Can Mediation Help With Porn Addiction Cravings? (Study says yes!)

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Wondering about meditation and its effect on porn addiction?

Well if so, this post is definitely for you.

Today we are going to take a look at a meditation study that was made on people who were classified as "problematic porn users".

Let's begin...

Can Mediation Help With Porn Addiction Cravings? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi,

If you are trying to do NoFap and quit using nasty websites, here’s something interesting for you.

There is a brand new study that came out just about a month ago conducted on 8 male porn users who met the criteria of being problematic porn users. 

The study is titled “Efficacy of Mindfulness Meditation as a Therapeutic Tool in Problematic Pornography Consumption” (link to study)

Yes and as the title suggests the study took a look at how mediation would help people who were struggling with problematic porn use specifically.

The results from the study showed that the mean score of the problematic porn user scale during and post-intervention decreased significantly compared to the pretreatment levels.

And in the conclusion of the study it says...

“In conclusion it can be said that the practice of mindfulness meditation helps in reducing the PPU scale.”

Now, unfortunately there I could not find any more details on exactly what  the significant reduction meant more exactly. That would have been nice to know.

Meditation can be a helpful tool for coping with porn cravings...

Now, we NoFap youtubers have for a long time already been talking about mediation being a helpful tool to use on your NoFap journey, and now there is actually a real study on porn use and meditation specifically showing that meditation can indeed be a powerful tool for you if you're struggling with staying away from porn.

I just wanted to share this with you guys as it’s always nice to be reassured and get confirmation on things we’re doing because it helps with motivation and it can help people stay committed.

So, if you’re already doing some form of meditation protocol I hope this can reinforce your commitment. 

And I’m personally not surprised at all by this study. I mean just think about what you’re doing when you’re meditating. 

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Increased awareness and an increased ability to "let go" of the cravings...

You are practicing your ability to be highly aware and then when a thought pops into your head you just observe it without judgment and then you just let it go and bring your focus back to your breath.

And that exact idea can be applied to porn craving as well. You just observe them, without letting them grab you and then you just let them go.

Honestly I didn’t do much meditation back when I was trying to get rid of my addiction, and if I could go back in time I would for sure do more of it. Especially now when there’s real research showing how helpful it can be.

So, yeah, if you’re not meditating yet, maybe now would be a good time to start.

I do believe this was the first study on porn addiction and mediation, but as you probably already know there are hundreds, if not thousands, of regular studies on the health benefits of mediation in general, so again, if you haven’t already, now is a good time to start.

Because 2024 is here and this is surely the year you’re going to start kicking some serious ass!

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Anyway, a short one today, but hey, I just wanted to share this study with you as I found it very interesting indeed and that’s why I am here. To share helpful tools and tips for you to use on your NoFap journey so if you happen to be new to my channel consider subscribing for more.

And speaking of my own journey and struggle with this, if you want to learn a bit more on how I finally managed to stop relapsing back to porn I recently made a video where I talk about that. You can see that video on the screen right here, just click on that and it’ll take you there.

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