Your Biggest Mistake When Trying To Stop Watching Porn After Work

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Note: you can read a full review of the course I mention in the video here => Dopamine Discipline Review

Are you wondering how you can stop watching porn after your workday is over?

Well, if so, there is one things you need to be aware of.

Let's talk about it...

How To Stop Watching Porn After Work...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

As you guys know by now, I get a lot of emails and I also do one-on-one coaching, and I can clearly see a pattern here. There is one common mistake I see guys doing over and over again that so often leads to relapses. 

And the ironic part of it all is that, most of you already know this, but far from everyone does it.

Ok, So, let me ask you now then, and please tell me in the comment section below. Do you guys limit your internet and phone use? 

The biggest mistake when trying to stop watching porn after work is - not limiting your internet use...

That's right, you need to stop spending too much time on recreational internet use.

Now, before some of you freak out here, calm down, because I'm not talking about the rest of your life. 

But it is so important to do in the beginning of your reboot because, well just think about it... 

If you are addicted to online porn, and you walk around with your smartphone in your hand 24/7,  that’s like an alcoholic walking around with a bottle in his hand 24/7. 

You're like an alcoholic walking around with a bottle in is pocket 24/7...

Sure, he might be able to stay strong for a few days, but it won’t take long until he will run into a moment of weakness, perhaps having a really bad and then his drug of choice is right there in his hand, literally 3 seconds away from him.

Well, it’s the same if you are walking around with your phone 24/7 when trying to overcome a porn addiction.

You have to limit your internet use in the beginning of your porn reboot...

So, now some of you say, "But I don’t want to limit my internet use. It's boring!"

Well, don’t do it then, but do you want to overcome your addiction or not?

Remember, we are only talking about a few weeks in the beginning of your reboot until your prefrontal cortex is stronger. 

Now, there are different ways you can do this.

Examples of how to reduce your exposure...

You could use apps that keep track of your time on the internet.

Or you could go operation blackout each night at 7PM, for example.

Or why not buy a digital kitchen timer and you come up with a “recreational surfing budget”.

Like for example, you get to have 1 hour of recreational internet use in your first week. 

Then each time you go online you hit the button and the timer counts down, and then when it hits zero you turn off your phone or go outside and leave it in your garage, and unplug your router. And take the cable with you outside. 

Or just turn off mobile data on your phone.

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Slowly build it up again (if you really have to use the internet a lot)...

There are many ways to go about this. Just be creative and you’ll figure out a smart way to limit your use.

And then you can slowly start building up the time as you go along.

Like the example with the digital timer...

You could for example start with a budget of 60 minutes your first week and then you get to increase your budget with for example 10 minutes every week for each week you manage to go clean. 

That way you both get to expose yourself to triggers, which will happen naturally when you’re online, while at the same time you build it up slowly by increasing your surf budget.

What about completely eliminating the internet when trying to stop watching porn?

Now, some guys completely eliminate their smartphone and stop using the internet altogether, and sure that’s one way to go about it, and some of us have to do pretty much whatever it takes to get a grip on this addiction.

But I actually like the idea of having a surfing budget better.

Because if you completely eliminate it, then you don’t get to practice how to be able to handle triggers, and so you leave yourself vulnerable for the future.

If you truly want to overcome a porn addiction then some exposure to triggers is going to be necessary...

Whereas if you build it up slowly, then you get to practice staying strong at some points, while you also limit your use, because one thing's for sure.

If you spend 10 hours online every day, well…

Let’s just say, most people can not do that in the beginning of their reboot because later in the day when you sit there, you will be tired, have low blood sugar and you will inevitably run into some super triggering stuff and, well…

You all know the rest.

So, figure out a clever way to limit your use and then build up your surfing budget slowly as you get further on your streak and yourself succeed. 

If you need help with quitting your habit of watching porn after work...

If you want more help with this, you can always reach out to me for a one on one coaching call, the link is right under the video,

And if you don’t want my help and would prefer an online course instead then, hey, I completely understand and if so you should check out a video I recently made where I review what I consider to be the absolute best online course for quitting adult sites out there.

You can read more about that in the article,Best online course for quitting porn.

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today and remember, as Winston Churchill used to say, "If you’re going through hell, keep going!".

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