Quitting Porn And NoFap Timeline (Benefits)

no pmo nofap quitting porn

In this video we are going to take a look at the quitting porn and NoFap timeline.

Now, right from the start I have to make it clear that this is not an exact science and that the benefits are experienced differently and at different times for many NoFappers.

So, this NoFap benefits timeline should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, I created the timeline from an average of the results I have seen over the years, reading thousands of NoFap journals. 

This is part 1 of the NoFap Timeline

Alright, so this is part one in the NoFap timeline series and here we are going to take a look at the timeline for those who are not addicted or just mildly addicted to it. 

And then in the quitting porn and NoFap timeline part 2 I’m going to show another timeline for those how are very addicted to porn, because the timeline is not the same for a person who has developed addiction related brain changes.

So stay tuned for that video, but now let’s start with the NoFap quitting porn timeline for those who have just a minor addiction....

...or no addiction at all.

Let's get to it...

The NoFap benefits timeline...

10 minutes after your last time: Your dopamine levels drop, along with your heart rate and your prolactin levels increase.

Elevated levels of prolactin means that you’ll experience lower energy, less desire and some people can even experience a slight depression.

Day 1: Is often a day of high motivation because it’s new and you are excited about improving your life and there might still be some feel good chemicals lingering in your brain after yesterday so the cravings have not yet arrived. 

Day 2-4: Cravings increase and your mood drops. Day 3 is typically the worst day so stay strong here.

Day 5-6:  Here you can already see a slight drop in cravings along with a slight reduction of brain fog. This makes it a bit easier for you to read and to study.

Day 7: According to a study you can find pubmed testosterone levels spikes with 147% on day 7. This is a huge increase and as a result many people experience temporary, intense cravings (releated post)

Day 8: Now here, the testosterone levels come back down to normal levels, even if you don’t fap so I'm sorry to say that, no, they do not stay elevated.

Day 9-14: Here many people start to experience increased energy levels and a big increase in confidence.

Day 15: Now your androgen receptors have grown denser and this means that your body and brain now might be more effective at utilizing the testosterone your body produces.

This does not mean that you have higher levels of blood testosterone however it may feel like that because the androgen receptors are now more sensitive.

Day 16-21: Social anxiety levels drop significantly and you care much less what other people think about you. Now your cravings and flashbacks are also significantly lower.

Day 21-30: At this stage people report that they start getting much more attention from women

Day 30-40: You reached another level of increased concentration and sharper thinking. 

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Day 40-50: Creativity increases and as a result many NoFappers find new hobbies, for example writing, taking up a musical instrument and so on..

Day 50-70: You start to feel more grounded in yourself. Like you have a stronger masculine base inside of you that you now stand steadily upon. 

Day 70-90: Small things in life now give you much more pleasure. You don’t need highly stimulating things to enjoy life anymore.

Reading, talking to a friend, listening to music, or just drinking a cup of coffee can all be enough to give you intense joy.

Day 90: It feels like you have a different life now. A real life that you are grounded in. A life that you are much more attracted to and it seems to be more attracted to you as well. 

Speaking of attraction, even just a smile from a girl can now turn you on and you are a lot less attracted to pixels on a screen.

You have so much higher self-esteem and you are proud about yourself….

...and you know what?

You should be! 

Ok, that’s it for today. I hope you found this video / blog post informative.

You can find part two by clicking here.

-Scandinavian Bob-

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