Are NoFap / Retention Powers Real? (Superpowers)

no pmo nofap benefits retention energy semen retention

Wondering if the NoFap superpowers are real?

Or if the semen retention powers are real?

Well, if so, this is the article for you.

Let's begin...

Are NoFap / Retention Powers Real? (Superpowers)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Ok ok, I admit. As a middle aged man I don't really like the term superpowers, because it  just sounds so naive, but you know what? I still believe in it.

And I’ll tell you why in just a moment.

But let me start by asking you a couple of questions...

Do you ever feel like working on a project takes effort?

Have you ever felt like it takes a lot of effort to for example write an essay, a blog post or just do some cognitive demanding task like working on a project that you need to get done?

Well, I would hallucinate that, at least sometimes all of you feel that things like that take a lot of effort. 

It’s like you have to walk uphill with a heavy backpack on your back. 

Second question...

How much effort do you feel it takes to watch porn?

How much effort do you feel it takes for you when you watch or relapse to adult sites?

And here I would hallucinate that all of you would answer, well, it takes no effort at all. I just get sucked in and it happens automatically.

Yes, that’s the thing!

When you’re watching porn, you get so drawn into it that you even lose track of time and 30 minutes just fly by. Sometimes 60 minutes or even 2-3 hours. 

Some force is pulling you forward...

In fact, it is like something is pulling you forward and it takes no effort at all.

Now, here’s something for you to consider...

Did you know that during a porn relapse your heart rate increases and so does the activity in your nervous system?

Yes, that means that this activity actually burns more calories and takes more effort for your body than working on your boring project over here. Yet it feels like it’s taking no effort at all.

So, why is that?

This is the NoFap / retention power we are talking about...

Well that’s the power we are talking about.

It’s because during a relapse you are super driven by dopamine. Your dopamine is pulling you forward, driving you to watch clip after clip after clip.

You know, if dopamine could speak it would say...

If dopamine could speak it would say...

“Something good is about to happen, something good is about to happen, just a bit more now, and then the good will happen”

So, of course it’s driving you forward, almost obsessively. In fact, many of you are obsessed right then and there during your relapse. 

You have to understand that we are talking about an extremely powerful force here.

Now, imagine if you could have that same effortless drive when working on your goals?

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Imaging you could feel that same pull and superpower when working on your goals...

Well, my friends, when you cut out the porn, that force that you have inside you, that force that is so capable of driving you forward, won’t just disappear with that, but you can actually start using it to get that same drive pulling you forward to achieve your goals in life. 

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the real meaning behind the term NoFap superpowers.

It’s dopamine pulling you forward towards the right things in life. 

Dopamine is the superpower...

And this can be such a powerful thing, so in my opinion, the term superpowers is actually not an overstatement.

Now, in order for this to happen there are several things that you need to have in place. 

This is how you get the NOFap superpowers....

The first one is, well you obviously have to stop fapping to porn.

First and foremost because it’s messing up your dopamine and your dopamine system, but also because, well, if you’re giving yourself a sexual outlet then of course the strongest juice goes out of that primordial force we just talked about.

So, if you want the strongest superpowers, you need to retain, abstain and on top of that have a super healthy dopamine system.

You need some interesting goals...

And also, you need to have some interesting goals you are working on in life. Something you can channel that drive into. 

And so now some of you say, "Ok I get it, I do have goals and I have stopped using porn, but still don’t feel that same drive to work on those." 

Well, then you gotta ask yourself what else am I doing that’s hammering my dopamine system?

If you can feel any NoFap / retention powers ask yourself this...

For example, are you playing several hours of video games per day? Well, those are highly dopaminergic and let me ask you this, if you are using that dopamine to level up in those games, which is what you are doing in video games, then don’t you think that’s going to hijack your desire to level up in real life. 

Of course it will!

Remember what I said, "In order for you to feel the strongest NoFap superpowers you need to have a healthy and supercharged dopamine system on top of you doing NoFap."

That also means that you can't keep eating junk food and drinking alcohol several times a week or be smoking weed as that will for sure blunt your dopamine system a bit.

You also can’t be spending all your leisure time by watching Netflix or scrolling social media. 

NoFap Superpowers - Conclusion

So to sum it up...

Yes, you can get some powers from NoFap without being super dopamine healthy.

But if you want what I call NoFap superpowers, you need to set a specific goal for you to work on. Something that you’re interested in, cut the porn, abstain from busting nuts for long enough periods so that you really trigger and amplify that primordial force.

And then on top of that you need to supercharge your dopamine system so that you can get that powerful drive going for you. That drive that’s going to pull you, effortlessly, forward when you’re working on that specific goal.

You know, that pull I described in the beginning of the video, that time just flies by while you’re consumed in your pursuit. 

And if you want to know more about how to really supercharge your dopamine system then you need to explore the concept of dopamine fasting, or doing a dopamine detox. You can take a look at a video I made a while back, right here >> Dopamine Fasting For a Month

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading.

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