Porn Addiction And The Need To Escape Your Life (Escapism Driven)

pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Ever wondered about the connection between porn addiction and the need to escape your life?

Well, for many people there is indeed a very big connection there. 

So, let's get to today's video...

Porn Addiction And The Need To Escape Your Life (Escapism Driven)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

A really short video today, but I just feel I want to share something with you that if you master this, oh man, it can seriously change your life forever. 

And I really mean that, so please listen carefully now, because I’m 100% serious.

I’ll start with a quote and then we’ll dive just a little bit deeper after that…

Unleashing Inner Strength: Mastering the Art of Sitting Alone to Overcome Porn Addiction

The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said…

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.'”

Now, of course this is a bit exaggerated, but just think about those words  for a while. 

Why is it that as soon as you have a second without anything to do you instantly pick up your phone and escape into that world?

Or if you’re doing NoFap, why is it that you can’t just sit with your cravings for a while, being okay with them, without following them into the wonderful world of porn?

Listen carefully now, if you could master the art of just being able to sit with yourself for a moment, in whatever uncomfortable state you happen to be in, wouldn't that make you almost invincible?

Wouldn’t that make you immune to relapses?

Wouldn’t that make you almost…bulletproof?

I think it would!

From Escaping to Empowerment: Discovering the Power of Being Present with Yourself To End Your Porn Addiction

So, start practicing for just a few minutes a day the art of sitting down with yourself and just listening to whatever’s going on with you. If you’re feeling lonely, then listen to it without judgment all while you’re telling yourself, "is this actually such a horrible state to be in now then?"

If you have a craving, then listen to it, sit with the craving for a while and just listen to it.

Kind of like you listen to a baby brother who is crying about something he’s unhappy with. Just sit with it, listen to it without resisting it and without following it and without judging it.

And while you’re listening and sitting with it, ask yourself, "Is this actually so horrible that I can’t cope with it. Is this really all I can take?"

And you’ll quickly find that, no, you are indeed fully capable of just being there in the moment for a while until your baby brother stops crying. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Cravings Unveiled: Embracing Discomfort to Break Free from Porn Addiction

If you practice this for a few weeks you will soon start to find that there’s really no need to escape and run for alcohol, adult sites or any other kind of low value dopamine stuff.

And here’s the real beauty of it…

When you start doing this; when you start practicing the art of really listening, oftentimes you’ll find that the crying voice can actually start telling you things about yourself that you didn’t realize.

For example, maybe that overwhelmingly strong craving for alcohol  or porn you felt yesterday was deep down just a longing for connection masked as a craving making you go for the wrong thing. 

Please think about this for a while and if you know someone who could benefit from hearing this, please consider sharing it with him or her as well. 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, I wish you all a great week. Keep going and remember, try listening to your baby brother and stop running away from him.

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