Porn Addiction Cravings (Instant Help VIDEO)

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Do you need instant help for your porn addiction cravings?

Watch this video over and over again whenever you feel like you're in danger of a porn relapse. 

It is designed to help with porn addiction cravings. 

Porn Addiction Cravings...

So, you're having porn cravings right now?

That's all right.

Whenever you're having urges, you can come back to this video and watch it again. Just breathe slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Into your nose and out through your mouth.

It's all okay. 

So, let's go through a few questions here, and you can answer them in your head or you can write them down. Now, I would recommend you take a pen and a piece of paper and write it down, but it's totally up to you.

First question...

Where in your body are you feeling the porn cravings right now?

What physical sensations are you having?

And you can pause the video whenever you like, or until you are done answering.

Notice your urges, be aware of them. Just sit with them for a while without judging them.

There is nothing wrong with you for having urges. In fact, it would be a bit strange if you never had any.

So, just notice the urges, allow yourself to feel them. Know that this is not a bad moment. In fact, when you allow yourself to feel them without feeding them and without following them, it will actually make you stronger each time you do so.

Just notice your urges without judgement...

So, again, allow yourself to feel them without any judgment at all.

Don't resist them.

Just notice how the urges feel in your body and let them wash over you. And then, just ride on top of them like a surfer rides on the waves in the sea.

Don't fight them.

You see, a surfer cannot fight the waves either. He just rides smoothly on top of the waves without resisting them.

Now, pause the video and continue to surf your urges for a while. And then, you can press play when you're ready to continue.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong would you say your urges are right now?

And just know that whatever number you answer, there's nothing wrong with it.

What is your goal with this journey?

Why are you doing NoFap in the first place or why have you decided to give up porn?

What's your goal? And again, you can pause the video now and answer the question.

Make sure you list all the reasons for why you're doing this.

If you were to follow your urges right now and you would act on them, how would you feel about yourself after having done so?

Write it down or just answer in your head.

Again, on a scale of 1 to 10, how strong are your urges now?

And once more, remember that there is no wrong number here. Whatever number you answered is the right number for you at this very moment, however intense it may be.

Are your urges really so strong that you can't cope as you're sitting here right now, surfing the urges and thinking about your why?

Are your urges really so strong that you simply cannot handle it?

If you can handle it, then that's great. What could you do right now to really kick some ass?

Perhaps go do some physical exercise or meditate for a while. Or perhaps do something that brings you a bit closer to whatever life goals you have set for yourself.

If you can't handle it, then that's also totally fine.

And if that's the case, then simply start the video over and just calmly go through it one more time, and stay a little longer on the surfing part.

Or if you feel that you just relapse too much in general and that you really need some help, then practice doing these steps in this video a bit more often. Or then, you can take a look at this other video / post right here ==> A good online course for quitting porn addiction.

Whatever way you choose, I wish you all the best.

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