How Do You Surf Urges On NoFap? (Easy To Understand)

nofap nofap relapse

So, how do you surf urges on NoFap?

Give me your full  attention now and really try your best to concentrate for the whole video because if you master this, oh man you will get so far on your NoFap journey.

At the very least you'll be able to reduce the frequencies of your relapses. 

How to surf urges on NoFap...

So what exactly does surfing the urges mean?

Surfing the urges simply means that you are letting yourself feel them without resisting them and without getting dragged along by them.

Now, these two are important because, well, if you get dragged along by them you relapse right away, obviously. But also, if you resist the urges and try to push them away...

...well that is also a losing battle!

Why it's a bad idea to resist or push away the NoFap urges...

So now some of you may be asking, what’s wrong with trying to push them away?

Fair question and the answer is “The ironic rebound effect”. 

The ironic rebound effect is something that is backed by real science and it’s a psychological phenomenon that simply means;

If you try to repress a strong feeling, it will return after a while, but not only that. It WILL return stronger than before you pushed it away!

Fighting the urges makes them stronger...

Yes, that’s right.

This means that if you try to push away the urges, they actually become stronger and sooner or later you end up relapsing. 

This is why we have to surf the urges.

Now, since surfing the urges is not a concrete thing it’s a bit difficult to explain exactly how to do it, like in a step by step formula, but I will give you a few good examples so pay careful attention here.

Surfing NoFap urges is like reducing anxiety

First you should know what NOT to do, so let me take my anxiety attacks as an example.

Many years ago I had big problems with panic attacks and when they hit me I would go “Oh no, there’s that horrible anxiety no no, please go away now!”

So, what did I do wrong there? 

Yes that’s right, I was resisting them, and sure enough, by doing so the panic attack got about 5x stronger.

How to surf NoFap urges...

It wasn’t until I learned to surf the anxiety that I finally overcame my anxiety attacks.

Instead of resisting I started to go... 

“Ahaa, there’s that horrible anxiety again. Ok, I’m going to take it all in this time and really try to feel comes the anxiety monster...ok, monster, show me what you got then!” 

Can you see the difference there?

Allow yourself to feel the NoFap urges...

I allowed myself to feel the anxiety.

In fact, I even invited it - and by doing so I started surfing on the anxiety, like a surfer surfs on a wave in the sea.

And sure enough, the panic attack never got that strong. 

As soon as I noticed this I started practicing it more and more and after just a few weeks I got full control over my anxiety attacks. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Feel the urges without judgement...

Now, it works the same way with urges.

Try to feel them without judgment.

Examine the urges, you know almost with a curious mindset.

How and where do you feel them in your body? Ride on that feeling without pushing it away and without letting yourself follow them.

That is how you surf the NoFap urges. 

 A surfer should not fight the waves in the sea...

You see, a surfer surfing in the sea can not fight the waves because then he will fall.

He has to ride those waves.

So just like the surfer, look at your urges like waves going through your body and then ride on top of those waves.  

Urges rarely lats longer than 30 minutes...

Urges rarely last longer than 30 minutes if you don’t “feed” them.

And the more you master the art of surfing, the quicker they'll go away.

Here's a visual exercise for you.

Imagine a waterfall...

Another way of  picturing it is like a waterfall.

Trying to fight urges is like trying to block a waterfall. You would very quickly become overwhelmed with the water. Now what if you would step behind the waterfall and observe the water instead? 

Then you would not get dragged along by the water and it would not make you tired and overwhelmed.  

Another metaphor you can use is a riptide...

Imagine a riptide...

A riptide is a strong current of water flowing away from the beach and toward the sea. 

Now, if you are caught in the current and you try to swim directly to shore (fighting the riptide) you will become exhausted and it will not be effective.

If you, on the other hand, swim in the direction of it or - parallel to the shore- you will eventually float out of the riptide and be able to make your way back to shore.

So start practicing this and learn how to master it.

Practice surfing the urges...

It may take some time to get really good at it, but it is so worth it because as I already said, you can use it for almost any feeling or emotion you want to control.

And it will make your NoFap journey so much easier.

Again, resisting the urges is a losing battle and whatever metaphor you choose to use to make it more helpful for you, remember these last words...

...fight the ocean and you will drown!

-Scandinavian Bob-

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