Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My Dopamine? (Watch This)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering if having an AI girlfriend could be bad for your dopamine system?

Well, the short answer is, it depends. 

The longer answer is a bit more complex. 

Stay with me here...

Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My Dopamine? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Look, guys, we need to talk.

Today’s modern world with so much cheap dopamine everywhere and many men being stuck in porn addiction is already bad as it is.

But now we also have AI stimuli on top of all of that.

Luckily I managed to overcome my own porn addiction before AI rolled out, but since I’m still involved in the porn addiction community as a teacher and a coach I can  see the negative impact it has on guys out there. 

Anyone can have an AI girlfriend - but what does it do to your dopamine?

So, apparently anyone can now have so-called AI girlfriends and if you think that’s just an innocent little thing, think again.

By the way, before I start you should know it’s not like I’m shaming or pointing fingers here, but I’m coming from a position of sympathy because I know just how this could have affected me when I was stuck in the digital world so I understand the guys out there, and I’m worried.

Listen, if you can choose exactly what kind of personality your girlfriend is going to have AND exactly what she is supposed to look like. The exact breast size, the exact hip to waist ratio, what kind of ass she's going to have down to the exact millimeter and then expect to ever be able to find real life girls attractive after that then think again.

Because you are now going to need a real life girl who is an 11 out of 10 in order for you to do so.

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You might be numbing yourself and become spoiled...

And so now you say, “Oh come on, real life will always be more exciting than artificial stuff”, well, I’m here to tell you, yeah, for some people that may still be the case, but in most cases you’re actually wrong. 

Because what we’re dealing with here is something biologists call a “supernormal stimuli”. 

A supernormal stimulus means something that is an exaggerated version of   something that we are genetically programmed to respond to.

And here’s the deal, supernormal stimuli can affect our reward system to a much higher extent than real life stimuli. 

Supernormal stimuli and their ability to desensitize your dopamine...

Take the bliss point for example, that’s also a supernormal stimuli. The bliss point is what certain junk food companies try to create by adding the exact ratio of salt, sugar and fat to optimize a dopamine spike. 

Well, if you eat that several times a week for months straight just eating a normal home cooked meal will do nothing for you because you are now so used to the super stimulating bliss point.

And so the problem with your AI girlfriend here is that not only will you train yourself to only respond to a girlfriend that  looks exactly the way you want AND that does exactly what you want her to do, but just since you can also choose several girlfriends online, how likely are you going to be to just have one.

Do you really think you'd keep it to having just have ONE AI girlfriend?

And so now you say “Oh come on, it’s just a fake world so it’s not like I’m cheating”

That’s not the point. The point is that not only do you have one potent supernormal stimuli here, but now you are also training yourself to need several different girls to switch between in order for you to be able to keep your juices flowing.

And of course here too you can change to another hip to waist ratio, and give girlfriend number 3 another kind of ass, because hey, novelty and variation drives up dopamine, and that’s the problem.

And so if you NOW try to go out and meet someone in real life you’re not only are you going to need an 11 out of 10, but having just one won’t do it.

You become dependent on the stimulating novelty...

So now you’d literally have to have 5 or 6 different ones to switch between in order to be able to stay erect because you that’s the way you have been training yourself, to jump rapidly between one digital queen to the next.

And so now you perhaps say, “Ok, maybe so, but I’m never going to get a girlfriend in real life anyway, so I might as well enjoy what’s going on online”.

Your life, your rules...

Well, hey, fair enough man. It’s your life and your rules. And if that’s the way you choose to live it, knock  yourself out, but you should know that even in this scenario it’s a destructive thing, because the issue with supernormal stimuli is that it doesn't take that until you get desensitized.

That’s why they are called supernormal stimuli!

Because it is something that is more stimulating for your brain's reward system than what we could ever find in nature. 

When it loses its appeal - and then what are you going to do?

And if you make yourself desensitized your digital world will gradually stop delivering pleasure for you and now you are left with absolutely nothing because now everything in life, both the real world and the fake world is gray and boring.  

A much better approach would be, even if you think you can’t get a girlfriend, start putting yourself in order, mentally physically and spiritually.

Practice social skills and start putting yourself out there and then maybe one day, even if YOU don’t think it’s possible, I’m here to tell you, yes it is possible that you too could find a real flesh and blood girl who would start liking you.

Get yourself in order and start putting yourself out there...

And guess what, even if that woman would be a 4 or a 5 compared to what you can create online you are going to perceive her as a 9 or a 10 just as long as you stop desensitizing yourself with porn and all this, fake AI crap.

Ah, so…ok,  I hope I gave you some food for thought and if you need help with staying away from the fake world of porn, make sure to download my free 90 day no porn guide using the link below.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...

That one is not an online course, or anything big like that, but it’s an easy to read PDF file, almost like in bullet point form with helpful tools and tips for you to consider on your journey. 

And also, to learn more about how porn affects your brain, you know with the desensitization thing and all the other negative things that can happen, then take a look at a 4 part video series I made a couple of months ago because understanding the science behind this is going to be extremely helpful for you.

So just click right here and it will take you to the first part. Just click on that right now, and I’ll see you over there.  

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