Porn Addiction Relapse Prevention & How I Managed To Stop Relapsing

pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

The system I'm talking about in the video can be found right here, but please listen to the video before you go there. 

Are you wondering how you can prevent porn addiction relapses?

Well, if so, you are in the right place. 

Today I'm going to share my journey on how I found a way out of porn relapses for good.

Let's begin...

Porn addiction relapse prevention 

Have you ever been on a good streak of several days without using any porn, things are going well for you and it is like you are sailing on that streak with good motivation, you have started feeling the benefits and you look forward to the future, but then you slip and there it is...

...the horrible relapse?

Then you try not to binge but it is like you lost all your motivation and so now you relapse again the following day.

And then perhaps you manage to go one day clean, but then AGAIN you relapse the day after that. 

And then this keeps repeating itself and, so now you are STUCK in a relapse cycle and you don’t know how to get back on track.

Does this sound familiar to you?

It's so easy to relapse to porn...

Well if it does then you should know that you are not alone, because without a plan quitting porn is not easy.

In fact, if anything is easy on this journey it is actually relapsing that’s easy.

And listen up, because here’s the deal…

The more you keep relapsing the more stuck you become because each time you relapse you are literally practicing the art of giving in to your urges. 

But that’s not the end of the problem… it actually gets worse!

Porn addiction tends to be progressive...

The nasty thing about having a bad porn habit like this is that it tends to be progressive. Meaning it gets worse over time because with time you start escalating and start watching more and more extreme stuff in order to get the same kick.

And this happens because of downregulation of your dopamine D2 receptors, yes this mechanism is known as desensitization.

And the more desensitized you become the less enjoyment you’ll get, not just from porn, but from every single activity in life.  

Desensitization from porn will make life look gray and boring...

You know all those normal day to day activities also release a small amount of dopamine, but since your dopamine system is desensitized all those day to day activities become incredibly gray and boring.

Here’s a good analogy to make this easy to understand.  Say you go outside on a sunny day, maybe you even happen to look  towards the sun for a moment, well if you then go back inside right away everything looks dark in there, even though it’s in the middle of the day. 

Same thing with desensitization, but then it’s not your living room that suddenly looks dark and gray, but your whole life.

This is exactly why Adrew Huberman, one of the world's most famous neuroscientists often says “Addiction is a progressive narrowing of things that give you pleasure”

But listen carefully here, because here comes the thing…

Quitting porn does not have to be hard if you have the right plan...

Quitting porn doesn’t  have to be hard if you know how to do it. 

Imagine breaking free from the chains of porn, regaining sensitivity and reclaiming your life. Imagine getting back that child-like excitement for life that you had when you were younger.

That is NOT just a dream; it can be reality.

I'm Scandinavian Bob and I have been involved in the porn addiction community for 12 years as of this month....

Listen, if you feel that things are hopeless right now I want you to know that I know exactly how frustrating it can be to feel stuck BECAUSE I used to be addicted myself. 

That’s right, during the first 7 out of these 12 years I struggled with constant  relapses myself and I kept relapsing back to porn so many times that I honestly started to feel like I was doomed to a life with never-ending relapses. 

I was able to go for one or two weeks without porn, sometimes even 5 or 6 weeks at a time, just enough for me to start seeing some benefits and start gaining a bit of confidence, only to relapse again one night when suddenly hit by an unexpected trigger. 

Have you noticed that triggers are everywhere?

Have you noticed how it’s almost impossible to even spend 30 minutes online in today’s modern world without getting slapped in the face with some kind of trigger?

I’m sure you have, because they are everywhere, these triggers. 

Now, most of the time I didn’t get as far as 5 or 6 weeks in, my streaks varied a bit in length, BUT what they all had in common was the disappointment I felt towards myself after each broken streak. 

After every relapse I felt so broken...

First, because I knew that my low libido and sluggish boners were caused by my porn addiction, and that if I couldn’t get that out of my life I wouldn’t be able to function like a normal man, and second, my porn use was also causing depression, social anxiety and low self-esteem, so I was desperate to get rid of my porn habit.

