What Jordan Peterson Thinks Of Porn (And My Take On His View)

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Wondering what Jordan Peterson thinks about porn?

Well if so, this is the video / article for you.

In today's vide I'll share Mr. Peterson's view on porn and then give you my take on what he has to say. You know, I'm coming from a position of having been involved in the porn addiction community for 11 years by now.

I also have this video up over my YouTube channel, but you can just as well consume it here on this site. 

Let's get to it....

What Does Jordan Peterson Think About Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Today, we are going to take a look at what Jordan Peterson thinks of porn.

I'm going to quote him exactly, word for word, from an answer he gave during the questions and answers section at one of his talks.

After his quote, I'll give you my take on what he said, coming from my position of being involved in the porn addiction community for more than 11 years.

Okay, so what does Jordan Peterson think about porn? Here is his answer, word for word:

This is Jordan Peterson's opinion on porn...

  • It's a surfeit of hedonistic pleasure.
  • It's whim-based.
  • It doesn't constitute the kind of action that lays the groundwork for functional relationships.
  • It stops you from being desperate enough to go put yourself on the line in a real relationship. It trains you sexually to respond only to pornography.
  • It requires that you use more and more novel pornography as your habit develops in order to get the same kick. It increases the probability of impotence in real life.
  • There's nothing about it that's good. And then the fact of its wide distribution online also entices girls to the kind of quasi-prostitution that characterizes, you know, only fans and sites like that. So, no, this isn't a good thing. It's not a good thing." 

Scandinavian Bob's take on this...

Okay, so those were his exact words, and those who have been following me for a long time probably recognize a lot of that and already know if I'm going to agree or not.

But let's take a look at the first one here, "surfeit" meaning an overabundant supply, and well, he's definitely right about that.

The endless novelty online makes porn so addictive...

It's the endless novelty online that makes porn so addictive.

I mean, just imagine if there was only one single porn site on the whole internet, and then that site would only have, say, 10 different videos. Well then, porn addiction wouldn't even exist, as people would get bored by watching those same 10 clips over and over.

You have to understand, guys, in arousal addictions, we want new and we want different, not more of the same old boring things.

Let's take a look at this one here *see video*

Online porn kills your drive to meet real life people...

Again, he is 100% correct.

I mean, just think about it...

If you can gratify yourself sexually with something that is as potent as online porn, then of course you're going to have less drive and motivation to go out and look for the real thing.

Many single people who go on NoFap automatically end up in a relationship...

And as someone who has been involved in this community for 11 years now, I have seen 100 threads, maybe thousands of times, how guys who go on a long enough NoFap streak, and tear themselves away from the porn, end up in a relationship.

And many of them end up happily married.

I've seen this with myself, with my coaching clients, and in comments all over the internet.

Online porn is so potent that it can numb your dopamine system and your sexual responses...

In addition, the endless novelty online makes porn so extremely potent that you can actually numb your reward system to the point of normal people starting to pale in comparison.

One analogy would be; if you go outside on a sunny day and you happen to look towards the sun for a while and then you immediately go back inside, well, everything is going to look dark inside your house, even if it's in the middle of the day.

Because the sun was so bright that you quickly dialed down your sensitivity to light.

Well, online porn is such a potent dopaminergic stimulus that your brain dials down its sensitivity to dopamine, and normal people start to pale in comparison.

What about this one here? *see video*

You're training yourself to respond to porn...(it's like practicing for the wrong sport)

Again, 100% correct.

It can cause things like delayed ejaculation or just low libido in general for real-life people.

The sexual conditioning to pixels on a screen is actually one of the biggest factors behind porn-induced erectile dysfunction, and it is sexual conditioning he means when he says it trains you to respond only to pornography.

Yeah, so I can tell you guys, porn-induced ED is definitely a real thing, and it's a combination of sexual conditioning and a numb reward center that's causing it for most people, probably a bit more sexual conditioning than desensitization, but both are involved.

And we know this because when guys give up the porn after a few months, they regain their ability to achieve erections with real-life people again.

Now, isn't that wonderful?

What about this one here? *see video*

Porn can easily case escalation so that people start watching harder and more extreme stuff...

Well, again, 100% correct.

Listen, guys, I have yet to see one single guy saying something like, "Oh, I started out watching all kinds of extreme and sick things online, and as my porn use developed over the years, I gradually started using milder and milder porn, and now it's just regular vanilla scenes for about five minutes or so."

It's the complete other way around...

People start off with just maybe five-minute sessions here and there and vanilla scenes, but with time, their porn use escalates, and their porn sessions become longer and longer, while they also start watching more and more extreme things as well.

So, that is what tends to happen.

The numb dopamine system needs more and more stimulation in order to get the same buzz....

And this is, again, because of desensitization. In other words, their numb dopamine system needs more and more stimuli in order to get the same buzz.

