90-100 Days after Quitting Porn This Can Happen (Warning)

porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

There is a trap you can fall into 90 days after quitting porn.

Or, let's say 90-100 days after quitting porn is a typical time frame for this particular trap.

Let's jump in and find out what I'm talking about...

90-10 Days after quitting porn...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

As many of you know, I get a lot of emails from guys trying to live a No PMO lifestyle and that in combination with having been in the rebooting community now for more than 8 years have made me see many typical relapse patterns…

...and here’s one of them.

A relapse right after having reached 90 days free from porn...

I often hear, "Oh man, I had just made it to 90 days, but then I relapsed somewhere around day 100." 

Yes, this is actually a pretty common thing.

The first few days after day 90 are a real danger zone for many guys, and should really tell us something and what do you think that is?

90 days after quitting porn you fall into a danger zone for about 10 days or so...

Well, it tells me two things. 

  1. They had probably set 90 days as their big goal and once they hit it they lost focus, you know, and subconsciously started thinking that they were done. 
  2. They probably put way too much emphasis on what day they were on.

I have said it many times before, there is nothing wrong with counting days as long as you don’t put your counter up on a pedestal and as long as you realize that it is only a tool to keep track of your last relapse. 

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An identity shift has to take place somewhere along your PMO reboot journey...

Listen, if you truly want to live a no PMO lifestyle then sooner or later you will have to start shifting your focus more away from counting days toward just being a person who does not use adult sites. 

What day are you on when it comes to brushing your teeth?

What’s that you say? 

Oh, You don’t keep track of that? 

Well if I were to ask you “why not?”, then what would you say?

Well, you probably would say...

“Well because I’m just that kind of person who takes care of his teeth and brushing my teeth is just something I do on a daily basis, no need to count days there.”

Ahhhh, “I’m just that kind of person who”…fill in the blank.

The magic formula right there!

Be that kind of person who just....

So why not be that kind of person who just takes care of his brain by not using adult sites.

If you really, and I mean really, viewed yourself that way then you wouldn't even feel a need to count the days.

Just like with your teeth brushing.

Now, again, there is nothing wrong with using a counter to get the ball rolling in the beginning, but for every week that you keep stacking up I would like to invite you to more and more start viewing yourself as a person who just doesn't use adult sites.

Because that is the mindset you will eventually have to have if you really want to make it a lifestyle.  

You can be free from porn right NOW...

In fact, listen to this...you don’t even have to wait!

So many guys say, oh I can wait until I get to day 365 and I’ll finally be free.

Well again, you don’t have to wait.

You can be free from this very second.

Think about it, even if you’re only on day 6 today, If you from now on were to never go back to adult sites, wouldn’t that mean you are free right NOW.

If you never ever were to watch them again then congratulations TODAY is the day you are free. 

It's a mindset shift...

I hope you get the point there. It’s a mindset shift that has to happen. 

Now, of course I know that it’s still not easy, but I would like to ask you to really think about this for a long time, because having a good mindset is so important if we want to have success.

And fixing this addiction is one of the best things you will ever do because addiction to adult sites will seriously hold you back in life.

This is why I wanted to make this post about what can happen 90-10 days after quitting porn because if those guys who relapsed just a few days after 90 would have shifted more towards the mindset I just talked about, most of them would not have relapsed.

Well, it is still possible to relapse so maybe some of them would have relapsed, but most of them would have made it.

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob-

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