of emails out to you in the December warning you for having the mindset of “I can start fresh on the first of January”

I also warned you in a couple of videos.

And the reason for me doing so was because I knew this was going to happen.

How to overcome your porn addiction...

Now, if you are one of those who fell, don’t feel bad about it, clearly you’re not alone. I

n fact, did you know that studies have shown that about 80% of people making a new year's resolution have already dropped them by the end of the second week?

So, you guys actually did much better than the average population.

80% *Sigh* 

But why did I warn you about it?

Well, because it’s the mindset. The mindset is wrong and for most people it will not work. 

60% of you have the wrong mindset for quitting porn. Look at your brain as a computer...

Listen very carefully now because I’m going to teach you something that will help you for the rest of your life...

You need to understand that you are programming your brain with everything you do in life.

Look at your brain as a computer and every action and decision you make as programming that computer. 

Now, here is where it gets interesting, so stay with me here.

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What are you programming into your mind if you say "I'll start then..."?

Whenever you say to yourself ,"I'll quit smoking tomorrow. Or I will begin an exercise program at the start of the next month. Or I’ll start my diet on Monday...."

What are you programming into your brain then?

Well, you are programming yourself to become more like “a person who starts later”.

You program yourself into becoming the "I'll start later person"....

And here’s the thing...

As you move forward in time, you obviously take yourself with you.

And as you now stand here in the future, you are still that person you programmed yourself to be.

You know that “I’ll start later person”.

And the problem is, you take that person with you, into the future...

And this means that the next time some uncomfortable hurdles arise, what’s to stop you from going “Oh, I’ll just rest today and I’ll deal with that later”?

Well nothing!

Because you have programmed yourself to be that “I’ll start later guy”

THIS is why I hate the “I’ll start on such and such day” mindset, because it’s feeding an identity of becoming a guy that always starts later. 

You need to shift your mindset...

It took me a long time to realize this.

Maybe10 years ago I even heard Tony Robbins say the words, “Never EVER leave the site of a goal without immediately taking some kind of action toward it”

And back then I went, "Aha, well why would that be so important then? Why the hurry?"

Well, today I know.

It’s because everything you do is programming your identity and you do not want to become the “I’ll start later guy”, because that guy is obviously always going to start later, even when he gets into the future. 

If you want to stop watching porn you simply don't watch it in this very moment...ever!

So, if you relapse on Friday, whatever you do, do not start again on Monday.

No, God damn it!

You get back on the horse right then and there that very same day. 

I really hope this made sense to you and this is exactly the reason why I warned you in December. 

If you're tired of starting over, then stop quitting!

Listen, guys, if you are tired of starting over then stop quitting.

And so you say, "Ok Bob, but how do I do that then?"

Well, it's the same principle I just told you.

You stop quitting by programming an identity of that of a person who has integrity and sticks to his daily routines.

Become a person who can trust himself...

Be a person who can trust himself. 

A person who does what he sets out to do and doesn't let himself down again and again.

This is why I often tell you to not make your daily routines too hard, because if you do, you will only end up breaking them.  And once you do, well congratulations, now you just casted a vote for being a person who breaks his own promises. 

Please, watch this video one more time and really let it sink in because remember, once you understand this well, you will be able to use it to your advantage for the rest of your life. 

Be careful what you are programming into your mind...

And so you make damn sure you program an identity into you that is in line with the outcomes you want, and stop feeding the wrong part of you.

Alright and as always guys, if you would like to help this channel grow and support me in my work, you can always buy me some coffee.

You can find a link to that donation site right here, and if you choose to buy me some coffee, thank you so much every single cup of coffee really helps me grow my channel.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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