NoFap -What Happens After Day 90? (You Need To Know This)

nofap nofap benefits nofap relapse

Scandinavian Bob here hi. 

Today we are going to talk about what happens after you reach 90 days on NoFap, both as far as the benefit goes, but many guys are also asking as they want to know on a more practical level.

You know, if they can go back to a normal lifestyle if they succeed a 90 day NoFap challenge. 

Here we go...

Should you go back to fapping after reaching 90 days of NoFap?

Well, let’s first take a look at the question whether or not you should go back to your old lifestyle if you make it to day 90.

Ok, so guys, as you may have noticed with my videos, I’m not here to set any rules for your life.

As I always say, your life, your rules.

And it’s not like my channel is a NoFap course or anything like that.

I’m just sharing helpful tools and tricks for guys who want to stay strong, but I will always give you my opinion on things.

NoFap - what happens after day 90?

Yes, so honestly, I do not know exactly how the 90 day challenge started, but 90 days seems to be the most common goal out there.

And it’s a good goal as it will seriously put you to the test in many ways, but at the same time, you need to know that there is nothing magical about that number in and of itself. 

There is nothing magical about day 90 on NoFap...

And as far as going back to your old lifestyle if you manage to achieve 90 days, I think it depends on whether you were addicted or not.

You see, many guys have developed real addiction related brain changes to adult sites and for those guys I would definitely not recommend going back to their old lifestyle.

What happens after 90 days of NoFap could be dictated by your potential porn addiction...

Reaching 90 days is a major step in overcoming the addiction. And honestly, I have to say it would then be pretty stupid to go back.

The same goes if someone is asking about using it in moderation.

It is not like moderate use will completely fry your brain, but I still do not recommend it because it would be a slippery slope.

Moderation is hard for an addict...

This is especially true if you were addicted, then I would guess that more than 95% of guys can not go back to using adult sites just in moderation.

You may be able to pull it off for a few weeks, but the sensitized pathways in your brain will reactivate and guess what they want?

That’s right...they want more.

And so, you would just end up escalating again. 

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What if you're not addicted to porn? Can you then go back after reaching 90 days of NoFap?

Now what about if you are certain that you were not addicted to online porn then?

Should you continue after day 90 or NoFap, or should you go back to your old life?

Well, if we use a bit of clear thinking here this one is also pretty straight forward. 

Be honest with yourself - How Did NoFap make you feel?

You have to be honest with yourself and compare how you feel after a couple of months on NoFap vs how you felt before you started.

Most guys will feel more attracted to real life girls while on NoFap, that’s just a fact and some guys actually swear that girls become more attracted to them as well.

A lot of guys will also feel....

  • More energetic and...
  • More confident and they...
  • That hey have more drive...
  •  That hey have more motivation...

...when doing NoFap.

Yes, many guys simply feel more grounded in their masculinity while on Nofap and again, it is pretty simple really...

"If you too notice that and you like feeling like that then why not make it a lifestyle and keep going with it?"

What if I didn't experience any NoFap benefits?

If you happen to be one of the guys who don’t experience any benefits, then hey man, that sucks and choose whatever way you want to go man.

But again, that is what you should do anyway because; your life, your rules! 

However, as far as not being addicted, and not being not noticing much positive benefits, there is one more thing I want to mention...

Even if not addicted - porn can still mess with your dopamine system...

Even if you’re not addicted you could start experiencing negative side effects if you keep visiting a lot of online porn sites. So that is definitely something to consider as well.

Because did you know that today's super stimulating adult sites are potent enough to knock out some of your dopamine receptors for some time even if you're not addicted?

This phenomenon is called desensitization. 

Obviously that gets much more severe if you’re addicted, but I repeat you don’t have to be addicted in order to get a bit desensitized. 

And if some of you don’t know what I mean by desensitized here’s a really simple example...

A simple analogy of desensitization...

When you are outside on a sunny day, most of you have noticed that if you look at the bright sun for a while, and then you go inside immediately after that, everything looks very dark inside your house.

So dark that you almost have trouble seeing.

This is because the sun was way too stimulating for your eyes so they quickly dialed down their sensitivity to light and then inside everything looked dark.

Less sensitivity top dopamine...

Well, the same thing can happen with today's online porn and your dopamine system.

Today's online porn is so stimulating that after you have been using it for a while and you look at real life “normal girls” they pale in comparison with the porn.

This is because here your dopamine system (dopamine receptors) has dialed down its sensitivity to dopamine.

Now, obviously this is not good, but it does not end here, because desensitization means that every activity that releases dopamine will pale a bit and you will feel less pleasure.

Every activity. Ranging all the way from for example socializing, eating food, listening to music, making love, and so on... name it.

Alright and as always, if you guys keep relapsing and need my help you know what to do. Just reach out to me and I’ll help you get back on track

Successful on NoFap?

And speaking of NoFap 90 day benefits and why I think it might be a good idea to continue with the NoFap lifestyle, take a look at a video I made a while back where I talk about why men who do NoFap win over other men and why guys on NoFap often become successful.

If you haven’t seen that video yet you might just discover something really shocking.

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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