Watching Porn As An Escapism Behavior ( A Strong Poem)

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Watching Porn As An Escapism Behavior


If you must flee...

In pixels deep, where shadows creep,
A battle fierce, a journey steep,
Through haunting nights, and secrets kept,
A path through darkness, where many wept.

A need to escape life's weight you feel,
You go for pixels false appeal,
Seeking solace in a realm untamed,
Yet finding emptiness so unclaimed.

The more you escape, the harder you fall,
The demon cries, a relentless call,
A phantom's allure, a hollow flame,
It whispers to you, "I will remain".

The addiction voice, a deceiving song,
A lie that lingers, so convincingly strong,
But don't heed its call, for you hold the key,
To break its grip, to truly be free.

Ask not for lighter burdens, but for endless might,
To break the chains in this gruesom fight,
To find your way out of the virtual maze,
And emerge from the ashes, with newfound gaze.

Inside the fear that grips your core,
You face the darkness, you dare explore,
For in the journey's depths you'll find,
The courage to conquer, to leave behind.

And within your struggle, a strength does rise,
A lion's roar, a triumphant prize,
Emerging victorious, from the night,
A king of your destiny, with shining light.

So march ahead with courage and grace,
Walk the path, you'll find your place,
A conqueror strong, a story to share,
A king of your journey, a triumphant is here.

And as you stand the summit's height,
A king of kings, a respected sight,
A legacy forged from battles won,
A ruler of self, a rising sun.

With strength like steel, you rose above,
A journey of courage, and unbreakable love,
A beacon of light in the darkest of night,
In NoFap's victory, you've found your flight.

-Scandinavian Bob

August 2023

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