Doing NoFap For Many Years (My Experience after 8+ years)

nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

In this video I share my experience after doing NoFap for many years.

Note: if you're wondering if the 8 years still hold true or where I'm at now, let me put it like this...

At the time of making this video, I had 8 years of experience. But the video was created 20th December 2020, and I'm still following a NoFap lifestyle, so depending on when you're reading this article you do the math.

Also, the online course I mention in the first half of the video can be found right here.

Doing NoFap For Many Years...

Scandinavian Bob here hi

In this video I’m going to share some interesting things I have learned from having been more than 8 years in the rebooting community in terms of benefits, but even more so I’m going to share some interesting observations from different lengths of streaks I have noticed during my 8 years.

But before we start I would like to share another thing with you.

If you are addicted to porn, listen up here...

If you are addicted to adult sites and you are tired of relapsing then listen up here...

The last couple of months I have been checking out a system created by a licensed therapist using something called HCT habit construction therapy to quit porn, and I have to say, the results are truly impressive. 

When doing some more research in order to find out if this is something I could recommend to my subscribers, I got to know Josh, the therapist, and I would like to invite you to join a webinar where Josh tells you more about how this very system has helped him and many other guys quit using adult sites for good.

Personal experiences from having to overcome a porn addiction...

What makes this system so good is that Josh has personal experiences from having to become free from adult sites and that in combination with the new HCT method produces absolutely phenomenal results. 

Yes, Josh is the real deal. I’m happy I got to know him and his system is actually so good that I decided to become an affiliate for it.

It’s the best system you can currently find out there and I can highly recommend it to you, but I have to tell you though, this is not something for you if you are just doing NoFap like a cool challenge, like for example to get a deeper voice and stuff like that. 

No, you have to understand that this is the real deal and Josh has literally spent thousands of hours on educating himself and then creating a phenomenal system.

It's going to mean an investment with time and money - An investment in yourself...

So, obviously that means it will take some time and investment from you, so do not go there and then come back here saying, hey why are you sending me to something that costs money…

…because that’s just bloody obvious and anything else would simply be just be craziness.

I mean, it’s really that high quality.

Now it is 100% free to sign up to the webinar and listen to when Josh talks about the principles behind it but if you're not willing to invest in yourself then that’s fine but if so don’t even go there and don’t complain.

Simple as that. 

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired...

However, if you are sick and  tired of relapsing, you notice the negative consequences, and you need to put your life in order and quit online porn once and for all, and you are want to put yourself together, then I invite you to join the webinar.

Just type into your url address bar browser right now or click the link under this video where it says webinar, and it’ll take you there. 

I don’t think you can find a better time than right now, to put yourself together as a new year is coming up on us.

Ok so let’s talk a bit about what I have noticed during my 8 years in the rebooting community.

Doing NoFap for 8 years, with ups and downs...

As some of you know I relapsed for many years before I finally became free. I have been free for a couple of years now...

...but since I had so many years of relapses and with building up many different streaks, I also noticed some interesting things. 

For example...

#1  30% faster pmo recovery with intermittent fasting...

If I exercised, took cold showers and did intermittent fasting I seemed to recover about 30% faster. 

Now, since we are talking about something as vague as personal feelings here then obviously it’s very difficult to make a precise estimation. But If I had to put a number on it, I’d say that those three things made me recover about 30% faster. 

Meaning, If I built up a streak of 40 days while doing those 3 I would notice the benefits about as strong as when I did on a 60 day streak that I didn’t do those 3...if that makes sense.  

Now, this didn’t happen just one time, but I saw it several times during my relapsing years so for me it seems to be the case that those are 3 incredible brain healthy things you can do. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Your results may vary...

But remember now, your results may vary and also, don’t take the exercise and the fasting to extreme levels as that will not help you and it could even be bad for you. 

Now, if someone is wondering, I have had many benefits, but my biggest ones have always been...

  • Increased motivation and drive
  • More confidence
  • More self-esteem and just
  • More energy in general, which also led me to...
  • Need less sleep. 

And of course, things are working much better in the bedroom.

#2  Dead fish eyes (low dopamine?)


Well let me explain.

Whenever I was in a relapse cycle, or if I had been bingeing for several hours, then I would get watery and somewhat lifeless eyes for several days after the binge. 

You know, if you ever see a dead fish lying on the shore...kind of like the eyes of that fish.

Just lifeless and unclear.

Radiating life force on a longer NoFap streak...

And on the other hand,  when I managed to build up a good streak my eyes always became whiter and clearer and well almost like they were radiating life force. 

I just think this is an interesting phenomenon and I suspect that the water eyes correlate with low dopamine levels and perhaps even with a hyperactive stress center. 

I also noticed that whenever my morning woods returned I would start to experience the common benefits stronger.

#3 Morning wood and confidence...

Particularly more energy, motivation and an increase in confidence. 

This is an interesting observation and I saw it happen many times. 

As I already pointed out, my streaks were different in terms of many additional good things I added, but even if the benefits rolled around at different points because of that, I always noticed that when my morning wood had been strong for a few days, my confidence, energy and drive also increased, right around there.

Now, of course a big part of this could be placebo, as in if we start noticing that we function better then obviously that will affect our mood as well, but since there are physical changes going on in the brain that happen when we reboot, then there must be more than placebo going on as well with this one. 

Anyway, I thought it was an interesting observation.

#4 Dirty dreams...

I noticed that if I had a, you know, dirty dream, or even a dream about adult sites and perhaps dreamed about some scene from those sites I often relapsed the next night.

Many of our relapses start as a seed that grows during the next 12 hours or so and culminates in a relapse and dreams like that were definitely such a seed for me. 

After I discovered this I obviously started taking actions like for example taking an internet-free evening that day.

Take precautions...

And coming up with strategies like that to help you during your reboot is something you have to do. 

Not just with dreams but whatever your danger points are. You can't just rely on willpower, you have to structure and plan your days.

Alright, I hope this has been interesting and if you are wondering if a relapse sets you back to zero then I have made a video about that you can see on the screen right here, just click on that and it'll take you there.

And hey, if you're ready to stop overcoming your addiction for good, check out that webinar I talked about. Have a happy and clean day.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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