How To Deal With Blue Balls On NoFap / Retention (5 Easy Tips)

nofap semen retention

Are you wondering how to deal with blue balls on NoFap?

Or how to deal with blue balls on semen retention?

Well, if so, this is the post for you.

Let's begin...

How To Deal With Blue Balls On NoFap / Retention

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let’s take a look at 5 things I have found helpful for reducing blue balls on NoFap.

#1 Go down in a squat position.

Feet shoulder width apart or preferably a bit wider and then stay down for about a minute or so while you're breathing deeply. And try to relax as much as possible as you breathe deep down into your balls as Elliot Hulse would say.

This relaxes your pelvic floor and actually can be really effective for reducing the blue balls feeling.

#2 Try cooling your balls.

Yes it actually works. You can take a few ice cubes or something else that's cold out of your refrigerator and cold down your balls for 10 minutes or so. Now, if you use ice cubes then don’t put the ice directly on your skin as you don’t want to cause freeze damage, but  put a small piece of fabric in between a sock or whatever you find.

It actually works.

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#3 Cold showers

Yes if you don’t want to mess around with ice then nothing works its magic than cooling down your whole body with a cold shower. 

Compared to the last tip this one has the added benefit of shocking your whole system, which is guaranteed to create a state change. Which will pretty much guarantee that your mind has a state change, leading your thought away from the nether regions.

Which leads me to the next tip...

#4 Shift your focus

The more you think of your blue balls the worse it actually gets. Yes this is 100% true. Here you have basically two options because you can’t NOT think of your balls as that won’t work.

You either have to think of something else, you know distract yourself. OR surf the feeling you have down there. And by surfing I mean that you allow yourself to feel, in a relaxed way,  without judging the situation as bad until the energy goes out of the feeling. 

#5 Lift heavy weights

This probably works because the valsalva maneuver that you engage in during lifting can temporarily increase blood pressure and intra-abdominal pressure. This can affect various parts of the body, including the pelvic area. 

#6 Drink a lot of water

Yes, I know I said five tips at the start of the video, but I actually decided to give you all a bonus tip here. wohoho.. :) 

Yeah, so I have personally found it helpful to drink plenty of water, so that I have to go to the bathroom pretty often.

For some reason that seems to help ease the feeling, at least for me. That said, I have heard a few people say drinking a lot of water actually makes it worse for them, so here you just have to try it out and then see in what group you belong. 

Alright if you found this helpful then consider subscribing for more because as a guy who has been involved in the NoFap / no pmo community for 12 years now, I have a lot of tips to share related to things like this.

And speaking of PMO, remember now, you don’t have to do NoFap hard mode or retention in order to overcome a problematic relationship with adult sites.

The tips I shared today were for those who for whatever reason also want to refrain from busting nuts on top of staying away from adult sites. 

And speaking of adult content, if you're stuck in the grips of those then you might want to check out a video I made a while back where I talk about how I personally overcame my own addiction to those.

You can see that video right here >>Porn Addiction Relapse Prevention<< just take a look at that and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

-Scandinavian Bob

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