I  wanted to succeed so much and after each time I relapsed I felt like I’d let myself down. 

Of course I did. It was horrible.

All those porn relapses made me lose trust in myself...

I felt like I could no longer trust myself, that my words and my promises to myself no longer meant anything.

This is the problem with relapsing, if you keep on doing it for long enough you lose trust in yourself and you start feeling so broken.

So I kept on trying and trying, but it wasn't all for nothing because towards the end of that 7 year relapsing period I started to figure things out.

I knew that relapses happen most of the time because we have been doing the same pattern for such a long time that it has become like a software in our brain that starts running on autopilot whenever we are faced by a trigger. 

It is like something else is taking over and you just go ahead and relapse...

Have you ever noticed that, right before you relapse, it is like something else is taking over and you just go ahead and do it.

That, even on those days you start your day by feeling so strong, you’re so motivated to do a good reboot, yet when the evening comes and you’re scrolling online it is like something else is taking over and you are leaving the driving seat and boom, there it is, the horrible relapse. 

And then afterwards you go, “what the hell happened? I was feeling so strong and still it happened”?

Does that sound familiar to you?

Well, there you go, that’s that relapsing software I was talking about. 

We have created a relapsing autopilot...

It's like you have a relapsing autopilot that takes over the control system.

This relapsing software is created in your brain because you’ve been doing the following pattern for so long…

  • Trigger - acting out
  • Trigger - acting out
  • Trigger - acting out

And so when you’re aimlessly browsing one evening if you're hit by a trigger, the acting out part just starts running on its own. 

When I started to really understand this I started thinking, wait a minute, if we can create a relapsing software in our brain like that, then it must be possible to create an anti-relapse software as well. 

How I Managed To Stop Relapsing To Porn...

I knew I was on to something and after a lot of experimentation I figured out a specific way of doing exactly that. 

Now I’ll talk more about that in a moment, but you have to understand how excited I felt when I realized that what I had done was in essence, well, I had turned my relapsing software into an anti relapse software. 

And the best part was, whenever I NOW was faced by a trigger it was my anti relapse software that started running on automatically instead. Talk about an upgrade of autopilots, right?  

My anti relapse routine...

I call it my anti relapse routine. Yes, I figured out a specific framework we can use to program in the opposite response into our brain. 

And if you’re now thinking, that sounds hard, I’m here to tell you, no it isn't. It’s surprisingly easy and quick to do and if done correctly it’s possible to start seeing results within just a few days.

Yes, and when I started to discover just how powerful this specific framework can be. I really started fine-tuning the system and before long I started seeing really really good results. 

So I kept on going with it and before long I one day realized that I had now gone more than one year without a porn relapse. 

After one year without a single relapse I considered myself free from porn...

At that point I officially considered myself free from my nasty porn habits. addiction. 

My confidence was through the roof and I was finally proud of what I saw when I took a look at myself in the mirror and all the negative effects porn had caused me were gone. 

I felt amazing!

And it didn’t take that long before I started wondering if my special recipe for creating an anti relapse routine would work for others as well.

I presented the system to my 1-on-1 coaching clients...

And since I had created a YouTube channel about 1 year earlier I started taking on 1-on-1 clients on zoom and I started sharing this system with my subscribers.

And with a bit more tweaking still one after the other my clients started getting really good results. Even those who had been struggling for decades, one by one they started crossing the 90 day line.  

Here’s just what one of my clients has to say about the system…

One after the other they started getting great results...

“Dear Bob, I hit the goal of 90 days just today. You helped me with online coaching in the beginning of October. I’m the Italian guy.”

Yeah and so when I saw that it was not just me who’s getting results, but that this system works for others as well that was when I knew that I had created something really really valuable here and I started thinking;  this is something that just has to be shared with more people. 

So that’s why I created an online course Called “The 4-Step Porn Crushing System” 

You can find this system by clicking right here, but before you go there please allow me to share a bit more about it here. 