Now, here, there are a few anti-porn addiction people out there who desperately try to defend everything about porn.

They like to say things like, you know, "But the reason why they escalate and start watching other categories is just because they find what they are truly attracted to, and instead of trying to cut down on the porn, they should instead be grateful that they found out what really turns them on so that they can pursue things like that in the real world as well."

Oh boy, really?


I mean, I can understand that that can be the case for some people some of the time, but that's far from every case.

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Should you regularly go out trying to find alien sex, then? Or 100 person gang bangs?

I mean, just think about it, should guys who have started jacking off to 10-tackle porn, 50-person gang bangs, or 3D alien monsters go out and try to find things like that to gratify themselves with in real life then, because they have finally found what really turned them on?

Well, good luck with that then.

Porn increases you chances of impotence in real life...

And so Jordan says, "it increases the probability of impotence in real life".

Again 100% correct.

And you already heard me talk about that.

Naysayers do still exist, but their words are getting more and more ridiculous in the face of what's going on out there...

And here again, those naysayers like to say things like, "No, there's no such thing as porn-induced ED. It's just shame, anxiety, or that people smoke too much that causes that ED."

Well, honest to goodness, I do not know how these people think.

Sure, anxiety and shame can cause erection problems; that's 100% true. But again, that's not the same as to say that there is no such thing as porn-induced ED.

If it was just poor health causing young men ED, then why would they still get it up with porn?

If it was just poor health and smoking, for example, then why would the guys not be able to get it up in real life, but then when they fire up a porn site, they instantly get an erection?

And we are talking about young men in their 20s here as well.

It takes years of smoking before organic problems like clogged arteries become an issue, and if that were the case with these guys here, then why would it suddenly work when they start a porn clip?

Clogged arteries do not just disappear when you open up a porn site...

If it's clogged or there is then they don't just disappear when you fire up a porn site, so it clearly takes the porn for them to be able to get aroused.

And I know, I know, now some of you may say, "But what if it's anxiety, then?"

Well, listen, if they can't get it up in real life, but it works with porn, it could be anxiety, yes, that's actually correct because performance anxiety can cause that to happen.

But here's the deal...

when we are talking about these guys here struggling with porn-induced ED, if those guys go into their bathroom and try good old porn-free masturbation, and they can't get it up then either without the porn, but then when they go to the computer and fire up the porn, then it works.

So, what's that then?

In this case, then it's not just anxiety because a few people have performance anxiety with their own hand.

Young healthy men should have no problem achieving an erection with porn-free masturbation...

And young healthy males in their 20s and 30s should have no problems achieving an erection with masturbation alone, not using the porn.

Once more, for these men that we are talking about here, it takes the porn for them to be able to get aroused enough.

Anxiety can also cause erection problems, sure...

Now, again, sure, anxiety-induced ED is a real thing, but again, that's not the same as to say there is no porn-induced ED.

And you also have to understand that many, many, many guys have a combination of anxiety and porn-induced ED, and that's no wonder.

I mean, if you fail a few times due to porn-induced ED, then of course, you're going to start worrying if it will happen again, and then suddenly you are now struggling with both porn-induced ED and performance anxiety combined.

The anti porn addiction proponents are staring to get annoying...

But the people who say that the astronomical rise in ED that has happened in the last two to three decades now taking place in otherwise young and healthy males is just due to smoking, anxiety, or a sudden increase in stress, or, well, I don't know how to put this nicely, but I just think they're trying to compete on who can cross the idiot line the fastest.

They're all doing a pretty damn good job at it too.

Luckily, there are not too many of them out there who deny porn's potential negative effects, but they are out there, so be aware of that.

A sudden rise in stress levels?

Oh man, like people back in the day before the internet didn't have any stress?

No, no, of course, they didn't. They literally had to fight to survive, you know, fought in wars and had to work like crazy just to survive and get food on the table, but no, they didn't have any stress at all.

So it's not the stress that has suddenly increased in the last 20 years or so, but what has actually taken place? Well, I'll tell you. High-speed internet started rolling out, you know, the endless novelty where you can click from video to video, to clip to clip, endlessly.

So, you do the math.

Hardly any good about online porn at all...

Okay, so let's move on to the last one here.

Okay, so well, on my channel, I have been sticking mostly to what happens inside the brain on a neurobiological level when we do things, and most often, I do not go wandering on the moral landscapes, and I'm not religious, but of course, I have opinions on things.

So if any of my followers are curious about my personal take here, I can just say, yeah, well, I have a hard time seeing any good it'll do to the world as a whole.

So again, I cannot help but to agree with Jordan on this one as well.

And speaking about the neurobiological side of this, have you seen my video series on what the physical brain changes are that happen inside your brain if you develop a porn addiction and how to reverse those brain changes?


Well, if not, just take a look right here, What happens to your brain when you watch too much porn? and you'll see exactly what's going on with that.


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