Porn Addiction Timeline (Benefits And Withdrawals)

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If you are looking for a quitting porn timeline you've find the right page.

In this video / blog post a share the most common time frames for experiencing different withdrawal symptoms as well as different benefits you may experience after quitting porn.

It's a no pmo / quit porn timeline, basically :)

In part 1 we discussed the nofap timeline for those who are not addicted or for those who only have a very mild addiction and in this video we will take a look at the no porn timeline for those who have developed real addiction related brain changes. I.e a porn addiction.

You see the timeline looks different depending on in which of those categories you are. 

The quitting porn timeline is not set in stone...

First I just have to point out that the timeline is not set in stone. It needs to be taken with a grain of salt because all this is so very individual and we all have different brains.

Also, people who became addicted at a very young age, generally take longer to recover than those who developed an addiction in their twenties, for example. 

The no porn timeline is created from an average of what I have seen over the years...

The timeline is created from an average of what I have seen on hundreds of nofap journals over the years so it could very well apply to you.

That said, it may also be that it doesn’t and that you’ll recover faster...

...or need even more time.

Alright, but let’s get going...

Day 1: Is often pretty good because you have a vision of a new and better life. You should try to hold on to this vision as you reboot, because it helps.

Day 3: When having an addiction to something, the dopamine in your reward center is already lower than normal. On day three it slowly starts to decline and drop even further, making you feel worse than before you quit. But stay strong here, improvements will come later. 

Day 4: Ah, the stress center in your brain becomes more hyperactive. This is because the brain interprets an addiction as something that is extremely important for survival. It literally thinks that you are doing something dangerous by quitting so it tries to alarm you by activating the stress center (and this is true for all addictions).

Day 5: The dopamine continues to drop even further and in combination with the hyperactive stress center this is the point when many nofappers start to feel really bad. Irritability, cravings, brain fog and lack of motivation are all very common symptoms. Right around now.

Day 7: The temporary testosterone spike that happens on day 7 is not noticeable for everyone and this is precisely because dopamine levels are so low...many people  simply feel too bad right now to notice the testosterone spike that happens.

Days 8-9:  Now when the testosterone levels drop back down, every feel good hormone and brain chemical inside your body  is suppressed. This is often the worst time of rebooting. Hold on tight and pursue patience. 

Day 10: The flatline hits.

Probably as a result of all the above.

This means that your libido completely dies. It is like someone pulled out the plug of whatever machinery that drives attraction and libido. Even if you see a very attractive girl you have no physical feeling in your body. 

Day 11: According to research the sensitized pathways in your brain actually grow stronger.  

So what does that mean?

Well, we have pathways in our brain to pretty much all activities.

Think of the pathways as walking in a field of grass. At first it is heavy going because no one has walked there before, but the more you take that same route the more you tramp down the grass and so the easier it becomes to take that exact same route again.

A sensitized pathway is a pathway to an addiction activity.

It is like a super route in that grass field. One could call it a super memory of pleasure.

And in the second week after quitting an addiction the sensitized pathways unfortunately grow even stronger.

This means that if you are hit by a trigger right you react even stronger to them than you did a week ago. 

Day 14:  About two weeks in your cravings will slowly, very slowly start to get better and start to decline. however, only when you are not presented with a trigger.

This is precisely because the sensitized pathways still being stronger than normal. If you are presented with a trigger they still get really bad.

Day 15: Addiction transfer. When entering the third week you still have very low levels of dopamine and your brain is getting  tired of that. It notices that it does not get its dopamine from fapping any more so it desperately makes you seek for other dopamine boosting activities. 

It’s very normal to see increased use of cigarettes, junk food right around here. I strongly recommend physical exercise to boost the dopamine a bit, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you eat a bit more junk food or smoke more cigarettes right now.

Right now is not the time to quit smoking. You have to get over this hump first so be kind to yourself here. 

Day 16: The flatline is very deep and many nofappers even stop getting morning wood. Now, the flatline can come and go and it is so different for people that it is hard to put into a timeline.

For some people the flatline will go away after 3-4 weeks, but then it can also come back for a second time a few weeks later. 

Day 30: The prefrontal cortex of your brain is slowly starting to get stronger and stronger. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for self control. This is great because now rebooting is starting to become a bit easier. 

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Day 40: Finally the sensitized pathways are starting to get weaker. Now it does not happen overnight, it is a long process but right around here they start the process of becoming weaker and weaker. But you still have to be very careful with triggers though.

Day 50: The dopamine in your reward system is now SLOWLY starting to rise. It will continue to rise for several weeks. 

Day 60: Some nofappers are starting to see a return of their morning woods right around here. 

Day 90:  A study where they got the animals addicted to heavy drugs showed that, by day 90 after quitting, the dopamine levels had returned back to normal levels in 60% of the animals.

Now, of course that was an animal study and we are not talking about heavy drugs here, but the 60% seem to be in line with what is going on for nofappers as well.

About 60% are feeling much better at day 90 and if they have done some rewiring many of them have a normal and healthy libido by now and everything is working fine with real life girls. 

Day 150: About 90% are fully recovered by now with strong motivation, confidence, libido and attraction to real life people. No more problems in the bedroom or with getting things to work.

Ok so there you have it. Again, remember that your results may vary greatly and It also depends a lot on how you spend your time during your nofap journey.

There are for example some things you can do to speed up your recovery and I have also made a video on how to do just that. You can find that video right here.

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