NoFap And Weight Loss (Does NoFap Help You Lose Weight?)

nofap nofap benefits

Note: the 90 day no porn tool guide I talk about in the end of the video can be found here. 

Wondering about weight loss on NoFap?

Or if NoFap helps you lose weight?

Or why losing weight on NoFap happens to many guys in the first place?

Well, NoFap certainly made me lose weight, but the reason why may perhaps not be what you think.

Let's take a look....

NoFap And Weight Loss 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So, did you know that NoFap can actually help you lose weight?

And so now some of you say, "Ok, that’s it! You’ve gone too far this time Bob. I mean there are limitations to what NoFap can do for you."

Well, fair enough, and I actually agree with you. We should be careful not to glorify things so much that we become completely dogmatic, and the same goes with NoFap, but here me out here…

Why NoFap can help you lose weight...

Some of you might be thinking that, maybe it is because NoFap helps to increase your testosterone?

Well, no.

While NoFap may increase your testosterone levels a bit, it’s just not a big enough increase to make a significant difference.

However, testosterone might still be at play here, as NoFap may also help increase the number of androgen receptors you have.

At least it has been shown in animal studies that if you bust too many nuts there is a downregulation of those receptors. 

Is there are link between NoFap, androgen receptors and weigh loss? 

And so you say, "Ok, but what the hell is a receptor?"

Good question!

Look, if testosterone is the key then those receptors are the lock.

In other words, if you have more receptors, you will be better at utilizing whatever testosterone you happen to have.

And yes, it is true that with more testosterone it is easier to build muscle AND lose for example belly fat.

So, the androgen receptor upregulation could potentially help you lose weight here.

But here’s the deal...

That’s not the biggest reason!

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The biggest reason for why NoFap can help you lose weight comes down to dopamine...

NoFap can help you lose weight, because whenever you hammer your reward system with something as stimulating as adult sites, it causes a huge spike in dopamine.

And that spike is big enough that the brain goes, “Mmm...yum yum...more!”...and it starts looking for more things that instantly can spike dopamine

Like for example, yup, you guessed it: junk food.

Porn can cause cravings for more instant gratification stuff...

If you watched my last video called NoFap levels then you heard me talk about how, in the beginning of a reboot, there are also a lot of cravings for junk food and other instant gratification stuff.

And it is a powerful drive.

So much so that if you go on NoFap it will automatically make you eat less of those bad foods.

NoFap is the best teacher when it comes to mastering self-control...

And not only that, NoFap in and of itself is the best trainer for your self discipline.

I mena, just think about it, the drive to carry our genes to the next generation is the most powerful drive we have and thus you will also develop more self-control.

That is just inevitable!

And let me ask you this, well, let’s say you want to lose weight and you go on a diet, do you think self control is a good thing to have?

Yes or yes?

Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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