Why Do I Keep Clicking On New Porn Videos? (Here's The Deal)

dopamine dopamine desensitization no pmo porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

The quitting porn course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Curious about why you constantly keep clicking to a new porn clip while on an adult website?

Why you don't even stay one single minute on the same video?

Well, you should know that this is incredibly common.

In fact, millions of people around the world are struggling with constant cravings and constant searching. 

Searching for "the next better clip".

Let's take a look...

Why Do I Keep Clicking On New Porn Videos?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let me ask you a question....

When you go to one of those adult entertainment websites, how long do you actually watch a video before you either fast forward, or click to another one?

Is it 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute or even less than one minute?

I would be willing to hallucinate that most of you don’t even watch one minute of content before you start looking for the next better clip.

The need for constantly clicking and searching for a new porn clip...

And I’m saying this because I remember this so well from my own rebooting days.

Especially one time after I had had a stupid relapse I got so angry at the porn and angry at myself and I remember thinking, “Porn is the most stupid drug there is” because I don’t even watch it. As soon as I have started a video it only takes 3 seconds  before I’m looking for another clip.”

And I wasn’t even exaggerating.  

Now, we all know that instant gratification stuff are things that tend to give us a high amount of pleasure in the moment, but then instead we suffer long term negative consequences later on. 

But here I was, realizing that I wasn’t even watching the porn. 

Listen to that sentence again...

What causes the urge to constantly search for new porn?

Literally as soon as I had started one video clip I was looking for the next one. 

Now, let me ask you this, if a person is doing that, does he even watch porn? 

No, he is so fooled by the dopamine lie that all he is doing is clicking, chasing and jumping from one video to another almost like he’s possessed by a nasty porn demon. 

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Dopamine is about anticipation of reward...

You see dopamine is responsible for the anticipation of reward. And if dopamine could speak, it would say “Something good is about to happen, something good is about to happen.”

And so on those adult websites it is like your foot has gotten stuck in a river of dopamine and you are endlessly getting dragged along by that dopamine river. 

Now, here’s another question: if you can’t even consume 10 seconds of the content before you search for another clip, doesn’t that mean that what you are trying to watch have a hard time delivering any positive feelings at all?  

If we have a constant need to click to a new porn clip, doesn't that mean that NONE of it satisfies? 

I mean all of us already  know  that it’s fake and can’t deliver true joy and happiness, but many of us were hoping it would at least give us some fleeting pleasure in the moment so we could enjoy it right then and there, and then we’d suffer the negative consequences later on.

But if all you do is casing the next better clip, isn’t that a clear indicator that you don’t even watch the porn and that  you can't get anything out if?

It’s like, we don’t even watch it. 

Is it normal to feel unsatisfied after watching porn?

So, I remember thinking to myself, “This is so stupid. Porn is such a worthless drug. It’s like a con man promising pleasure, but all it delivers is a desperate chase, with a black empty hole in your chest after you’re done.”

And I remember thinking, at least alcohol gives  me a slight buzz and I get to enjoy it for a while, unhealthy as it is, but at least it words for instant pleasure.

And the same goes with junk food, at least that delivers instant pleasure, but porn, oh man it’s the worst lie ever. 

The promise of reward - It does not deliver...

Haha, now obviously I don’t mean you should start looking for drugs that “work”, that’s not the point here.

The point being that if you can start recognizing porn for what it truly is, a big fat lie, that delivers nothing but a stupid chase for a moment, which you can’t even enjoy, then it will make it easier for you to say no to temptations in the future. 

Addiction-related brain changes...

And you should know that this crazy chase that’s going on, in combination with total lack of satisfaction, is a big, big indicator that a real addiction is going on here.  

Because did you know that with addictions the wanting increases while at the same time, the liking actually decreases.

Wanting increases while liking decreases...

So you get more and stronger cravings for the drug, you want it more and you THINK that it’s going to deliver an amazing time for you, but then once you actually use it simply can not deliver, and thus you start chasing the next clip, the next one, and the next one and so on. 

Yeah so a short one today, but I think things like this are important to talk about, because educating yourself is going to be of immense value as you trudge forward on your NoFap journey.

Recognize 'the lie' for what it is...

So, the next time you get that intense craving screaming for you to watch some porn, remember that it is nothing but a big fat lie, and it won’t give you anything at all. 

Now I know it’s still not easy, but again, the more you understand the process behind all of this, the better your chances will be.

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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