Is NoFap Placebo? (Why NoFap Doesn't Work For You)

no pmo nofap porn-addiction

Is NoFap placebo?

Or a better way to ask would be, are the NoFap benefits guys are seeing just because of the placebo effect?

Well, if NoFap doesn't work for you, you might want to give this post a red.

Let's jump in...

Is NoFap placebo?

"All those success stories are just a bunch of guys being delusional!"

This is what some people think after having tried NoFap for a while and if they've not experienced any benefits.

But why do some people not see any results?

Well, there’s a few reasons for that and that’s what we are going to talk about today so stay with me to the end to hear all of this.

NoFap doesn't work? This might be your problem...

The first reason many people don’t see any benefits is because they have developed addiction related brain changes. I.e they are addicted to porn.

If they are truly addicted to it then it can take many months before seeing any benefits at all. And they can even start to feel worse for a few weeks after quitting because of the withdrawals and the so-called flatline. 

It can take several months before seeing results...

This can take several months for some people.

Especially if you started using high speed online adult entertainment at a very early age. Unfortunately it takes much longer for people who started at a very young age to recover, and In general, the earlier they started, the longer it takes.

There are of course exceptions to this, but this is what we generally see. So don’t give up if you don’t experience any benefits after a month or two...

...just give it more time.

When you overcome your porn addiction, you will notice benefits...

When you overcome your addiction, even if it takes several months, you will for sure see massive benefits. 

Listen guys, NoFap can be a phenomenal self improvement tool, but here is the deal….

Here's the deal...

Then we have another group of guys who aren’t that addicted, or maybe they just have a mild addiction, and they get into NoFap thinking “ah, what the hell, I might as well give it a try”...

...but then they expect it to be a miracle cure for everything that is wrong in their lives.

And they keep eating a really bad diet, drinking way too much alcohol, they do not exercise, they smoke cigarettes and they have no goals whatsoever and then they go...

..."What the hell is this? Where are my superpowers?  

But not if you keep doing other stupid stuff...

No no no, you can’t just quit fapping while you continue to do all kinds of other self destructive stuff and think that it suddenly would fix your whole life and then on top of that expect to get some kind of  “superpowers”. 

That’s like being a fitness model who has a competition 3 months from now so he gives up drinking milkshakes to get well defined 6 pack abs, while he at the same time continues to eat pizza and hamburgers for breakfast.

And then he goes, “What the hell man, I gave up my milkshake, where are my abs!?!” 

No, it does not work like that!

One tool among many...

Like I said, for those who are addicted to internet porn, stopping the addiction is very important, and for those who are not addicted, NoFap is actually not that important to do.

However it can be a wonderful self improvement tool, but in the latter case, it’s just that... single tool.

One self improvement tool out of hundreds. 


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But even if you're not addicted to porn, don't underestimate the power of NoFap

Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe NoFap can be one of the most powerful self improvement tools out there, because you learn to master the strongest force in human nature...

...the sexual energy.

And by successfully doing so you will develop enormous self-discipline and self-esteem. And in addition to that, NoFap has biological benefits as well as, like for example, upregulated androgen receptors.

A better hormone profile?

And as some of you may already know, the androgen receptors are what sucks up the testosterone (or what testosterone binds to).

So by doing NoFap our bodies and brain get more efficient at utilizing whatever level of testosterone we happen to have in our blood. This makes us feel more manly, more driven, more competitive and so on. 

NoFap increases your dopamine receptors...

The same is true for dopamine and the reward center in the brain.

NoFap upregulates dopamine receptors so that we become more sensitive to dopamine, meaning we get more joy out of life with more motivation and pleasure. This is especially true if you have an addiction to porn.

But now if you have a messy lifestyle...

However, as I already pointed out, the dopamine receptors won’t grow that much denser if you keep hammering your reward system with junk food, hours of video games, alcohol and so on, because all those things also knock out the dopamine receptors.

Now, I’m not saying to never do those things, but I am saying, don’t complain that your life sucks if you just keep playing video games, eating junk and never exercise and then expect to get some kind of superpowers with an awesome life just by not fapping for three weeks.  

So those are some things to keep in mind if you have not experienced any benefits from NoFap so far.

But then there is actually one last group here and, while they might be in the minority it is a group that we need to mention.

There are actually those who experience zero benefits, even if doing everything right...

There are actually guys who seriously just don’t experience any significant benefits from NoFap, even though they do everything right.

And you know what?

That’s totally fine!

There is no law that says every guy has to be on NoFap in order to improve his life. Now, again, those guys are in the minority, but they are out there and I probably wouldn’t do NofFap myself, if I belonged in that group...

...and that would be just fine. 

Most men who give NoFap a decent try will find it a great self-improvement tool...

It just so happens I do experience benefits so, for me, and for many other men out there, NoFap is a truly powerful self improvement tool.

A tool that can really help to propel us forward in life.

Especially if we use it in combination with other powerful tools like meditation, intermittent fasting, cold showers, daily goal setting and so on.

But again, remember that we are all different and that we all have to find our own way in life, find out what works and then keep doing that.

To each their own.

Alright that’s it for today, Thank you for watching and always remember that  you are a warrior in your own life and if you keep walking the warriors journey good things WILL come to you.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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