3 Deadly NoFap Mistakes (That You're Probably Doing)

nofap nofap benefits quitting porn

Today I’m going to share 3 big mistakes guys often make while doing NoFap and quitting porn.

These mistakes are so big that they really are holding a lot of people back, in fact I would estimate that at least 50-70% of you are doing at least some of these. If you're interested in learning more about the supplement I mention in the the end of the video, you can find an article where I share my experience with the VigRx supplement.

So stay all the way until the end to find out if you are doing these 3 NoFap mistakes..

NoFap Mistake #1 Eating too much sugar....

And so now you say...

"What, how could that possibly impact my NoFap journey?",

Well fair question, and here’s the deal…

Whenever you eat sugar you are activating the reward center of your brain. Let’s say you're coming home from work and you sit down at your computer. You work for a few minutes on a project and then you decide to take a break and you have a cup of coffee and you eat two donuts. 

Then you go back to your computer...but NOW, here comes the problem...

...all that sugar caused a big dump of dopamine to be released in your brain. That dopamine release is big enough to wake the sleeping dopamine bear (metaphorically speaking...but I guess you kind of understood that).

Dopamine wants more dopamine...

Now, since the dopamine spike was caused artificially, it also goes away quickly, but the dopamine bear is now wide awake and you know what he wants?

That’s right, he wants MORE.

More dopamine!

In any way, shape or form - and since you are out of donuts, he will inevitably make you start thinking about other dopamine raising activities....

...like for example online porn.

Sugar made me relapse to porn so many times...

This used to happen to me again and again when I was rebooting. So much so that I just had to start limiting my sugar intake, and by doing so I drastically reduced my relapses.

So if YOU are having problems with frequent relapses, don’t wake the sleeping dopamine bear.

At least not if you are in a place where your relapses used to happen. 

NoFap Mistake #2 Not reminding yourself of your “why” on a daily basis...

As most of you know by now, you need to know WHY you are doing NoFap.

In other words, what are you trying to get out of it and why is it important to you?

In some of my videos I have pointed out that the very first day you embark on your NoFap journey, you need to write down your "why" in a journal or just on a piece of paper...

...and most nofappers do this, but it is not enough!

You see, porn addiction is so nasty because when you're hit by those cravings, it often makes your brain forget all your intentions.

But, by frequently reminding yourself of your why, well, that will help you to stay focused when those urges hit...

...and that, in turn, will prevent you from going into that almost automatic relapse response. 

Here’s a good tip for you...

Back when I was struggling I thought, "Oh man, I need to create some kind of routine to remind myself of my “why”

IS there a way I could remind myself several times a day - almost out of habit?

And then I came up with this idea: every time I had to go to the bathroom, while I was standing there taking a piss, I would remind myself of what my goals with NoFap are and why rebooting was so incredible important to me. 

A bathroom routine to the rescue...

I made it into a routine and it was perfect, because I needed to take a piss about 4-6 times a day and with this routine I created I constantly kept programming my brain...inserting my 'why'.

Now, of course you can create your own system, but whatever way you choose, the fact is that you have to keep reminding yourself of your “why”, because it WILL help you stay away from giving in...

...when the temptation is there.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

NoFap Mistake #3, Spending time on your computer in the evening when your tired...

Most guys have the majority of their relapses in the evening - and this is not surprising since our willpower and self control muscle is tired after a whole day of being awake.

Now, why would you want to sit in front of your computer then, aimlessly browsing the internet?

It’s one thing if you have a goal with your internet use right then, but if you are just aimlessly browsing on different social media platforms, you know as well as I do that you will INEVITABLE get hit by some trigger of some sort.

Not just once or twice, but several times. And since you are tired, and perhaps in a bad mood, well then it’s so very very easy to cave in and just relapse from one of those visual triggers.

Shut down your internet use a couple of hours before going to bed...

So, considering what I did...

...I started turning off my computer and the internet function on my phone about 2-3 hours before bedtime, every single day.

This too was very helpful for me and it significantly reduced my relapses.

And not only that, the absence of technology before bedtime made me sleep much better as well.  

Today's video was brought to you by VigRx, which is an impressive natural product for giving you more drive, libido and harder boners. 

The reason why I’m ok with promoting this product is because I have used it myself for quite a long time.

In fact, I first tried it long before I started my YouTube channel - and before I even knew what sponsorship ment.

You see, many years ago, back when I started my own PMO reboot I tried pretty much everything I could get my hands on...

...and in the end I could only find two products that actually helped me with my drive. And VigRX plus was one of them.

Now, again, my policy is that I never promote anything that I don’t believe in and the reason for me believing in VigRx is because, for me,  it actually works. 

In fact, it even worked a few years ago when I had low libido and sluggish erections, caused by all the online porn. And VigRX actually helped me be able to rewire (have sex with women instead of with pixels on a screen) during my reboot....

...It even worked during my flatline. 

Now full disclosure here, you must understand that this is not  a substitute for rebooting. You still have to reboot, but for me it was a helpful tool as I still wanted to date girls while I was rebooting. 

Disclosure number 2, You also need to understand that we are all different and just because it worked for me, your results may vary.

And also, this is not a magic pill, meaning if you are severely desensitized, yeah it may perhaps still help you in the bedroom, but in that case don’t expect achieving incredible hard steel pipes, if severely desensitized you just need to accept the fact that you have a lot of healing to do.

Personally  I was pretty desensitized and for me VigRx still worked pretty well, but I can also tell you that the further I got in my reboot and the more my brain healed the more effective it became and if I use them today now that I’m fully recovered, then oh man, well now we’re talking steel pipes.

If you want to check the price, then click the link under this video where it says VigRx, and you’ll find it there. 

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