How To Know if Your Porn Reboot is Working (Experience From Guys)

no pmo nofap nofap benefits quitting porn retention energy semen retention

Wondering how you can tell if your porn reboot is working?

How to tell if NoFap is working?

Or perhaps you're more interested in how to know if semen retention is working for you?

Well, all of those are going to get answered in today's blog / video, as we are going to take a closer look at some real signs, shared by guys who are out there, walking the NoFap / no porn journey.

How To Know if Your Porn Reboot is Working...

Scandinavian Bon here, hi!

A few days ago I asked you to participate in the community section here on my channel by writing, “You know NoFap is working when” and then having you fill in the blank and share your experience. 

And in this video I’m going to share your answers.

Now, I got so many answers so I won’t be able to share them all, I just had to pick at random, so please don’t get offended if  I’m not reading yours. 

But yeah, let’s jump in right away.

Guy #1, You know NoFap is working when...

“When you naturally feel confident without even trying.”

Guy #2, You know quitting porn is working for you when...

When the whole world seems conquerable and whatever life throws at you, it doesn't  affect you”

Yes, so the confidence benefit starts out strong here. It’s interesting to note how NoFap can give some guys more of that  without them even having to work on confidence itself. 

Guy #3, You know your porn reboot is working when...

“When you feel that child-like excitement for life again.”

That’s another typical one and I have experienced that one myself too.

Guy#4, How to know NoFap is working? It is when...

When you realize that your days are filled with real genuine emotion - both positive and negative - and that there isn't something chaining you down.”

That’s right, we are less numb so experiencing emotions more fully is common.

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Guy #5, How to know no pmo is working for you? It is when...

“When you begin feeling free with no brain fog”

Guy #6, A sign that semen retention works is when...

“When the urges are increasing and I'm fighting it as much as I can”

Well, yes, that can be one part of NoFap for sure.

But try to change your mindset a bit there and instead of fighting them try to surf them. Look for my video NoFap and urge surfing, because fighting usually fails in the long run.

Guy #7, You know semen retention works when...

“When you can make eye contact with anyone without any anxiety.”

That’s great. There’s someone who got help with social anxiety.

Guy #8, A sign of porn addiction recovery is when...

“When all of a sudden you find beauty in the world around you, which you always believed was just average. You can watch the sky and the birds for hours, and you'll literally become prone to awe. You develop almost spider senses and enjoy the space you're in. As if Universe conspires to help and support you”

There's someone who clearly enjoys the NoFap lifestyle. Great work man, keep it going.

Guy #9, A good sign that NoFap is working is when...

When even the little things are able to make you smile and you feel peaceful in those moments.”

That’s awesome

Guy #10, You know NoFap is working when...

“You feel relaxed, unbothered and in control”

Kind of like a boss :) I love it!

Guy#11, A good benefit of quitting porn is when...

“When your add/adhd is completely gone and you can actually focus on things. Like simply enjoying a movie or listening to a podcast”

This is something I remember experiencing myself. In the midst of my addiction I had a really hard time focusing on a movie without losing the story line for example. So a lot better dopamine signaling nowadays.

Guy #12, Semen retention works when...

“When there is minimal/laughable mental resistance when getting stuff done.”

Yes, doing chores, exercising or working on goals becomes a lot easier when doing NoFap, that’s for sure.

Guy #13, NoFap works when...

“Social interactions becomes easier”

Guy #14, Quitting porn works when...

“When you don’t wake up tired the next day”

Yeah man, more energy!

Guy #15, You know giving up porn is a good idea when...

“When your friends and coworkers begin to compliment you on how energetic and positive you are!”

Guy #16, You know your porn reboot is working when...

“When you actually find ways to go out and interact with someone. When you find that a girl is checking you out.”

Guy #17, I Know NoFap is a good thing to do when...

“When i see the glow in my eyes and when i can feel power from it”

Guy #18, I know semen retention is a good thing to do when...

“When you find out that you are your own source of happiness and start to love yourself”

Wow, that’s amazing.

Guy #19, I know the porn reboot is working when...

“When the flatline kicks in”

Yeah so that one is actually good to know. If you are rebooting and enter a flatline you shouldn't freak out because it’s actually a sign that recovery is taking place.

Guy #20, You know NoFap is working for you when...

“When you start taking massive action, following your purpose”

Awesome man, this happens to a lot of men on NoFap and that’s why it’s making them achieve their goals much faster.

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Guy # 21, You know retention is working for you when...

“When you fight sadness and loneliness with an active and healthy lifestyle instead of sulking and relapsing”

Sounds great…

Guy #22, I know my pmo reboot is working for me when...

“When I have more drive to do things than ever before. I'm 31, I'm on day 61, and I feel like I’m 18 again.”

Guy #23, I know quitting porn is working when...

“When depression doesn't hit as hard nor last as long anymore.”

That’s great.

Guy #24, You know the NoFap powers are real when...

“When you feel no one can stop you”

Clearly someone else noticed the increased confidence benefit there :) I like that.

Guy #25, You know giving up porn was worth it and a good thing to do when...

“When you cringe at your past self”

Yeah, that rings true for myself as well and while there were more answers I think that’s probably a good place to stop for today, but I will have to make more videos like this.

So, for those of you who didn’t participate in the community section, please participate in the comment section under the video instead.

You know NoFap is working when, and then share your experience.

And oh guys, if you want to discover the biological mechanism behind what’s going on behind all of this, then take a look at my video series about the Porn addiction brain changes I made a while back.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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