3 Signs NoFap & Quitting Porn is Working For You (How To Know?)

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Are you wondering how to know if NoFap or quitting porn is working for you?

And if there are some good signs to look for?

Well, if so, you're in luck because this is exactly what we're going to talk about today.

3 Signs NoFap & Quitting Porn is Working For You 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let's take a look at 3 signs that you’re making really really good progress on your NoFap journey.

In other words, how to know NoFap is working for you.

#1  A slip no longer lead to binges... 

If you happen to slip or relapse, but you can leave it at that without binging, it’s a real good sign of progress. 

In my country we have a saying that goes something like “an accident rarely comes alone”.

Well, you could say the same thing about NoFap relapses, “a relapse rarely comes alone”. Once you’ve relapsed you have an increased risk of relapsing again the following day, or perhaps two to three days after that.

This is especially true for the beginners out there, but even for those who are a bit further along on their NoFap journey.

So if you have started to notice that  you can now get right back up after a relapse without letting that relapse turn into several relapses, you are making some real good progress.

#2 Just a smile from a normal looking girl can make you feel all warm and happy...

Yeah this one is such a good sign that NoFap is working for you. 

You see, when you keep blasting the reward system in your brain with all those super stimulating porn sites, you get numb to the normal stimulating things in real life. 

Don’t worry, I’m not going to go into the science behind it in this video, but let me just give you a super short example. 

Super stimulating things make you less sensitiv, or even numb...

You have probably experienced the following, you go outside on a really sunny day and you’re outside for a while and maybe you even happen to look towards the sun a couple of times.

If you then go back inside it is like everything is very dark in there, even though it’s the middle of the day, you can hardly see.

Well, there you go.

In this case the sun represented the adult sites, and the room inside a real life girl. By looking at something as powerful as the sun, your eyes quickly dialed down their sensitivity to light so the light inside pales in comparison. 

Same thing happens when using too many porn sites. They dial down your sensitivity to dopamine so looking at normal looking girls in real life pales in comparison after that.

So, the next time the girl in the cashier at the grocery store gives you  a big warm smile and you feel that tingly sensation in your stomach, rejoice because that’s one of the absolute best signs that NoFap is working for you - and that your reward system is now less desensitized. 

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#3 You suddenly go, "Hey, I'm actually improving my life"

Yeah, a few weeks after embarking on a NoFap journey a lot of guys start noticing, "Hey, I’m doing a lot of good things for myself now. I’m exercising, I’m working on my goals and it’s like, I’m ACTUALLY improving my life right now. For once in my life I’m no longer just thinking about it, but It’s actually happening."

This is something I see over and over and it was the same for me.

NoFap gives you a healthier dopamine system and dopamine is the key driver of motivation and for going after things in life. 

Do you recognize yourself in any of these 3 signs?

Please let us know which one you’ve noticed in the comment section on YouTube, as I’m sure many guys would like to read it.

Alright I hope you found today’s short video oh and by the way guys, do you know what my biggest relapse danger was back when I did my own reboot a few years ago?

And not only mine, but it’s the same for thousands of other men as well, and who knows, maybe for you to…no?

Well, take a look at this post right here and you’ll discover what that is ==> NoFap Dissappointment

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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