How Do I Know If I Have A Real PMO Addiction? (7 Signs Right Here)

pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering if you are addicted to pmo? (porn masturbation orgasm)

I mean, how do you know if you have a real pmo addiction or if you just like doing it very much?

Well, there is a a big difference between those two, and today we are going to take a closer look at precisely that.

Let's begin...

How do I know if I have a real PMO addiction?

Scandinavian Bob here hi

How do I know if I’m addicted to pmo?

Well this is what we are going to talk about today.

In order to find out I’m going to ask you 7 questions, and a few of these questions are also very similar to what addiction experts are using, however I still want to put a short disclaimer here.

Disclaimer: this video is information only and it’s not medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a professional.

Alright and it’s also important to note that  if you think you somewhat recognize yourself in one of these questions that does not automatically make you an addict with 100% certainty.

However, if you with certainly can answer yes to several of them it’s definitely a pretty good indicator that  you have developed at least some addiction related brain changes.

PMO addiction sign #1: Do you Continue to use, despite negative consequences?

This one is pretty self explanatory.

In this case your porn use has become problematic, to the point of you noticing negative consequences, you are aware of those consequences, and when you try to take a break or quit, you keep coming back to it. 

This one is a big red flag.

Maybe you are about to lose your wife because of it, or maybe you already lost here. There are many negative consequences that can develop from a porn addiction, which leads me to the next sign.

Sign #2: Have you escalated and started watching more and more extreme stuff?

One big indicator of addiction is tolerance, and once tolerance sets in, it drives the addict to either use more, or to try to find stronger stuff.

And it’s the same with a porn addiction.

For example, if you no longer get aroused by normal stuff and you frequently seek out more extreme stuff just to get the same buzz.

Perhaps you have even escalated into watching stuff that no longer matches your sexual orientation, or stuff that makes you feel shocked or bad about yourself after you’re done...

...well, that’s a big red flag right there. 

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PMO addiction sign #3: Do you feel Cravings?

Do you get cravings when you go for a while without porn?

The urge to feed the beast becomes as noticeable as for example extreme thirst. Like physical need that just has to be met.

By the way, sometimes people don’t notice this unless they try to take a break from porn.

If you are unsure, why not try to take a break for 60 days?

If that’s no problem for you, then great. If you, on the other hand, start experiencing said cravings - and you relapse over and over again, well again, that’s a big red flag right there.

Sign #4: Do you find it difficult to get aroused by real life people, but not by porn?

If you find that you have low libido for real life women, even to the point of problems performing in the bedroom, but you still get excited by porn that's also a big red flag.

Did you know that this can go so far that some young men can’t even get it up with real life women, but they can get it up with porn?

This is called porn induced ED (PIED) and is a big sign of porn addiction.

All the porn has rewired their sexual responses to pixels on a screen.

And If the guy still continues it can become so bad that he no longer can’t even get it up to porn.

Sign of PMO addiction #5: Do you notice Compulsion?

Ok, so compulsion simply means that you have a strong craving to feed your PMO addiction monster.

The feeding may start impulsively, but as your PMO addiction grows, it becomes more like a compulsive bad habit.

Sign #6: Have you lost control over your use?

This one obviously means that you, well, you have for example tried to limit your use, but you always fail and go back to watching more.

Maybe you have set a goal for yourself to go 90 days, but you haven’t even once managed to get that far.

Or maybe you have tried to limit your use to just one every other week, but you fail again and again and again.

Well, if you have an addiction to something, this happens all the time.

And it’s a really big red flag.

#7 Are you having trouble climaxing with a real partner?

This one is related to number 4 that we already talked about.

If you still can perform in the bedroom, but you have big problems climaxing, then it can be a red flag as well, simply because, well, the porn is competing with your libido for real life people.

And delayed ejaculation is another symptom of this.

It can happen to women as well, but I need to point out that this inability to climax can of course have many reasons behind it, but yes, porn addiction is one of the reasons.

The amount of porn you watch is not a good indicator of an addiction in and of itself...

Now, if some of you now say, "But hey, you didn’t talk about the amount of porn we watch. How many hours a week is indicative of having an addiction?"

Well, although that is a good question, there are no answers to it because it’s not the amount in and of itself that determines an addiction.

Now, sure if a person has an addiction that often also means increased use, but not always. So we really can’t answer the questions like that.

But if you recognize yourself in any or even several of the 7 PMO addiction signs, then there is another video you should watch right away. 

It will show you 3 basic things you must consider when trying to quit using porn.

Alright, hit subscribe for more helpful videos and as always, I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.

-Scandinavian Bob

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