Benefits 30 Days After Quitting Porn (Heard About These?)

nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering about the benefits one can experience about a month after quitting porn?

Or can people feel benefits 30 days after quitting porn at all?

Well, if so, this is for you...

Benefits 30 Days After Quitting Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

NoFap 30 days benefits, yes, let’s talk a bit about what the most common benefits guys see if they manage to go 30 without using porn. 

So, I made a poll on my community tab here on YouTube asking you to vote and share your experience. 

And these are the results…

*See video*

About 1600 of you voted, thank you for participating by the way, and as you can see.

Here are the most common benefits people see 30 days after quitting porn...

Confidence and self-esteem

More confidence and self-esteem seem to be the winner here.

More energy.

In second place we have more energy.

Less anxiety

And in third place less anxiety.

More attention and respect from other people

And in place number four is more attention and respect from other people. 

More motivation and drive

Now, first I have to apologize for this because I actually meant to make the first option more energy, drive and motivation. But then somehow I messed up and forgot to write it. And that sucks, because more motivation and drive is also a very common benefit guys experience. 

And had I written it like that, then obviously the results of this poll may have turned out a bit different.

Anyway I will have to redo this poll in the future, but I still hope you find the poll interesting.

And when you think of it, more energy is also highly related to more drive and motivation. It’s just that I suspect that if I had written those there as well, the first option would have gotten more votes.

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More confidence, more energy, drive and motivation are the top benefits people commonly see month after quitting porn...

But over all, and what I have seen over all my years in the rebooting community, I would say that, yes, these two are almost always the top 2; More confidence and more energy drive and motivation.

In fact, I would say that I would probably vote for that one myself, as I have to tell you, NoFap really does wonders for my energy drive and motivation.

It’s like rocket fuel for achieving my goals in life.

And this is what many other guys say as well, it's like a 'turbo engine' that drives you towards your goals. 

Here are a few interesting quotes from guys commenting under the poll…

What guys are experiencing about 30 days after quitting porn...

After 30 days of retention it's basically all of the above. More energy, less anxiety, confidence is there and even attraction from others, both men and women in a sense that you have the looks and attention from them. Also, you feel more grounded. Like deep down below your navel... yup feel the force that sort of holds you up”

 And that was a quote from a long term subscriber, thanks for always watching by the way, I really appreciate you.

Here’s another one….

“For me it was power and motivation/drive, i have relapsed recently and it's been hard for me to get back on track but i'm focusing again and I'll be there soon again”

Yup, there’s that motivation and drive again.

And another one...

“Not sure if this is something everyone else experiences or if it’s an effect of the newly gained dopamine sensitivity. But I start to enjoy the little things in life more and I physically feel more love in my heart. “ 

A lot of benefits people experience 30 days after quitting porn are due to better dopamine functioning dopamine system...

Yes, that is probably a result of a better functioning dopamine system.

Starting to enjoy small things in life more is very typical.

And it’s not strange when you think about it for a while; watching adult sites gives you the absolute highest dopamine increase you can achieve without using substances.

Endless novelty and stimuli...

And you can keep doing it with the click of a button, and you can do it endlessly.

This is not good, because when it comes to that kind of pleasure, throughout history we are only meant to feel it as a reward for achieving some vitally important thing.

But today we can keep rewarding ourselves for absolutely nothing.

So, of course that’s going to make things that take a bit of effort seem boring and gray. 

Yeah so to you who commented, you’re definitely not alone there, and it’s great to hear how you are reaping the benefits of quitting porn.

A video series on what happens inside the brain if you're addicted to porn...

And speaking of dopamine, motivation and the reward system, I recently made a 2 part video series about 4 big brain changes that happens in your brain if you become addicted to porn.

I really think this is something every guy should know about, because it will be so helpful for you for the rest of your life.

So, if you haven’t seen that video series you can start by watching part one right now by clicking on the link right here  >> What happens in the brain when you watch porn? <<  

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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