Amazing NoFap Tip That Can Help You Stop Watching Porn Forever

porn-addiction quitting porn

The FREE quit porn guide I talk about in the end of the video can be found right here.

Want to know how to stop watching porn forever?

Well if so, this video and blog post is a must for you.

Please do yourself a favor and stay to the end because, I promise you, this will be so incredible helpful for you. 

It is one of the biggest things that made myself be able to finally quit porn for good.

How to stop watching porn forever...

You know that feeling when you are highly motivated on NoFap?

Maybe you had a relapse about 10 days ago,  but now you have managed to get back on track and start gaining some momentum again. 

You are really, really motivated again and your last relapse was so bad that you now go, “I promise myself that I shall never again use adult sites as long as I live…period!”

And perhaps you even wrote something motivating to help some other guys on an internet forum. 

Maybe you watched a few YouTube videos and perhaps you read a bit more about some cool NoFap benefits and you could almost see in your mind's eye how good your life will be just a few months from now.

But then what happens???

Later that night you’re aimlessly browsing on the web and you run into a triggering image. 

You are not going to relapse, but you click on it anyway, just to check what it is. But when you do so, you are instantly taken to another page. 

And on that page there are even more triggers and suddenly you are just vaguely aware of the fact that you are stepping out of the driving seat and the autopilot takes over…

and BAM!...

There it is, the horrible relapse.

And if the relapse then is a 4 hour binge, then oh man, words can hardly describe how you feel afterwards, right?

It’s a horrible feeling, and you know what?

I have been in this exact situation myself when trying to stop watching porn...

I have personally been in  that exact situation many times myself.

You see, I struggled for years with these kinds of relapses before I finally became free. 

And sometimes I almost want to smack my own head in anger, when I think back on how long it took me to actually come up with, and install, some good replacement activities, because once I did that, it drastically reduced my relapse frequencies. 

Install a good replacement activity. Note the word: 'install'...

And yes, you heard me right. I said, come up with a replacement activity and also install it.

And here’s what I mean…

Everyone knows what I mean by the first one. 

You should simply choose a good replacement activity you can do instantly if you are hit by a strong urge. And it should be something you do away from your computer. 

Like for example…

  • Going for a walk
  • Meditating
  • Do the Wim Hof breathing 

A practical example of how to stop watching porn forever by installing a replacement activity...

Let’s say your replacement activity is to shut down your computer AND your phone and do the Wim Hof breathing

And perhaps you have also added that, even though the breathing exercise takes only a couple of minutes, you do not go back to your computer for 30 minutes. Just to help you get into a better state of mind. 

Well, this is actually a really good replacement strategy that I can highly recommend. And even just choosing this activity and deciding to do it whenever triggered will already help you a bit, but it becomes even more effective if you also install it. 

Practice the scenario in advance...

Check this out…

By installing I simply mean practicing your relapse.

Well, not practicing your relapse, but actually practicing the sequence of sitting at your computer - and pretending to see something triggering - and then instantly you turn off your computer and go do the activity. 

Now, this may sound a bit silly, but remember, you are programming your brain with everything you do.

By practicing in advance, it will be easier to do for real, later on on... 

And if you deliberately practice the sequence of going from almost a relapse, to doing your replacement strategy over and over again, then it will be much easier to do for you when you run into an unexpected trigger for real.

Your relapsing autopilot will not be as quick to take over. And instead you will almost automatically resort to your replacement activity.

Well, maybe not almost automatically, but the fact is that because you have practiced it, it will be so much easier.

So, practice your strategy over and over again a number of times.

Do it 50 times a week...

Make an effort to, for example, practice it 50 times in a week and then see what it does for you.

Oh and hey guys, if you want my 90 Day No PMO and Advice Tole Guide you can still get it for FREE when by clicking the image down below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...


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