Benefits Of Giving Up Porn Just Placebo? (Medical Student Says No)

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Wondering if the benefits of giving up porn are just placebo?

Is NoFap placebo?

Well, if so, stay with me to the end here because this is what we're going to talk about today...

Benefits Of Giving Up Porn Just Placebo? 

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

So, yesterday I was snooping around on the website  your brain on porn again and I came across a success story written by a medical student.…

Now, he doesn’t say how old he is, but he starts by saying that he has been seriously addicted to porn for about 10 years.

He says that, most of the time he consumed it on a daily basis and that he also escalated over time and started to watch more and more extreme things. 

Porn addiction often leads to escalation...

Which, by the way, is very common when it comes to addictions, and if you have been following my channel for a while, you all know why that is by now, right?

Yes, it’s because of the desensitized dopamine system. You’re starting to seek out more and more in order to try to get the numb reward system to feel the same old buzz. 

He also says that he used porn as an escape mechanism because of his high stress, but then he also adds that after he learned about the relationship between addictions and a disrupted stress system he now understands that not all of his stress was real stress. But that the stress and anxiety was actually more so caused by his porn addiction.

He says that the benefits of giving up porn are not caused by the placebo effect...

At first he didn’t know about porn negative effects on the brain, but he started researching online and he says that, as a medical student, it was easy for him to understand the science behind it.

He understood everything about it and that the benefits he’s about to mention for us was definitely NOT just placebo.  

He says that he first managed to make it to day 55, and during that streak he started to notice some positive changes, however he fell back into the addiction and started fapping to porn again, and sure enough the positive changes he had just started noticing faded away. 

Before he gave it up he was suffering from several negative effects of porn...

He says that he suffered from things like...

  • Lack of confidence and courage
  • Could not look at girls with confidence
  • Depressed and was feeling social fear
  • Hated all things about himself
  • Always compared himself to others and felt bad about himself
  • Low thoughts about himself and felt so inferior to others that he avoided going out.
  • Never had the courage to stand up for himself and speak his opinion.

Yeah, so these are things I see all the time with my 1 on 1 coaching clients as well. And if you’ve been following me for a while you have heard me talk about it many times before, right. 

In fact, please comment in the comment section below if you recognize yourself in any of these. 

90 days after quitting porn - These are his benefits...

Anyway, he finally made it to 90 days and here’s how he felt after that…

He says he’s a completely changed person.

He says he now has a much higher baseline level of happiness. Well, no wonder, because when you manage to go long enough without your addiction your dopamine baseline level returns to normal healthy levels again.

He also says that he’s full of confidence now and he feels so emotionally stable. He no longer hates himself, in fact, he says he now respects himself and that he actually likes himself and he also says that he can literally feel how girls are attracted to him.

But the best of all, he says, is the mental clarity he has and the peace of mind he’s got. He says he no longer has disturbing thoughts about what others may or may not think about him.

Negative comments no longer even affect his mood, he’s become socially active and he says his confidence is high.

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He experienced some serious benefits of giving up porn - That was not placebo...

Wow, now what a difference from the socially anxious and negative mindset he had before he gave up porn.

In his success story post he also says that he has a lot to say about the science behind porn addiction and how NoFap is not just placebo. But he thought that he just shared his benefits instead as you can already find a lot of porn addiction articles online.

And so yeah, he’s right about that, you can find a lot of them on for example your brain on porn which is also where I found his success story, as I said. 

Anyway, I thought I’d share this with you and hopefully it inspired you to keep on going and again please comment in the comment section below if you recognize yourself in any of this. 

I can say that I myself most certainly felt a lot of that in the midst of my own addiction. 

And oh hey guys, if you keep on relapsing then make sure to watch this video you see right here as over there I talk about something that has now helped a lot of men quit using porn for good. 

This is Scandinavian bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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The success story I'm talking about in the blog post, can be found right here.

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