NoFap Day 20 Depressed (NoFap Day 20 & Day 22)

nofap porn withdrawals quitting porn

Have you recently quit porn and went on a NoFap journey?

Like 20 days ago or so?

And now you're feeling a bit depressed?

Well, if so, today's content is exactly what you need...

NoFap Day 20 - Depressed After Quitting Porn 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Today I’m going to share a short journal post I wrote during one of my NoFap streaks many years ago, back when I was PMO rebooting.

So this is a quote directly from my personal journal…

NoFap Day 20 (from my rebooting journal)

"As I’m closing in on week 4 my anxiety is lower today and I feel a bit better. My shortness of breath seems to be gone and I can take deeper breaths again. 

My sleep was also pretty good for the first night in ages. Looks like the withdrawals are getting weaker. I hope I have seen the worst of them now. But I’m still depressed, so they are still here.

The sharpness of them are gone, but instead I now feel a dark void in my chest. Like a black hole.

I'm sure this is just a temporary phase. I will keep pushing. I will go to the forest and go for a run now.”

Depression is typical around day 20 on NoFap...

Yeah, I wanted to share this with you all because even though this was my personal experience it’s actually very typical. 

When it comes to negative feelings, the first two weeks can often be complete hell, and then in week three things often start feeling a bit better, but somehow those aggressive negative feelings instead turn into a more heavier, gray kind of mood instead.

I felt a void in my chest. A longing, like something was missing...

And I remember I personally used to call this darker phase “the void” because that was what it felt like for me. 

Like something was missing in my life, and this could very well be just your brain’s way of telling you that is missing porn. Which is obviously a lie, but for the hijacked reward system it is actually the truth.  

Addictions 'hijack' your brain...

You see, all addictions hijack your dopamine system making your brain THINK that your drug of choice, whatever that happens to be, is vital for survival.

So here it is very important for us to recognize that the void you are feeling is only happening because it’s like your brain is mourning and feeling grief for what it thinks it has lost and your dopamine levels are low and this can even make quitting porn feel like it’s wrong. 

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Don't listen to the lies...

But of course, all of that’s just a lie and if you just keep pushing a few more days then things will turn around and this void phenomenon will get less intense. 

So when those low days hit, it is very important that you remind yourself of this. It will get better. 

Share your NoFap experiences in the comment section on YouTube...

How about you guys, listening to this right now, have you experienced this void phenomenon?

If so, please share in the comment section over at YouTube right here.

I’m going to share a few things I used to do to help with this void period in a coming video real soon, but in the meantime why not help your fellow brothers in arms and share what tricks you have to help you get over this gray hump on the road.

Because despite the name self improvement their journey is not just about ourselves, it’s about helping others as well, so again, please feel free to help each other  in the comment section below.

How I managed to stop relapsing and get to day 1790 on NoFap...

And speaking of help, you’re interested in how I finally managed to quit relapsing to porn stop relapsing and get to over 1700 days of no porn then you can learn more about that by clicking on the video you can see right here: ==> How to quit relapsing to porn

Just click on that right now and you will see exactly what I mean. 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and as always like Winston Churchill used to say: if you’re going through hell, keep going.

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