Yeah so, instead of it taking me several hours to explain this system  to 1 person at a time on zoom, it is now available to all as an online course.

And unlike 1-on-1 coaching this is an online course that you can go through at your own comfortable pace and it’s so easy to do.

You don’t have to be technical at all and on top of that, the results will come quickly. 

Within just a few days.

And you don’t have to interact with me or anyone else.

Now, you may be wondering, how is this 4-step porn crushing system any different from all the other courses out there, or how is it any different from all the tips I share on my YouTube channel?

It's different from my YouTube content...

My YouTube channel is like a buffet of tips with short videos, only 4-5 minutes or so and with over 400 videos out there now my channel is like a repertoire of tools that you can pick and choose from, whereas in this course I give you that specific framework I just mentioned, only what you need, in a step by step format. 

It’s an EXACT system for you to follow where I hold you by the hand and guide you step by step along the way. First you do this, then you do this and then after that you do that. 

You will get the exact, step-by-step formula...

Yes, you will get the exact step-by-step formula which is both simple and effective at the same time. 

And THIS formula is the very formula I created for myself that I then successfully used in order to break my relapse patterns and finally take me out of a 7 year long struggle with relapses. 

Yes, so The 4-Step Porn Crushing System is something that will take a day or so for you to consume, about 4-5 hours if you really focus, but you might want to set aside a whole day and, again,  this is something I have never shared, like this, on YouTube. Because again, my YouTube videos are only about 4-5 minutes long.

4 Core steps....

The system I’m sharing with you here only has four core steps to it. And just the fact that there are only 4 steps is what makes this system so effective and easy to do.

And best of all, these 4 steps are something you can practice even when you are not having urges, kind of like a fire-drill, so that you are super prepared for what to do when the urges come for real. 

Because let me ask you this?

Becoming good at NOT watching porn...

Do you want to become good at not watching porn?

Well, how can you become good at something you don’t practice?

We all know that practice is what makes us good at something and the best of all is that with the 4-step porn crushing system, practicing becomes both easy and systematic.

I’m telling you guys, this is going to make so much sense for you as you will get a step by step blueprint on exactly what to do. You will discover the specific formula, learn why it works so well and then of course exactly how to do it. 

No "fluff" or filler content...

You know, since I’ve had a YouTube channel about quitting porn for many years now, I’ve also checked out online courses myself just to know which of them I could recommend to my subscribers. 

Some of them are pretty good and others, ehh, not so much!

Some of the other courses I’ve seen out there literally take several days to go through. One of them actually took more than a month for me to fully go through. And on top of that many of them are just filled with abstract content without them even telling you what to do. It’s just hours upon hours of content, but you get no action plan.

This will NOT be the case with the 4-Step Porn Crushing System!

Efficient and effective for fast results...

You see, I made a promise to myself when I started creating this course that, unlike other courses out there, I’m not going to try to cram in as much material as possible into my course in order to make this course super long just so that I can charge more money for it. 

Because this is what many of them do, that's why they fill them with all this filler content.

This will not be the case with my course.

I’m simply going to give you what you need for excellent results and nothing more   in order to not confuse you, because it is the results that people want.  

This way it will be both easier for you to implement and more importantly, then you can also start getting results much quicker.

Porn addiction tends to be progressive...

Listen ,the nasty thing about porn addiction is that, just like I mentioned in the beginning it causes a numb reward system, and addictions also tend to be progressive, meaning you get more addicted over time. 

But this doesn’t have to be you. 

You can do like hundreds of people have already done through my 1-on-1 coaching, get the 4-step porn crushing system that is now available as an online course today and finally leave porn behind for good.

You can reverse your desensitization and regain that child-like excitement for life...

So click the link under this video so that you too can reverse your desensitization and get back that child like excitement for joy. 

Click the link right here and start your journey to a porn-free life. You can not find a better time than right now to take action and put your life in order so don't miss this opportunity for lasting change and I will see you on the other side.

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