NoFap Stops Working After A While? (Is This So?)

nofap nofap benefits nofap flatline

Has NoFap stopped working for you?

Well, if so, pay careful attention now.

Scandinavian Bob here hi!

Some guys have been rebooting pretty successfully and managed to build up some long streaks, started to experience some cool benefits and  they started to think, "Man this is awesome, what will the future hold if I keep going like this?"

They have gotten a taste of the sweet life, but THEN something happens and it is like the strongest benefits kind of fade away.

And they didn’t even relapse!?!

I mean what the hell, where did the benefits go?

Does NoFap Stop Working After A While?

Well, this does not happen to everyone, but it does indeed happen to some guys and today we are going to take a look at a few plausible reasons for this. 

Now, keep in mind that for some of you reason #1 may be the case, while for others perhaps reason number 2 or 3 may be the cause - and then there may be guys who have a combination of them all.

Ok, so let’s jump in...

Plausible reason #1:  A new NoFap flatline

It is very common to have several flatlines during a reboot and they can come and go without seemingly any warnings.

They can even come several months into a reboot. So some guys have simply descended into another flatline without realizing it and thus the benefits go away for a while.

And so now some of you say, "It can’t be another flatline because it’s not like I’m starting to feel bad, it’s just that the strongest benefits go away!"

Well, maybe, but keep in mind that your second or third flatline may be milder and don’t hit you as hard as the first one.

Plausible reason #2 They Acclimatize...

Another possible reason for why NoFap may stop working after a while is that guys get used to the new normal.

I.e. they acclimatize.

Whenever we experience something new, the intensity is much higher at first, but after some time we acclimatize.

This means that when some guys reach a new level they simply get used to it pretty quickly. In other words, the cool benefits simply become their new normal and thus the intensity fades a bit. 

Plausible reason #3 Too attached to the outcome...

I'm the kind of guy who stands solidly with both feet on the ground, I like science and evidence, and so, I have always had a bit of trouble with things that are, how shall we say... a little out there.

But guys, as a middle aged man, I have to say I have now started to accept that there are so many things out there that we still do not understand. 

And I now fully believe that IF we are too attached to the outcome of something, we are less likely to get it. 

Like, for example, if you want to approach a beautiful girl, the more important you make her approval the more likely it is she will reject you.

Isn’t that ironic?

But it is 100% true.

The same goes with my musical instrument. 

The periods in life when I have made the results super important to me, the worse they have become.

Don't back of with the engagement because of that...

Now, listen up here, I’m not saying we should back off with the engagement if we want good results in life. No, not at all, but I’m saying we should back off with our attachment to the outcome.

So instead, try to have an attitude of, "I’m going to keep hitting it hard, and then see what happens.."

Adapt a more relaxed approach...

You know, a more relaxed attitude because in some strange and weird way, it really seems like the universe rewards people who do not make the outcome such a big deal.

The same is also true with your NoFap journey.

If you keep expecting superpowers, well, let’s just say it could indeed hold you back.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Plausible reason for why NoFap stopped working for you #4  Addiction transfer...

When quitting one bad habit it is very common to transfer into other bad habits

If you stop using adult sites, but you...

  • Quadruple the amount of your video games
  • Started drinking more alcohol
  • Started bingeing all kinds of social media
  • Started eating all kinds of junk food
  • Or doing  some other stupid activities like that...

...don’t be surprised if your NoFap benefits start fading away.

The strongest NoFap benefits can only be experienced if you have a healthy dopamine system...

The strongest benefits can only be experienced if you have a healthy reward system in your brain.

And excessive amounts of, for example, those things I mentioned, will hammer your dopamine receptors.

So keep that in mind.

Plausible reason #5  Longer may not always be better

Now, before you start jumping up and down here, let me point out that I’m not talking about adult sites here.

I am only talking about busting nuts.

Longer is always better when it comes to staying away from adult sites. Because they really fry your brain. 

Staying away from porn is the most important thing...

In fact, the best would be to never again watch one more minute. However, as Gary Wilson, the king of rebooting science, says, when it comes to holding in your seed, for some guys it really seems like longer may not always be better. 

For example, Dave Asprey, a super smart entrepreneur and the author of the book “Game Changers”, says he feels the strongest “super powers” if he is on a cycle of one day of nut busting per month.

Find your optimal ejaculation cycle that works best for YOU...

Now, again, he’s not talking about adult sites here, but simply busting nuts with his wife. In other words retaining for about 30 days and then releasing one day and then going back to retaining again. 

Now, this does not mean that you will work the same.

Again, it is your life and your rules and you are the one who has to find out what works best for you.

But I had to let you know that there are indeed many men out there experience absolute strongest benefits if they use “ZERO” adult sites, but then try ty find an optimal nut busting cycle with their girlfriend or wife.

What is allowed during a pmo reboot? 

If you are a bit confused about what you should and should not be doing during your reboot then take a look at another video I made a while back where I share some interesting and helpful guidelines for you. You can see that video / blog post on the screen right here >> What should I avoid during a PMO reboot?

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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