Does NoFap Really Make You Physically Stronger? (Muscle Like Crazy)

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Does Nofap make you stronger?

I mean does NoFap make you physically stronger?

Well, this is what we will talk about today.

The video starts:

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to talk about NoFap and muscle building.

I get so many questions like: does NoFap build muscles or does NoFap make you strong? So let’s jump in right away and take a look?

Does NoFap make you physically stronger?

First, let me just say that, as many of you guys know I like doing NoFap myself, and I do believe there can be a bit of a boost in strength, depending on how we look at it...

...but more about that in just a moment.

You should know that there are a lot of different opinions on this and in order to even give a good answer we need to realize that, just with so many things in life, it depends on how we look at it.  

"Does NoFap make you stronger"? is a shallow question...

For example, I do not like the question, does nofap make you stronger?  it Is not a good question because, well what do you mean by that?...

Are you doing NoFap and going to the gym or are you just doing NoFap and not training at all?

A better question to ask would be: will nofap help me build muscles?

Because the answer to the first one is of course, if you’re not lifting weights or using your body in some way then you are not suddenly going to wake up with big strong muscle one day, just because you’re doing NoFap.

So, if anyone was under such an impression, sorry to burst your bubble but that’s just not the case.  

Now here is a more interesting question...

If we have two twins and both of them workout - but one of them is doing NoFap...

If we have two identical twins, John and Scott and both of them work out in the gym 4 days a week, they eat the same diet and since they are identical twins they share very similar genes...

...and Scott is doing NoFap while John is not…

Will Scott build more muscle than John?

Which of them will see more strength increase? we’re getting somewhere.

This is a very interesting question and I'll come back to it in just a few seconds.

But then we can also twist the question around and ask, does excessive ejaculation make you weaker?

Ahh, also a good question. 

Let’s say you have person A here who is doing NoFap. And then we have person B over here and he is totally crazy and  busts all kinds of nuts, 2-4 times a day - with a total of over 20 times per week. 

Excess ejaculation may cause a downregulation of androgen receptors...

Well, did you know that there are studies made on rats that show that excessive ejaculation causes a downregulation of their androgen receptors?

Now, these receptors are what testosterone itself binds to, and if we have less of those receptors, well then we can not utilize all the testosterone we have.

And we all know that testosterone is an important hormone for muscle building.

So in the case of person A and B, it may not be so much that person A is getting stronger, it may be that it is person B that is getting weaker, or not living up to his fullest strength potential because of the lack of androgen receptors.

What were their starting point?

This is also something we have to take into account when we see guys arguing on forums whether or not NoFap made them stronger, since we don’t always know where they started from.

Where they busting 25 times a week or 15?... or 5?... etc. before the started NoFap?

And since the androgen receptors grow back when going on NoFap, for some guys it could be just the mere fact that NoFap made them…less weak.

Back to the twins who are lifting weights...

But now let’s look at the twins. 

Considering what we just learned about the androgen receptors, if John is one of those who busts 20 nuts a week - then obviously he is going to get worse results in the gym than his brother who is doing NoFap….

...but what if he does it say only 3 times a week?

Well now it gets even more interesting since that will probably not downregulate the androgen receptors.

If we throw online porn into the mix it gets even worse for the fapping twin...

However, If he also uses online porn, it can down regulate his dopamine receptors a bit, though.

And since dopamine is the key player in drive and motivation he may start suffering from less motivation and drive. 

Now of course that would be bad for the energy in the gym as well. Just the sheer fact of that would put his brother at an advantage. 

What about testosterone itself?

But what about testosterone itself?

Which of the twins will have higher testosterone levels?

Well there is not much research made on this but there are a couple of studies. 

You may be familiar with the first one here that shows a huge increase in testosterone on day 7 of abstinence, but unfortunately the levels do not stay that high…

…in fact they begin to come back down on day 8.

 Well ain't that a shame!

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But how about if we go on a bit longer?...

Well there is also another study looking at 21 days of abstinence, but that study is often misinterpreted and misunderstood - because people do not look at the study closely enough. 

Abstinence for 21 days showed this...

They wanted to compare hormone levels during arousal with a group that first did the arousal test like normal, and then they repeated the test 21 days later, so that’s why the study easily gets misinterpreted…

… as many only look at this sentences from the study

Wording from the study: “Although plasma testosterone was unaltered by orgasm, higher testosterone concentrations were observed following the period of abstinence…

Well that is the exact sentence many YouTubers or bloggers pick out of the study and they forget to read everything else - and thus the story gets misinterpreted.

Because just by reading that sentence it sounds like the 21 day nofappers had much higher testosterone levels.

But again they wanted to test the levels during arousal, so here’s what they did...

They had the groups masturbate to online porn and if you look at this graph from that very study here (see video), the black boxes show the abstinence group .The time stamp right here (see video) is ,according to the text in the study, the baseline measurements prior to the start of the arousal test.

This test is taken on day 21 so follow me here (see video) the time stamp here is taken 10 minutes before the arousal test started.

Higher testosterone levels during arousal...

You can clearly see that the abstinence group had just a liiittle higher levels of testosterone, but not by much. 

However, as you can see during the arousal test, there was a bigger difference. 

So what does this mean?

Well, if I did not misinterpret that study, which is certainly possible, it means that even though Scott is doing NoFap - unfortunately he has just a tiny bit higher testosterone levels than his brother John, during normal circumstances.

Ejaculation free sex will give Scott an advantage in NoFap strength...

However, let’s say they both have a girlfriend and they make love several times a week and Scott has sex with his girlfriend without ejaculating, while John busts all kinds of nuts with his girlfriend…

In other words, Scott keeps triggering his arousal levels daily but without ejaculating. Well then one could argue that Scott would on average indeed have higher testosterone levels than his brother…

…and thus perhaps also be able to become a bit stronger in the gym.

The Game Changers...

In the book, “Game Changers” by Dave Asprey, Dave also claims that having sex without cumming will result in higher levels of testosterone on average, than if you have “normal” sex.

So, I guess he also interpreted this study like I did, or maybe he has access to some other data that I’m not aware of

In any case…phew  🙂

Many factors to consider when wondering if NoFap makes you stronger or not...

 As you can see, there are so many factors to consider when debating things like this, so don’t believe everything you are reading out there…

…and “ questions like, does Nofap make you stronger?” are just too shallow to be able to answer with a short answer.

And also, you shouldn’t even believe what I am saying, but do your own research, because I may also have misinterpreted something, and not everything I say is set in stone either. 

In addition to that, there are even more factors behind muscle growth hormones and the brain that I have not touched upon in this video.

Also, more real studies on nofap need to be done.

Does NoFap make you stronger? Bottom line…

So the bottom line is that, if we are comparing people who are fapping like crazy and are fapping their brains out on a regular basis with a person on NoFap, with the same genetics and same diet, then yes the NoFap guy will probably become much stronger…

However, if we compare a guy who is just fapping in moderation, every now and then, with a guy who is doing NoFap then, also yes, I really do think the guy on NoFap might be able to get a bit stronger.

But here the differences are not as big as the most fanatic NoFap guys out there would like to think…

....certainly not when it comes to testosterone levels between them.

If you would like to try something that really does increase testosterone levels then take a look at this video right here...'s a video I made a while back where I share a detailed review of something I use myself for exactly that purpose. 

You can read a more detailed blog post of the product I'm talking about in the video, where I also share my blood tests from before and after trying it...

Find it here >> AlphaViril Experiences 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob-

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