Benefits Of Taking A Break From Porn (Study Finds Real Benefits)

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Wondering if there are any benefits of taking a break from porn?

Well if so, you found the right page because today we are going to take a look at the results from a real study, investigating this.

So hit play right now and stay for a while because this is going to be interesting.

Benefits Of Taking A Break From Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So there’s a relatively new, serious, study published in the journal of addiction science that took a look at benefits from abstaining from fapping to porn.

They took a look at 21 single men who abstained from fapping to porn for 3 weeks, and how they responded to that.

And this was a pretty well conducted study as they also had control groups for better and more robust data, and they found some really really interesting things.

They investigated the benefits of 3 weeks of abstinence from porn and masturbation...

Now, before I share their findings you might be thinking, but 3 weeks may be too short of a period for everyone to notice benefits, and sure enough in the conclusion of the study we can find the following text: 

Three weeks may be too short a period to reveal the full benefits of APM. Earlier studies suggest that an over- stimulated reward system still shows recovery-progress after multiple months of abstinence. Future studies could thus research longer periods of APM” -Journal of addiction science-

(APM stands for, abstinence from porn and masturbation)

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For some people the reward system continues to heal for several months after quitting porn...

This is very interesting, because my long-time subscribers have heard me say that even though it’s possible to start experiencing results pretty quickly, it’s possible to keep improving for many months after you notice the first benefits roll around.

And here it says, earlier studies suggest that an over - stimulated reward system, that’s the dopamine system, by the way, still shows recovery-progress after months of abstinence. 

Ok, so here are comes quotes from the study mentioning the “benefits” 

Benefits of abstaining from taking a break from porn and masturbation, the findings....

Here are some of the benefits most noticeable...

  • Reduced mental and physiological fatigue
  • Reduced shyness
  • Increased self-control
  • Increased activity
  • Increased wakefulness
  • Increased inspiration (motivation and drive)

**See video at the top of the page for all the quotes from the study.**

The NoFap guys seem to have it figured out...

Okay, so how about that.

Do you guys think any of that sounds familiar to you?

I bet it does, but, again, it just feels so incredibly nice to get reassurance from real studies that what we are doing here actually works. 

And here I have to add something really really interesting, in the study, they obviously recognized that most of these benefits happen because guys got rid of the destructive porn, but here’s the kicker.

Could retention in and of itself also play a part?

A bit further down they also mentioned, that they could not conclude if ALL the positive benefits guys say were only due to elimination of porn, and that SOME of the benefits may potentially also stem from refraining from ejaculation.

How about that guys? 

Quitting porn or taking a break from porn is the big one, though...

Just like we’ve talked about here on this channel so many times before, that: quitting porn is what’s going to give you the biggest benefits, but then if you feel like it, you can add a bit of semen retention in periods here and there on top of that, just if you’re up for the challenge and that that can then perhaps give some addiction benefits as well. 

Now, of course the retention thing is not something you have to do in order to feel amazing, but it can be a cool little challenge to do from time to time. 

Online porn is a supernormal stimulus, that can negatively affect the brain's dopamine system...

They did recognize that quitting porn was behind most of these benefits because they  acknowledged that it’s probably because of porn’s super stimulating effects on the dopamine system that it causes negative effects for guys who use it regularly. 

 Here are just a few lines from the study about that…

“See video at the top for quote from study” 


“See video at the top for quote from study“


“See video at the top for quote from study”

With online porn you can override your natural satiation mechanism...

Yes, this is what I’ve been saying so many times in my videos now that with online porn you can keep your dopamine levels sky high far longer than what you can do in a real romantic situation and thus you can override your natural satiation mechanism and essentially burn yourself out.

It’s no longer even anything to debate, not even for the hardcore naysayers,  I mean just think about it logically for a second here. If you find a way to push beyond what a system is capable of handling, of course it makes sense that parts of it can break.


If you're quitting, or taking a break from porn, it seems like you find the path...

Alright, I just wanted to share this with you as it was a serious study,  to help reassure you that by doing NoFap and being a dopamine focused warrior we are indeed walking an amazing path here so let's keep walking it, because it IS truly an amazing one.

And also, if you need my help with relapses or, you need some reboot advice with perhaps a never ending flatline or PIED or some other issues related to that, you can always reach out to me for a 1-on-1 coaching call using the link below.

Guys who quit porn and do NoFap become more alpha?...

And oh hey guys, speaking of the reduced shyness they mentioned in the study I have a very popular video I made on that where I explain why guys who do NoFap tend to become more alpha than they were before, and I give you some real interesting insights over there.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

Related things...

The system for quitting porn I mention in the end of the video can be found right here: 4-Step porn crushing system

The video I mentioned in the end of the video on this page can be found right here: Porn addiction relapse prevention.

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