The #1 Porn Addiction Relapse Mistake (You Are Currently Making)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

A porn addiction relapse is almost a guarantee, IF you are doing this!

Scandinavian Bob here hi, ok so let’s talk about the absolute biggest mistake guys when trying to quit a porn addiction and that is not planning your day and then just drifting through it.

This becomes especially dangerous if you have a lot of free / leisure time.

In this video we are going to take a look at this a bit closer by combining and comparing it with a few other things in order to see just how bad it can be.

Here's the biggest porn addiction relapse mistake ever...

Ok so let’s say it’s Saturday, which now that I think about it, it happens to be for real today...

...such an incredible funny coincide, ehrm, sorry about that.

Anyways, the weekend is here and may present down here in the left corner 'Planning Pete' and down to your right we have 'Mr. Wing it Wilson.'

Now, one of these guys likes to plan his days and the other guy likes to just wing it.

But wait a minute, which one of them was it now again that likes to plan?

I kind of forgot...

What’s that you say?

Oh...'Planning Pete' likes to do the planning. I must say I have some very smart subscribers right there.

Planning Pete plans his days to avoid porn relapses...

Yes, so Planning Pete has planned his Saturday, not exactly all of it but a big part.

First he cuts the lawn, which takes about one hour.

Then he starts writing on a blog post for 90 minutes.

After that he wants a break so he makes some coffee and sits down at the computer. 

He has planned everything so far...and here too the planned in advance.

He even plan his online time...

He intends to watch Conan O'Brien on YouTube, while he is drinking coffee, because he likes Conan and he wants an entertaining coffee break.

So, he enjoys his break very much and after 20 minutes he gets up right away.

That was also planned aaaand during he’s entire break he only watched Conan...

...nothing else!

Now, he continues his day going from task to task with great determination.

He’s not stressing, but he keeps doing something pretty much all day long.

Planning Pete plans both his work as well as recreation...

He also includes fun and relaxing stuff, like watching a whole movie, but guess what?

Yeah that’s right....he has planned in advance what movie to watch.

He is also going to play video games, and here too he knows exactly what game he is going to play and that he is going to play it for 30 minutes.

Who is in control here?

Now, since Pate goes from task to task with great determination, what do you guys think it does to his brain?

Who is in control?

Pete or his impulses?  

Pete is VERY much in control, because by first planning all those tasks and then executing them, one by one, with great determination, he makes his brain an assistant.

In other words Pete is the boss while his brain is only there to assist him in the work. 

Pete is the boss while his brain is his assistant...

Now listen up, a brain that is in “assisting mode” does not suddenly come up with a stupid idea like for example...

...“Hey, let’s go to an adult site!”

No, no, no, no no, because it needs to keep assisting the boss as he goes from task to task, with great determination, and the brain actually likes being in 'assisting mode'.

Now let’s look at Wing it Will…

Enter: Wing it Will...

Will has nothing planned for the day, and so right away from the very moment he gets out of bed his brain will instantly enter another kind of mode...

...and I can tell you that for Will, it will not be the “assisting mode”.

No, since Will has nothing planned pretty much right away from when he gets up in the morning his brain enters a “seeking mode”

It starts looking around for things that it could potentially do.

Will's brain is in seeking mode...

First, his brain takes him out to the car and he drives around while his brain is seeking.

They stop at a coffee shop and his brain is seeking and scanning the products and it picks out a big donut for them to eat. 

And so they sit there, enjoying the coffee and the donat before going back home.

Will has no plan on what to do, but his brain drags him to the computer where they sit down. 

Now let’s pause for a moment here.

What's the biggest difference between Pete and Will?

Did you already notice the difference between Pete and Will here?

Pete is in total control, while it's like Will just follows his brain's impulses. 

And now when Will sits down at the computer his brain is already in a strong “seeking mode” because he started the day like that. 

Well, now he is sitting there at the computer, he doesn't know exactly what he is going to watch, and with a brain in seeking mode.

Can you guys see any danger here?  

What is going to happen?

Well, we don’t know, but let’s keep going in order to find out...

Having the brain in aimless 'seeking mode' when sitting down at the computer - is a recipe for porn relapses... 

His brain says, ”Hey, let’s open up YouTube!”

And Will says “OK”.

And so they just sit there for a while, and since they have no plan they are browsing aimlessly…

…well, since will ate that donut about an hour or so ago, means that his blood sugar levels are right about now coming crashing back down. 

And o you guys know when most relapses happen? 

You are more impulsive after eating sugar...

That’s right, they happen exactly when the blood sugar levels drop after having been sky high. 

Now, that and the fact that Will also had a horrible night's sleep and he’s very tired...drifting there...with no plan...all while his brain is in seeking more...

I feel like there should be some kind of horror music here now, because you all know where this is heading.  

Well, his seeking brain says, “Try typing in women's 100 meter sprint”.

And sure enough, immediately videos on the right side are suggesting all kinds of hot angles from extremely attractive sports girls.

The porn addiction relapse is inevitable...

15 minutes later you will find Will still in front of his computer, but now you can also find his pants down at his ankles. 

On the laptop screen you can find 4 different adult sites open at the same time.

Yes, you see, his seeking brain is in ULTRA SUPER TURBO seeking mode ( pretty cool term, right? ;) ) so they feel they really need 4 adult sites, because, hey, we all know that with ultra super turbo seeking mode only 2 or 3 adult sites are nowhere near enough…

Ok, so I highly recommend that you model off of these guys and start doing what he did.

And I’m going to leave the choice up to you…

...and by God I hope you get it right.

You don't need to plan 100% of your days...

Now, seriously though, it’s not like you have to plan every single activity like a maniac. But as you can see, there is such a big difference between Will and Pete that you need to be planning at least parts of your day.

And I recommend you do the planning the night before. 

And oh hey guys, check this out, I have made a 90 day No PMO Advice & Tool Guide that you can download for FREE right below…

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading.

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