Is NoFap Legit? (Should you quit doing it?)

nofap benefits quitting porn


So is NoFap legit or not?

Is NoFap just placebo?

Some people give up way too soon, thinking NoFap is just placebo, or to put it more accurately, that the benefits of NoFap are just created by the placebo effect...or even worse...

....that the benefits are just some imaginary stories, told by delusional people online.

Well, if you been thinking along those lines, you might want to check out today's video / blog post, called, Is NoFap really legit?

Let's get to it...

Is NoFap truly legit?

I have been trying NoFap for some time now and it does not work and besides it’s not natural to suppress your urges like that. I quit!

Well, that was just one example of some comments I sometimes get under my videos, and today we are going to talk about why some guys do not seem to get any benefits from doing NoFap.

Do you belong to that group?

Well if you’re doing NoFap make sure to stay with me to the end because you don’t want to miss this.

Does NoFap really work?

Ok, so even if I can’t get to them all I try to read most of my emails as well as comments I get here on YouTube and every now and then I get comments like for example “Hey stop telling people to do NoFap because it’s just BS. I have tried it and it does not work!”.

Right, so listen here, I never once said you have to do NoFap.

In fact, I often say “Do what you want, it’s your life. Your life, your rules”.

Most of my friends are not doing NoFap...

Heck, most of my personal friends do not do NoFap.

Some of my friends understand it, while others think it sounds strange.

And that’s ok.

I’m not going to push it on them.

However, my YouTube channel is about building a stronger self by using interesting biological hacks, smart self improvement strategies and so on, and it just so happens that most of my subscribers believe that following a NoFap lifestyle will give you positive benefits...

...and guess what?

So do I!

NoFap is not real, right? :(

So, most of the time when I get a comment like this one “I have been trying NoFap for some time now and it does not work and besides it’s not natural to suppress your urges like that. I quit!”...

... I just respond with something like “That’s OK!” 

Or I don’t respond at all, because It’s not in my interest to try to force anything on anyone. 

HOWEVER just out of curiosity I sometimes ask a couple of questions to see what could be going on there and to try to find out why they don’t see any benefits.

So I ask, how long have you been using adult sites?  

How long have you been using online porn?

And they might go, "For about 20 years."

And then I ask, "Ok, so how long have you been trying NoFap then?" 

And they answer something like “I tried it for 9 days."

Then I go, "Okay….right. You have been hammering your brain's reward system on for 20 years and you tried NoFap for 9 whole days and didn’t see any results.... Well well well I guess all of us making NoFap videos here are all a bunch of liars...oh no, you’re on to us."

You can't expect to see immediate results if you been using porn for a very long time...

Can you guys see the irony here?  

Some guys who started using online porn sites at a very early age and developed addiction-related brain changes had to go for more than 9 months before starting to see benefits...

...not 9 days!

Now, if some of you started very early, don’t get scared because those guys belong to the unfortunate long term reboters.

It will be different for everyone, but expecting miracles after just 9 days is like saying, "Hey...I went to the gym on Monday and on Wednesday as well, and where the hell are my muscles? Man this whole bodybuilding thing is just a bunch of BS."

I think you guys get the picture. 

But NoFap is not natural, right?

Now another comment I often get is “NoFap is not natural. It’s not good to suppress urges like that.”

Ok, so first, in order to know if something is natural or not we have to think back on our grandparents and our ancestors, because, well, that’s just how biology works.

So let’s see...not natural you say…

Well, I’d say, what’s not natural is; sitting in front of your laptop, having 3 different adult sites open at the same time, with multiple tabs open in your browser, obsessively switching from video to video and scene to scene all while escalating into weirder and weirder stuff - sometimes for hours at end, squeezing all your 'man juice' into a napkin front of your beloved computer.

Is that natural?

Compared to your grandfather who after working hard the whole week went out dancing on the weekend where he met a lovely woman. And they enjoyed each other's company so much that they ended up being intimate with each other. 

So, you want to use the word “natural”, which one of these is more natural?

Hey, it’s your choice of words...I’m just asking?

Give NoFap a decent amount of time...

Now again, I have never said that everyone has to do NoFap, but if you are going to try it in order to find out if you get any benefits from it, at least give it a few weeks and don’t start shouting things like that after just 9 days.

And since you are so good with your words let’s look at this one here.

"It’s not good to suppress urges". 

Well, you shouldn’t suppress your urges on NoFap.

Don't suppress your urges on NoFap...

If you had paid attention to my videos you would know that you should never fight or resist urges, because that does not work.

You should either...

  • Surf the urges 
  • Use them to be intimate with a real life person
  • Channel them into reaching your goals.

You know, converting the energy to help propel you forward in life.

Never once have I said that you should suppress your urges.

How can I remember that I haven’t?

Well that’s easy, because suppression does not work. What you resist persists. 

So, those of you who are new to NoFap, know that this is something you have to be patient with.

The first few weeks are often the hardest, so you have to keep pushing for several weeks. If doing it like that then, yes, most guys will see benefits. And if you don’t then, hey at least then you gave it a good try.

Alright, before I sign out I would like to make you guys aware of my free 90 day No PMO guide that you can grab down below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...


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