Social Media Addiction (Motivation Found Right Here)

dopamine dopamine healthy habits social media addiction

Wondering a bit about social media addiction?

And no you're looking for some content to either get some insights or to motivate you?

Well, if so, you're in the right place. 

Buckle up, because here we goo...

Social Media Addiction Motivation 

One of my favorite non self-help books is a novel written by Henri Charrière where he writes about his adventures.

The book is called Papillon because that was his nickname in the underworld.

Born in 1906...

He was born 1906 in France and at the age of 25 he was convicted for a murder he claims he did not do and he was sent to a brutal penal colony in South America to do hard labor for life.

Convicted for a murder he had not committed

He was allowed to socialize and spend time with the other inmates there, but make no mistake it was a brutal place as more than half of the prisoners there died of sickness, mistreatment or disease.

If his story is really true, just imagine getting convicted for a crime you haven't done, how would that make you feel?

Anyway, at one point he got into a fight with another inmate there and this time he actually killed someone and as a punishment of that he was now sent to 8 years in solitary confinement.

Isolation - without any dopamine stimuli at all...

He would be locked in, in a small cell without anything to read, without having contact with one single person and absolutely nothing to do, but to sit on a small block of cement in the corner of that tiny cell.

Most people were not able to survive a punishment like that as they either died of sickness or literally went insane. 

Just imagine if someone would rob you of your best years and take 8 years away from your life. 8 years that you would never get back.

How angry wouldn't that make you?

8 years out of your life just gone forever.

Well, guess what, this is exactly what the dopamine industrial complex is doing to you. 

You too are in a prison. A Dopamine driven social media prison

Check this out…

According to recent data, the average person is now spending 4,5 hours a day on his phone.

So if you’re 25 years old today, like Papillon was when he was convicted and you’re lucky enough to live to the old age of 85 that means you will spend 11.25 years on your phone. And that’s just if you started at age 25.

And you are doing it because you want to pass time.

Just because you want to "pass time"...

Papillon was robbed of 8 years of his life where he was desperately trying to pass time and the dopamine industrial complex has managed to put you in a digital just because you too want to pass time.

Now, Papillon was so angry for being robbed of his best years and he was very intelligent and a clever guy so he did manage to escape in the end, not from the solitary confinement, but after that from his lifetime sentence.

And so now I’m asking you. Are you really gonna let the digital industrial complex rob you of your best years?

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Are you gonna let the industrial dopamine complex rob you of your best years?

The difference between Papillon and you is that it was extremely dangerous and difficult for him to escape and he only succeeded on his 9th try. 

You on the other hand have a much easier time to escape your digital prison.

But I would argue it is almost as important because if you can’t see it, let me spell it out for you, I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck am not going to let anyone else rob me of life because that’s what’s happening here. 

Social media does not form any memories

If I were to ask you to tell me what you spent your 4.5 hours of scrolling on yesterday, you wouldn’t even be able to tell me, because we don’t even remember it. So the sad part is, it just consumes your life without you even getting any memories from it. 

This is so unlike living your life in real life where we form connections and memories for life that we can look back on when we’re old. And so, when the time comes, what are you gonna look back on if all you do is spend time in your digital prison? 

What are you going to look back on when you're older?

So why not do like Papillon and escape this life sentence of yours. 

I hope this video gave you some food for thought.

And if you want to check how much the dopamine industrial complex has already messed with your dopamine system you can take my free dopamine quiz using the link below because knowledge is a great way to start your great escape.

Just fill in the form below to take the dopamine quiz....

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