My Personal No PMO Rules (First 30 Days After Quitting Porn)

no pmo nofap pmo addiction

Note: you can find a full review of the online course and webinar I'm mentioning in the end of the video by clicking here >> Dopamine Discipline Review.

So, today we are going to take a closer look at my personal no pmo rules implemented on my own journey. 

These rules were obviously there to try to prevent porn relapses. 

Let's begin...

My Personal No PMO Rules

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

Today we are going to talk about how important it is to strategize during your reboot.

Because overcoming a pmo addiction is not going to happen if you are just drifting along on the rebooting sea without any form of plan at all.

There are many things you can do to structure your reboot and you really have to think it through and be smart about it. 

One way of planning can for example be to find your weak spots, when you often relapse, and create rules that will help you get around those spots.

3 golden rules that you never break during your first 30 days of rebooting.

Or your first 60 days or 90 days...this is just an example.

Check this out. This is an example that is taken from my own reboot journal…

During all my years of relapsing I started to notice clear patterns. The first thing was that most of my relapses happened after 7PM in the evening. 

Well in order to help me get around that I then created...

No PMO rule #1: No internet or phone use after 7PM

You have probably heard me talking about this before calling it operation blackout)

But I did sometimes relapse before 7PM as well and out of those relapses I also started to see patterns.

I noticed that prior to those releases I had often been eating sugar or some kind of junk.

I started to pay more attention to this, and sure enough, it became crystal clear that eating sugar drastically increased my risk of relapses. 

So I then added rule number 2

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No PMO rule #2: No sugar prior to operation blackout

Absolutely no sugar prior to operation blackout.

Now, even later, I started to notice that it also applied to fast carbohydrates.

So, at one point I even modified the rule to: zero carbs prior to operation blackout. 

By the way, the sugar thing is a very common problem.

You see, sugar spikes your dopamine and once you give your brain a little taste of dopamine, it often wants more, in whatever form it can get it. And obviously your addicted brain thinks PMO is the best source of dopamine. 

Waking the sleeping dopamine bear...

I call this phenomenon waking the sleeping dopamine bear.

Be careful about waking the sleeping dopamine bear because if you do it’s going to go on a rampage looking for more. 

This is why you often see guys relapse after they have been partying with alcohol, eating junk food, smoking week or gambling.

Now, I’m not saying to shut down everything that gives you dopamine, no no no, but it would be smart of you to find just how much you can play around with dopamine before your dopamine bear starts going on a rampage. 

Then, at some point, in my rebooting, I also had the dating app tinder installed. And I quickly found out that it was a huge trigger for me. 

This is because there is a risk we start using it in a way that mimics the way we use adult content.

You know, clicking from one hot babe to the next and the next and the next. It simply reminded my brain too much of my PMO sessions and therefore it often made me fall back and relapse to PMO again. 

So I created rule number 3, which was...

No PMO rule #2: No Tinder for the first 30 days...

No tinder for the first 30 days.

Now, these rules are just an example of how I did it.

Your job is to take a close look at your reboot, find your weak spots, and then come up with creative ways to get around them. 

Obviously I changed my rules several times during all my years of rebooting, but I would recommend that you at least lock them for 30 days.

Once you set a rule for yourself make sure you commit to it...

In other words, once you have made them, you don’t get to change them for 30 days because then you could just start modifying them in the moment on some of your weaker days.

Also, you don’t have to make 3 rules.

If you want to, you could have just 2 of them. But I would recommend you do not make too many, like for example "15 golden rules", because that becomes too complicated and then it will just backfire on you.

So, be creative here and again, play around with the time-frames.

For example, "For the first 60 days I have to do operation blackout"

And then perhaps you won't need it after that.

The same goes with the Tinder rules or Instagram or junk food... or whatever,

It’s your job to be clever here.

If you are addicted to adult sites and you are tired of relapsing then listen up here

The last couple of months I have been checking out a system created by a licensed therapist using something called HCT habit construction therapy to quit using adult sites for good,  and I have to say, the results are truly impressive.

You can read a full Review of the Dopamine Discipline and HCT method here.


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