How Long Until NoFap Benefits? Is it Different? ( Quitting Porn )

nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn semen retention

Wondering why it is that come some guys get the NoFap benefits faster than others?

And why some need to go for many months before experiencing any positive effects, either from NoFap or quitting a porn addiction?

Well, let's jump in and talk about it...

How Long Until NoFap Benefits? Is it Different For Guys Quitting Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Today we are going to talk about four different NoFap categories that can be found out there and I would love it if you could comment in the comment section below in which of these categories you currently are. 

That way we get even more interesting data for our subscribers.

I often see guys arguing online about things related to NoFap benefits and the time it can take to achieve them, as some people tend to get very fast and easy results whereas others have to really put in the effort and keep going for months. 

Are guys shouting out easy NoFap benefits just full of crap?

So, naturally a lot of people can start to think that some NoFap guys are just full of crap, but I really think we have to give the guys sharing their success the benefit of the doubt and take their word for it. 

Now, for sure you will find people exaggerating out there, but what’s really going on most of the time here is that people do not understand, or take into account that guys are starting from different positions. 

And here are the 4 different categories. 

4 Different NoFap categories...

On the left side here we have people who are not addicted to adult sites. And to the right we have people who are addicted.

And then we’ll also draw a line right through the middle here. And people who are above the line are people who have their life in somewhat good order. 

And below the line we have people who have a lot of different issues they are wrestling with in life. I.e. They have a messy life with a lot of problems. 

NoFap category A: Not addicted to porn + few other issues 

So in  category “A” we will have people who are not addicted to adult sites and they already have a pretty good life. So here we often find people who are just doing NoFap or retention as a fun little challenge. 

NoFap category B: Not addicted to porn +  many other issues 

And in category “B” down here we have people who are not addicted to adult sites but they have a lot of other problems in their life. 

NoFap category C: Addicted to porn + few other issues 

Category “C” people who are addicted to porn, but the rest of their life is pretty good. 

NoFap category D: Addicted to porn + many other issues 

And obviously category “D” is the worst one to be in because they are both addicted and have a lot of other problems in life as well.

Now, before I continue, please comment below in what category you belong to right now.

Ok so my point here is that, of course a guy from category “A”, “B” and even “C” is going to get quicker results compared to someone who is in category “D”. 

That’s just inevitable.

The more addicted you are the longer it will take to see the NoFap benefits...

And of course someone who is in category “A” is going to quicker start experiencing stronger benefits than someone in category “B”.


Well since people below the line here also have a lot of other problems in life, of course those problems are going to, to some degree, suppress some of the otherwise strong NoFap benefits.

And the less problems you have in life the quicker you will see the NoFap benefits...

People in category “A” can actually start noticing NoFap benefits within just a few days. 

And people in category “B” can also start noticing benefits very quickly, although some of those are not going to be as strong or profound as for the “A” people. 

And some of the worst and most unlucky people in category “D” can actually have to go for a year or two before it starts working for them.

Now, this is not the case for everyone in category “D” so don’t freak out here, but now with this in mind it is easy to understand how guys can start accusing each other online of lying or exaggerating. 

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It's easy to understand the frustration when guys from different categories have a dialogue online...

I mean, just think about how big of a contrast there can be when a guy from category “D” versus category “A” starts going back and forth in the comment section.

Now one important thing to keep in mind here, guys, is that in whatever category you happen to find yourself in right now, with time you can actually change. 

You're not doomed to be in one category forever...

You can overcome addiction.

You can put your life in order. 

In other words, you can go all the way from category “D” up to category “A” right here. 

Another thing we need to talk about is that when some guys look at the “C” category here they are going to say, but if you otherwise have a good life, you won’t develop a porn addiction, so category “C” doesn’t even exist. 

You don't need to have underlying issues in order to become addicted to porn...

This is one of the biggest misconceptions out there when it comes to addictions. Listen up here guys because here you need to be flexible in your thinking. Yes, it is 100% true that many people develop a porn addiction because they have a lot of underlying issues in their lives. 

But that is NOT the case for everyone.

I mean, just think about it....

Young healthy males like to look at attractive women so naturally they seek out things like that, and then it just so happens that today’s online adult sites are so incredibly stimulating and dopamine driven that some of those guys get hooked. Even if they otherwise have a pretty good life. 

But the risk to become a porn addict IS higher if you have a messy life...

But , yes, it is in fact the case that guys who have a lot of problems are at higher risk of developing an addiction and they will get addicted more easily than others.  

So this is why, for example, guys in category “B” have to be a bit careful because even though they currently are not addicted, if they’re not careful they can backslide and become addicted, since they are already having a lot of issues in life. 

NoFap alone won't fix your life...

And we can also say that guys in the “C” category will have an easier time recovering than people who are in the “D” category here. Because people down here can’t just go on NoFap and hope that that alone will fix all of their problems. 

No, they have a lot of inner work and self improvement to do so they can actually feel worse without the porn for a very long time before they finally start feeling better.

Because they no longer can find comfort in it as a coping mechanism.

Feeling worse before you get better...

But it is still the right way to go if they want to fix their lives. Cut out the porn and start improving other areas of your life as well.

So with all this in mind, please be a bit more understanding when you’re writing with other NoFappers out there, because as you can clearly see, we are all so very different and different timelines are for sure to be expected.  

I can also say that I personally was in category “D” for a big part of my life and speaking of different timelines, have you seen my video about what day or period of NoFap I personally found to be the most magical on my own NoFap journey?


Well if not, take a look at this post right here => NoFap Day 14 and you will discover exactly that.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, keep going and stay strong.

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