NoFap What To Do When Tempted (19 Easy Tips)

nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

This blog post is about, what to do when tempted on NoFap.

I recommend you put the video on play, and then follow along in the blog as well.

Mastering the art of not falling for temptations is one of the most important skills we can ever learn. And this is true, not only for NoFap, but in every are of your life.

Now, then, becomes almost like a "school of how to master temptations".


Well, all of us know that sexuality is the most powerful drive we have. If you can master the art of dealing with cravings and urges that follow a strict NoFap plan...

...oh man, you'll become a disciplined beast.

So, let's jump in and take a look...

NoFap - What to do when tempted...

Today we are going to take a short look at some of the brain changes that happen when we become addicted to something and after that I will give you a few suggestions on what you can do when you feel tempted on NoFap.

Ok. so if you watched my video on how to start NoFp, you learned that the very first thing you need to do is to write down your “you why” and your “your hell”.

Your heaven and your hell / your 'why' and your 'why not'...

In other words, you should have a notebook where you write down all the reasons for why you want to do NoFap in the first place. And you should write this down on the very first page of that notebook. 

Then on the second page you should write down “your hell”.

"Your hell" means that you write down where you will be three years from now if you become even more addicted and you don't do anything about your situation.

Make it scary...

It should be the worst case scenario, that you write down on the “hell page”.

If you haven’t seen that video, please do so after this video is over as it will help you get the big picture, I'll leave a link to it under this video for you.

Now writing down those two things will help you to stay away from relapses as you walk on your NoFap journey.

However, as most of you probably already know, just writing down those two things is probably not going to be enough... still keep relapsing.

Why you still keep relapsing to porn...

Why does this happen? 

Well, one reason is because of the addiction related brain changes.

You see every addiction, it does not matter what you are addicted to, all addictions share the same fundamental brain changes.

Addiction related brain changes...

Let’s take a look at the three most common ones. 

They are

  • Desensitization
  • Sensitization
  • Hypofrontality


Desensitization basically means a numb reward center.

This happens when you have been using whatever you are addicted to so much that the reward center in your brain has downregulated the dopamine receptors - so you are now less sensitive to dopamine.

This means you feel less pleasure from everything in life.


Sensitization is basically a strong memory of pleasure.

You see, we create pathways in our brain to every activity we do. Sensitization is kind of like a super pathway....

...or a super memory of pleasure.

Your brain thinks that your porn use is the most important thing in your life, so has created a super pathway in your brain. 

This pathway makes you feel strong cravings and because it’s so ingrained in your brain, it’s very easy to take that same route again and again, almost automatically.


Then the third thing that happens to your brain when you become addicted to something is hypofrontality.

Hypofrontality is a state of decreased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

Now, the prefrontal cortex is the brain's very control center. It is the part of your brain that prevents you from slapping your boss when he tells you you have to work longer hours the next weekend. 

To sum it up, like Gary Wilson said in his talk Pornography Addiction and Perceived Addiction, if the three brain changes could speak they would say:

  • Desensitization: “ I can’t get no satisfaction!”
  • Sensitization: “Hey, I’ve got the only thing to make you feel better!”
  • Hypofrontality: “Bad idea, but I just can’t stop!”

So, it’s the sensitized pathways in combination with the hypofrontality that makes you relapse.

And the desensitization does not help either...since it makes life feel empty, grey and boring.

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Something quickly changes during the day - lightning fast...

Let me ask you this, how many of you have started the day with 100% strong motivation, your intentions are so good...

...later that day you perhaps even wrote a post in an online journal about how you will never ever go back to fapping again...

only to relapse 30 minutes later???

Sound familiar?

Yes, this is exactly because of the hypofrontality, the part that says “bad idea, but I just can’t stop”...

...You know it when you relapse, you know that it’s a bad idea, but you still act out…

Prepare in advance...

So, you have to have replacement activities prepared for you in advance.

These are things that you do instead of fapping whenever you feel tempted on NoFap.

When you feel a strong temptation, you should shut down your computer and go do something completely different. So, write down at least 5 replacement activities in your nofap notebook.

and to help you a bit with this I will give you a few short examples. 

Now, I will divide these activities into two different classes.

  1. Class A
  2. Class B

Class A are things that are good for you and class B are things that are neutral, or even a bit bad for you...

...but sometimes we need class B activities as well. 

Making the pmo reboot too challenging...

You see, the problem I see many nofappers do is to make their replacement activities so difficult and challenging that they become too big of a hurdle and then, yup, you guessed it...

...they just cave in and relapse instead!

For example, "Whenever I feel tempted I will do 100 push-ups, followed by a 5 mile run and a cold shower!"

Come on!

Gotta love the spirit, but we have to be more realistic than that.

Be flexible and choose your activities in accordance with what kind of day you're facing...

Every day is different and overcoming an addiction is not easy, so we have to be smart and use replacement activities that we are most likely to do for the kind of day we happen to be facing.

Ok ,so here are a few examples. ..

  1. Print out some exotic food recipe, go shopping and try to cook it
  2. Go to a cafe and have yourself a nice cup of coffee with some sweets
  3. Go to the library with one goal in mind: “I’m going to learn something new today. Just a small interesting fact, without using the internet”
  4. Go to a restaurant and have a good meal
  5. Read a book, really focus on what you are reading
  6. Hang out with one of your friends
  7. Meditate for 30 minutes
  8. Play poker or some video games you like
  9. Go out on the town and make small talk with strangers
  10. Watch a movie
  11. Take a cold shower and write down tomorrows to-do list
  12. Go for a drive 
  13. Take a long walk in the nature
  14. Go to a bar and have a couple of beers, (not the best, but hey, it’s a b activity)
  15. Write down you life vision and write down a plan on how to get there
  16. Try to get some random girls number at the mall
  17. Clean your house
  18. Make a pizza
  19. Go run for 30 minutes -then stretch and eat some healthy food

Ok, I think you get the picture by now.

You need to have activities that are good for you, that you can do on days you have a bit more willpower, 

And then you also need stuff that is easier to do...

You know, stuff that just gets you away from your computer right at that very moment you are feeling urges.

So make sure to fill in some of your own here and remember to write down the replacement activities in your NoFap notebook. 

Alright, I hope you found the video informative.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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